View Full Version : Mag discriptions

big poppa fluff
04-27-2012, 02:32 PM
OK peeps this question has probably come up a million times but whats one more going to hurt.
Im looking to buy a top-in mag soon. I have had, pneumags, and mags with electroninc triggers (NOT EMAGS) and many other custom creations; but never mags like: X-mag, SFL, C&C, E-mag, Tunamag, etc, etc.

The main ones Im looking at are the Xmags, SFL and better. But what is the difference in them.
What make a X-mag so great?
Or a SFL mag so dang expensive?
Im wanting the best kind of mag out there. ie (lite/short trigger pull, light wieght, fast shooting with no shoot down, and looks damn Good!)

So please, All you mag Guru's out there, help me out.

04-27-2012, 02:39 PM
SFL was done in a limited run - so there are just LOTS less of them out there, but MECHANICALLY, is no different than an E-Mag.

An X-Mag is an E-Mag with a full aluminum body with a unified body/rail. It has a removable breech like the SFL does so you can do Warp Left/Right and Center Feed. This model also has an Anti-Chop Eye built in.

For all intents and purposes though? They are all fancy E-Mags.

big poppa fluff
04-27-2012, 02:47 PM
SFL was done in a limited run - so there are just LOTS less of them out there, but MECHANICALLY, is no different than an E-Mag.

An X-Mag is an E-Mag with a full aluminum body with a unified body/rail. It has a removable breech like the SFL does so you can do Warp Left/Right and Center Feed. This model also has an Anti-Chop Eye built in.

For all intents and purposes though? They are all fancy E-Mags.
Do x-mags come with ult kits in them all ready?

04-27-2012, 03:26 PM
ULT is designed for mechanical-only guns. You need the full kick of an RT based valve to reset the large sear assembly in the electronic guns.

ULT reduces the pull weight of the trigger, not really necessary on an electronic gun.

big poppa fluff
04-27-2012, 03:46 PM
ULT is designed for mechanical-only guns. You need the full kick of an RT based valve to reset the large sear assembly in the electronic guns.

ULT reduces the pull weight of the trigger, not really necessary on an electronic gun.
Ok, well how is the trigger pull on a eMag/Xmag when it's in mech. Mode? Let's say a 1 to 10 ratio(1 being stock mag trigger pull and 10 being pneu-trigger cheater kit.)

04-27-2012, 03:59 PM
I've never shot an EMag myself and correct me if i'm wrong. I believe the stock on/off in an EMag is the RT on/off so when not in E mode you can utilize the reactive trigger pull.

big poppa fluff
04-27-2012, 04:09 PM
Ok so, it just makes the gun a RT. I just viewed a clip on YouTube where a guy had a ult kit in a x-valve. It shot really good, but it was all mech. So maybe that's why it worked.

04-27-2012, 08:27 PM
Well, there are technically three trigger modes on the E-mags. Electronic, mechanical and hybrid. The first two are self explanatory. The third is a mix of both - electronic pull, RT trigger return.

As for feel, electronic is exactly that - short adjustable pull using the HES. Mechanical shoots just like any mechanical mag out there. Hybrid is just "different."

04-27-2012, 08:37 PM
You can install a ULT in a E-Mag. Only thing with that is there's no instructions to do it. I ULT'ed one of my E-Mags. Took about 4 tanks of air to do it but I got it done. Only thing about it is if not done correctly, you'll end up either toasting your sear, bolt, plunger or a combination of the 3.

I'll one day get dimensions of the plunger and so forth and post them.

big poppa fluff
04-27-2012, 08:51 PM
You can install a ULT in a E-Mag. Only thing with that is there's no instructions to do it. I ULT'ed one of my E-Mags. Took about 4 tanks of air to do it but I got it done. Only thing about it is if not done correctly, you'll end up either toasting your sear, bolt, plunger or a combination of the 3.

I'll one day get dimensions of the plunger and so forth and post them.
Man that would be sweet. I had lvl 10 with a ult in it and it was super lite for a mag. I couldn't imagine a rt with a lite trigger!!

04-27-2012, 10:23 PM
The problem is that the ULT reduces the RT effect. Can't REALLY do both.

04-28-2012, 06:56 AM
With enough pressure you won't have to worry about it.

big poppa fluff
04-28-2012, 07:03 AM
With enough pressure you won't have to worry about it.
What kind of pressure we takin about??... 800psi+ ??

big poppa fluff
04-28-2012, 07:10 AM
Let's say I go with a x-mag (which I probably will) does someone still sell " warp right" breeches?

04-28-2012, 07:13 AM
The new SHP tanks should suffice

04-28-2012, 12:33 PM
What kind of pressure we takin about??... 800psi+ ??

1100 or so. 800 is standard high pressure output. No RT kick at 800 with a ULT.

04-29-2012, 04:12 PM
Let's say I go with a x-mag (which I probably will) does someone still sell " warp right" breeches?

I'm pretty sure Tuna has a stash of breaches.

[email protected]

big poppa fluff
04-29-2012, 04:43 PM
I'm pretty sure Tuna has a stash of breaches.

[email protected]
ya, I believe I will giving him a ring before long....