View Full Version : Level 10 Carriers

El Zilcho
04-20-2012, 12:39 PM
It's my understanding that a lvl 10 has different sized carriers to compensate for variations in o-ring dimensions. I bought a used X valve w/ lvl 10; I only have one carrier, couldn't I in theory just use the one carrier and try various o-rings? Wouldn't that accomplish the same goal? I admit this could be a dumb question, I have never actually taken apart the lvl 10 so I might not understand how it works exactly.

04-20-2012, 12:49 PM
Each carrier's inner diameter is different, effectively loosening or tightening the oring's inner diameter.

In theory, yes. In practice, no.

You're better off buying a parts kit for the Level 10.

04-20-2012, 03:17 PM
As Dayspring mentioned, in theory yes, in practice no.

You need to be able to adjust the tension so that you have just the right amount so that there is no extra friction on the bolt stem. You won't find that perfect match unless you get really lucky. You might test fit a carrier oring combination and think that it fits perfectly, but you won't know for sure, because you won't have the next larger carrier size to determine if one size larger will leak or if it will provide the best performance. Anything other than the best fit might work at the time you install it but cause random bolt stick issues some time in the future.