View Full Version : revvvy keeps on jamming and paintball in pods keep on bursting

02-17-2002, 08:42 AM
yesterday playing some games, i have had my revvvy jam on me 3 times causing 2-3 breaks in the hopper each time making my accuracy go real down because of this, and me going back to the staging area spending 5+ minutes on cleaning the hopper.

also 2 of my tubes were filled with paint because of 2-3 balls broke in them causing me to throw away all or 1/3 of the tube away.

how can i prevent these problems? i'm guessing one is i pack the revvvy and tube whenever i fill. but i thought an evil propellor would help with the jams and what not. i cannot experience these problems again as i have a tourney in 2 weeks. LMK what i can do and what i haven't already.


02-17-2002, 09:39 AM
Check for ridges on the propler of your revvy. Who knows maybe it could be somehow slicing the paint as it turns. About your tubes, you HAVE to make sure you pack the paint nice and tight inside the tubes so it doesnt have room to move around in your tubes causing breakage as you run/slide into a bunker. If none of this works then maybe the paint your using is a little too fragile? Hope I could of been some help.

02-17-2002, 09:47 AM
i suggest you fill your pods all the way. if you can't do that, get a small rag to put on top of the balls, so that it makes it a tight fit.

02-17-2002, 11:38 PM
I hope your hopper isn't too full. That could cause it too.

As for the pods, make sure they're packed in nice so that they don't move around too much.

02-18-2002, 10:37 AM
Opposite rules for pods and hoppers :)

Pods you have to fill fairly tight, or the paint will break. Don't CRAM it in, though, because then pressure on the outside of the pod will break paint, just tight enough so it won't rattle. This is also good because your bunker victims wont hear you coming :)

As got the hopper, if you fill it too tight, the paddle can't spin very well, and you'll have problems. Paintballs in your hopper should have a very slight jiggle to them.

02-21-2002, 07:45 PM
i swear i had the same problem with some 32 degrees, not team colors. (what did i expect at 30 a case)

broke paint in my revvy. i would ruin pods becaus the paint would break in them. ruined the day of play. just a thought.

filling them up completely definitely helps alot.