View Full Version : Benchy Frames

05-15-2012, 09:08 AM
I just purchased a Benchmark single trigger frame. It came in without a safety, it doesnt even have a hole for one. I also noticed the trigger itself looks a little different on the new one versus another that I have. Does anyone know if the triggers should be interchangeable or not?

*Edit: After trying to swap things around, It looks like the triggers will somewhat interchange, but I am finding that the sear rod sits a lot lower on the frame without a safety than it does on the one with. Also, the way the trigger sits in the frame on the one W/O, it pretty much can just flop all the way forward. Would adjusting the trigger rod out on the one w/o stop this?

** ReEdit: Further noticing that the reason the trigger rod is hitting so far down the trigger is because the bottom of the slot where the trigger rod sits is considerably lower than the other Benchmark frame that I have. I have heard that some older frames were made to fit either a cocker of Mag, would this be one of them?

05-20-2012, 06:54 AM
that could be the reason...do you have a pic?

Frizzle Fry
05-20-2012, 10:57 PM
** ReEdit: Further noticing that the reason the trigger rod is hitting so far down the trigger is because the bottom of the slot where the trigger rod sits is considerably lower than the other Benchmark frame that I have. I have heard that some older frames were made to fit either a cocker of Mag, would this be one of them?

Same external design, but the only thing actually made to drop from one into the other was the Madusa.

05-21-2012, 06:19 AM
The frame I have looks identical to a newer Benchmark frame other than no safety and the slot in the back of the trigger area where the sear rod comes through is lower. I'll try to dig up a pic later.

Frizzle Fry
05-22-2012, 03:11 AM
OK last question, in between the grip frames is there a small tab milled out with a hole in it?

05-22-2012, 06:25 AM
Here's a couple of pics.

Close up to show where the trigger rod sits. Notice how low on the trigger it is. With the sear rod this low, the trigger is flops forward pretty far making it difficult to use.

Shot of the whole frame. There is a tab in the bottom part of the frame with a hole in it. Is this what you mean?

Is this an Autoresponse frame? Is the hole in the bottom for the spring?

05-22-2012, 06:56 AM
Yes and no. I have a few PTP frames with the hole at the bottom but yes the AR frames did have the hole and it could probably be converted if you had the guts.

As far as that being a PTP frame. I don't know, could very well be a knockoff or a very early frame. I
have one but don't like it. Will never sell it to someone, it's noting but trouble.

05-22-2012, 07:07 AM
Yeah, I really dont like the way it shoots, but also don't want to toss it either. Converting to AR isnt all that interesting either since I want to use it on a pump.

06-27-2012, 12:29 PM
So I had been thinking about how to make this frame useable again. After mulling over some ideas I think I came up with a pretty simple solution. I found a small washer that had a large enough opening for the sear rod to easily fit through, but small enough that it could fit inside the frame in the millied out area behind the trigger and superglued it in.




Assembled the marker and fired it 20 times or so with no bindage or anything. The washer did come loose at one point, but I don't think I allowed for enough drying time after I had put more glue on. Going to do some more testing and if I don't find any issues, I'll JB Weld that sucker in place. As you can see from the photos above, the washer acaully sits the trigger rod very nicely into the backside of the trigger and keeps the trigger in place as well.

I think this is about the time that I make grunting sounds, beat my chest and yell for my wife to make me a sammich!

Darring D
06-27-2012, 12:44 PM
You could also JB weld the extra space in the milled trigger rod slot. The file the weld down if necassary. That way you wouldn't have to worry about the washer coming loose again.

06-27-2012, 06:38 PM
You could also JB weld the extra space in the milled trigger rod slot. The file the weld down if necassary. That way you wouldn't have to worry about the washer coming loose again.
I thought about that, but it would make it difficult to anodize or powdercoat the frame. Also, would be a lot harder getting into that slot than gluing the washer in.

06-27-2012, 06:48 PM
Drill a hole into the slot area from the top. Then tap it and install a set screw. You could adjust the screw in or out to bring the trigger rod up or down as required. You could remove it to annodize the frame without any issues.

06-27-2012, 07:12 PM
^^^^ Hmm. Like this idea. My tapping skillz suck, but I could still do the washer thing if it went fubar....

Frizzle Fry
06-27-2012, 09:33 PM
That is an AR frame, and some PTP markers shipped with them. The tab at the bottom and extra milling in the sear area will make it tough to use without AR internals. If you like I can get you AR internals, otherwise your modifications look interesting and possibly do-able.

06-27-2012, 10:58 PM
Plans are to use it for a pump, so AR is out, Thanks though.

06-28-2012, 05:56 AM
That is an AR frame, and some PTP markers shipped with them. The tab at the bottom and extra milling in the sear area will make it tough to use without AR internals. If you like I can get you AR internals, otherwise your modifications look interesting and possibly do-able.
lol...where are my AR parts you were talking about making :p

Frizzle Fry
06-28-2012, 09:58 AM
lol...where are my AR parts you were talking about making :p

I only ever did a few, the issue is hardening the sear. They cost too much to make and there are too few people who need them. Do you want one still?