View Full Version : New toys!

02-17-2002, 10:55 AM
Just got my superbolt and blade trigger i-frame, installed them and lit up my back yard. I didn't have the patience to install them seperately and try each one on it's own, but I have to say that the difference they make together is significant. It was very easy to pull long strings of shots at a high rof (high for me anyway:) ) and NO chops. I was using BE paint from walmart(my paint of choice for back yard utility box target practice). Can't wait to try out the new toys in a game!:D :cool: I should have my warpfeed from donggie by the time the next game comes up, it will be the first warp in my area, nobody else has one! I can almost hear it now,"What's that thing?", "That's not fair!!" I will bring extra kleenex for all whiners.

02-17-2002, 01:07 PM
I know exactly what you mean witht he warp.I was the first one to have one at my local field.this lil kid with a spyder came up to me and was like....:eek: what the heck is that...how do u get ur paintballs in your gun...thats not fair.....etc...it was kool.Congradulations with getting you SB and Intelli....they work GREAT together.I had my first game wit them both yesterday.

02-17-2002, 10:01 PM
Thanks RT, I can't wait to get out and tear it up with the new toys! We are going to try to play in two weeks, weather permitting. This will be the first time playing with a new group, many of them use electro guns, but I think more people will freak out about the warp than the intimidators. I'll let you know in a couple weeks.