View Full Version : I was afraid of this: Xmod

04-16-2012, 04:03 PM
So I bought a xmod programmer last week, and as I thought (too late) it came with absolutely no software. I've attempted to look for even the drivers and programming suite for it but theres nothing with the specific versions mentioned, is there anyone out there who may be willing to share? :cry:

04-16-2012, 04:55 PM

EDIT: I'm pretty sure tuna has changed his email recently and that site has the old one.


04-16-2012, 05:00 PM

EDIT: I'm pretty sure tuna has changed his email recently and that site has the old one.

And if you go to the link, you will realize that the xmod download has been disabled :p

04-16-2012, 05:12 PM
And if you go to the link, you will realize that the xmod download has been disabled :p

Tried emailing him ?

04-16-2012, 05:15 PM
I have, but sadly all the accounts at my disposal are considered unauthroized and won't work (damn free accounts).

04-16-2012, 10:47 PM
So I bought a xmod programmer last week, and as I thought (too late) it came with absolutely no software. I've attempted to look for even the drivers and programming suite for it but theres nothing with the specific versions mentioned, is there anyone out there who may be willing to share? :cry:

There is a story to why the software was removed from his website. You will have to contact Paul Niedfeldt or Tunaman. I'll PM you with some details.

04-17-2012, 11:24 AM
I didn't realize there was so much dubiousness around these things, I guess I figured these were more of a pre-order item not a per use sale. Is there some sort of ubersticky someplace thats up to date with this information that I missed? It seems like all the information I've been pointed towards is spewed all over different places on the forum.

I'm a bit disappointed as a casual player who has a minimalist forum presence that there is no real place to get a forewarning. I've looked at xmod for years now but never really new any of the drama surrounding it.

04-17-2012, 11:31 AM
I think this is it


I believe Tunaman is the only one authorized to flash xmod anymore. Especially if you dont have a programer.

Alot of the problem was people bought the programers, never read the end user agreement stuff & flashed guns for a small fee, Eliminating anyone from wanting to buy/pay Paul for his work.

04-17-2012, 06:53 PM
PM Lornecash

But if you make a thread about giving away free xmod flashes he will find you soon enough, lol.

04-23-2012, 01:36 PM
I have the following Software if you need it

Beta 1.8
And the Guides

I copied everything from his site so i wouldn't loose it if i had to reflash mine

Frizzle Fry
04-24-2012, 12:03 AM
I've got 1.7 lowers now, it's new to me. We should meet up it's been a while.

04-24-2012, 06:29 PM
I have the following Software if you need it

Beta 1.8
And the Guides

I copied everything from his site so i wouldn't loose it if i had to reflash mine
Not to be an a hole or anything, but you have no right to redistribute this software. It does not belong to you.

04-24-2012, 06:51 PM
So I bought a xmod programmer last week, and as I thought (too late) it came with absolutely no software. I've attempted to look for even the drivers and programming suite for it but theres nothing with the specific versions mentioned, is there anyone out there who may be willing to share? :cry:

Somehow we need to get the word out, that Xmod is no longer supported, and it appears niedtech has pulled out of the biz completely.

I bought 2 programmers, that are USELESS now - thanks niedtech (and I DID pay you $ long ago, and since I did and you sell it 'per person'.. well you get the drift).

Sorry brah, you got screwed.

Frizzle Fry
04-24-2012, 07:09 PM
Not to be an a hole or anything, but you have no right to redistribute this software. It does not belong to you.

Drix has a stupid number of emags. I'm only donating 1.7 so that he can have it. He pm'ed me when he first got the programmer to hit me up for different software and I'm fairly sure that he doesn't intend to start performing a service just to update his own markers.

04-24-2012, 08:00 PM
Somehow we need to get the word out, that Xmod is no longer supported, and it appears niedtech has pulled out of the biz completely.

I bought 2 programmers, that are USELESS now - thanks niedtech (and I DID pay you $ long ago, and since I did and you sell it 'per person'.. well you get the drift).

Sorry brah, you got screwed.
People do not seem to realize the fact that there is another guy out there making programmers and expecting to get the software free and distribute it to other people for a fee. If you bought your xmod programmer from Lornecash, then there is no problem with getting you a copy of the software for your own personal use. If you buy your programmer from some other guy that is marketing them for profit, well good luck with that. Get the software from him. If you have a programmer that was purchased from Lornecash (we can tell which ones were) then let me know and we will figure something out. ;)

Frizzle Fry
04-24-2012, 08:02 PM
That I did not know, Tuna.

I bet it's the same sneaky prick that's been making "factory" flatline 'cockers. :(

People suck.

04-24-2012, 08:06 PM
People do not seem to realize the fact that there is another guy out there making programmers and expecting to get the software free and distribute it to other people for a fee. If you bought your xmod programmer from Lornecash, then there is no problem with getting you a copy of the software for your own personal use. If you buy your programmer from some other guy that is marketing them for profit, well good luck with that. Get the software from him. If you have a programmer that was purchased from Lornecash (we can tell which ones were) then let me know and we will figure something out. ;)

I'm working on a lengthy post on this, If I knew then what I know now about xmod things would have been slightly different. This experience was not easy and has mixed feelings from a great many people. All I can say is I was unaware of how complicated things were in the xmod world and hope to write a good post that is worthy of a sticky about my experiences.

That post may be up tonight or tomorrow.

04-24-2012, 11:57 PM
People do not seem to realize the fact that there is another guy out there making programmers and expecting to get the software free and distribute it to other people for a fee. If you bought your xmod programmer from Lornecash, then there is no problem with getting you a copy of the software for your own personal use. If you buy your programmer from some other guy that is marketing them for profit, well good luck with that. Get the software from him. If you have a programmer that was purchased from Lornecash (we can tell which ones were) then let me know and we will figure something out. ;)

sold 'em