View Full Version : benchmark?

captian pinky
04-20-2012, 10:53 PM
anyone know where i can get just the steel single trigger?

didnt a benchmark rep hang out in here somewhere.

Frizzle Fry
04-20-2012, 11:23 PM
Contact ProTeam Products through their website - calling is best. Forest will hook you up.

04-21-2012, 10:26 AM
Yeah but don't speak with Tracy. She will say you are mean because you complained she took your money and didn't deliver what you bought from her a couple years later. LOL

Good luck buying from PTP. And in case you do actually speak with them, would you please ask where's my T-shirt?

bound for glory
04-21-2012, 05:37 PM
why anyone would want one of these trigger frames is byond me. everyone i've ever seen had so much trigger play/slop it was retarded.

Frizzle Fry
04-21-2012, 10:07 PM
why anyone would want one of these trigger frames is byond me. everyone i've ever seen had so much trigger play/slop it was retarded.

They were making aftermarket frames much earlier than most - you're supposed to shim the trigger to your desired level of "slop" or play. Delrin and metal shims have been available for ages for use on any number of markers.

They're very good people to do business with, the Micromag issue aside. People should consider that Forest and team were one of the first to add a truly functional ball detent to tournament quality markers, and were the innovators behind the aluminum bodied mag, unibody mag and cocker threaded mag - they've been in the game longer than most AO'ers have been alive. They don't "do" paintball much anymore, they have multi-million dollar government contracts that have to take precedent on their machines (at least over a few thousand dollar side project being done as a a favor to a small community of fans that was sketched by a player and needed R&D work the entire way through production).

PTP didn't ask for the Micromag 2009, they were asked for it. I won't defend the handling of the pre-order situation, it really pissed me off, but compared to so many other pre-orders on AO it was actually successful. People have products in their hands, and every design problem that has arisen has been handled in a professional manner that Eclipse and DYE haven't matched when faced with comparable product issues. I don't have my T-Shirt either but it's a fairly tiny thing to get pissed off about when some of us are $500+ into a G-Force frame or Crowdbuster that will never show up.

captian pinky
04-21-2012, 10:35 PM
why anyone would want one of these trigger frames is byond me. everyone i've ever seen had so much trigger play/slop it was retarded.

well i have a taso frame.im sure not to many others have and it used a benchmark trigger.

Frizzle Fry
04-21-2012, 10:55 PM
well i have a taso frame.im sure not to many others have and it used a benchmark trigger.

It was a clone - most Automag 45 frames are. And not all Benchmark triggers are alike. Do you want one of the steel blades that takes a shoe or aluminum one-piece?

captian pinky
04-21-2012, 11:02 PM

like that one