View Full Version : Strange Behavior

02-17-2002, 04:17 PM
When I was a kid there was this game called "dodgeball" where someone
stood against a wall and other people threw rubber balls and tried to
hit him. A variant of this game was called "slaughterball" where there
were two teams and many rubber balls they threw at each other trying
to eliminate players by hitting them. A variant of THIS game was "smear
the (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip)." Now I know the word (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip) isn't politically correct, (editors note...it is now! - cphilip)
but that IS what they called it, and I don't think any of us knew what
(edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip) meant anyway. So, sorry if it offends you.

Anyway, a couple years back I was playing with a new crowd for the first
time and it was the end of the day, and someone said "let's do one more."
and then someone else said "smear the (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip) ?" So, I excused myself to
observe, and sure enough, what these guys were playing was a paintball
version of "smear the (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip)." Now, the rule in this game was that no
player had to leave the game until he wanted to, no matter how many
times he was hit with the rubber ball. The paintball version was basicly
the same - when you get tired of being shot, you leave the field.

Now a couple weeks back our club was hosting another club, and they had
to head home and it was the end of the day and these guys on the other
team started saying "I have like 900 rounds left, I don't want to take
all that back with me" and "yeah, me too, no point wasting paint, might
as well shoot it." So I, of course, immediately offered to take care of
it FOR them, but no, they decided the thing to do was have 25 or so
players head out in woods and play SMEAR THE (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip)!

Of course, I planted my rear end right there in the staging area. But
about that time someone called out "who's gonna ref?" so PHIL jumps
up and says "I'm comming!"

A short while later an amazing cacophony erupted in the woods. This game
does NOT sound like a regular paintball game. There is more trash talk
going down than I've heard at a tourney, and the fire is non-stop. So,
I'm sitting there thinking I'm glad the safety officer isn't around,
'cause I don't know if this is "safe" paintball. About that time
the safety officer comes running off the field, runs to a box of paint,
reloads his marker and tubes and then heads back out into the woods,
meanwhile the fire-fight hasn't let up.

About that time Phil comes walking off and he tells me this: "I saw
this one guy with like 15 hits. On his mask, on his gun, on his arms,
on his chest, and I say, 'you're out,' but he just laughs at me and
runs right on by. There were these other guys and I'm seeing
the paint breaking all over them and I run over there and I'm calling
'you're out! you're out' and they look at me like I'm crazy and just
keep on shooting. Then Rob (team captain) tells me 'you're not out
unless you want to be.' IF THERE AIN'T NO RULES, WHY DID THEY ASK

If course, I stopped trying to understand the actions of 20 year old
kids hopped up on adrenelin and testosterone and playing paintball
a long time ago. All I could do was laugh!

As a fine note, I don'e condone the playing of "smear the (edited to "alternate sexual lifestyle person" - cphilip) not
only because the name is rude, but somehow it doesn't seem safe, and
it is certainly a waste of paint.

Play safe and have fun,

(oh brother....cphilip ;) )

02-17-2002, 04:32 PM
i have heard another game that is also very unsafe. "the pain game" u stand there about 10 or so feet away and light eachother til one person surrenders. You are not allowed to move. I see it as a waste of paint. Nothing more

02-17-2002, 04:45 PM
Sounds fun.:D

02-17-2002, 05:39 PM
a more pc name would be "mercy ball"

works the same way as the 1st post.... great for getting rid of the rest of your paint at the end of a day... lots of fun... generaly not recomened fer the newbie though...

02-17-2002, 06:10 PM
paintballrulzs, I heard of the same exact game only they called it a "Texas Duel". I think they played it with PT extremes though.

02-17-2002, 06:13 PM
ya'll look at those games as hazardous and dangerous and paint wasting.I look at it as a good story to tell my grand children one day when i get them.

02-17-2002, 06:26 PM
i am not really against that game but it could get out of hand.. another way to burn paint is t play tag up you get shot you just walk back to your base and tag up then head back out. when you run out of paint your done and the refs can pus all the players back if they are too close to the oppositions base.

02-17-2002, 08:04 PM
if you're smart and don't wanna get shot for in upwards of 30 seconds to a minute non-stop....first shot, shoot the guy in the family jewels.....that'll end the game...REAL quick.

02-18-2002, 11:44 PM
Ironman! Played this variant of ball you label stq back when I started in ny couple years back. Shoot till you don't want to get shot. Real fun, but not recommended if you have kids playing. Other fun versions of this are ressurection (set a time limit where if you get hit, you go back to start, wipe, and come back), and medic (one person is medic. if you get hit, he comes to you and wipes you. if he gets hit, he's out.) I like them, but they are a paint waster, and I am usually a bit more of a 'budget' player.

02-19-2002, 07:22 AM
Ummm Walt...I did not hear them say that they were going to play Smear the "alternate sexual lifestyle person" game. And I noticed you did not try to inform me either.

Stupid game...:confused:

02-19-2002, 09:13 AM
Another fun game to try is a good 'ol fashion draw... Give 2 players 5 paintballs and have them stand back to back. Have them count off 10 paces, turn and fire... You'd be supprised how many people miss all 5 times!! It's fun. It's a good drill for learning to aim and fire quickly to catch those guys who are comming to bunker you!!