View Full Version : Few questions, asking opinions

05-22-2012, 01:52 AM
So it has been a while since I have done any tourney play. My knowledge of the newest markers, tournaments, and company goin ons is weak. I have a few questions.
My last marker was a Shocker NXT(stock board), Halo B hopper, Full freak set barrel(2 fronts), Mini max flow 68/45. I pawned the gun in a financial hardship and lost it to the pawn shop. I only pawned it for a 100, but now they want 400 to get everything back. My question here, is since smart parts went out of business or w.e that situation is, do you guys think it would be worth it to get the gear back? I dont really want the shocker, I want another Mag and was gonna use the shocker to possibly trade around. Was hopin for an Emag or sumthing of that sort. Anyway, was askin for opinions there.

Tournaments. How big is paintball these days? When I was big into tourneys it was steadily rising. I remember the NPPLs, IAO, the ultimate madness, the introduction of xball(at IAO 2002 I believe).
Is the NPPL still the prime series? Is IAO and the ultimate madness still around? Does anyone have a site for all the major tourneys?

And another, I was recently told there was some changes to the rules of major tourneys. I am concerned primarily with the comment he said, about how he thought RTs werent tourney legal. Is this true? And whats this hes sayin about balls per second being capped?

Thank you for your time! and long live Automags!

05-22-2012, 06:01 AM
And another, I was recently told there was some changes to the rules of major tourneys. I am concerned primarily with the comment he said, about how he thought RTs werent tourney legal. Is this true? And whats this hes sayin about balls per second being capped?

I don't feel I'm able to speak to the rest of your questions but this part I can confirm. Markers must be cap-able at 12.5 bps max for most tourney formats. Pair that up with a rule stating one ball per conscious trigger pull (nppl I think) and mags are out. If you put together an egomag, emag or some other "capable" creation you would probably be good to go... Hopefully someone a bit more knowledgable can chime in.

05-22-2012, 07:57 PM
mags are out? By this are you saying basically no mag is NPPL ready? I would imagine any non RT mag would be acceptable, unless I am mistaken, which would be kinda crappy of the NPPL to be prejudice agaisnt AGD. RTs only fire one shot per pull, so I don't understand why they would be illegal. Although they've always been borderline for people who didn't understand that mag RTs aren't like tippmann or others. thank you for your input though.

05-23-2012, 01:34 PM
The freak and tank are worth about 100 each, the halo is worth less than 50 and the shockers worth about 150,, so basically if you bought it all out of pawn and resold it, it would barely break even

As far as tourney the NPPL is 15 bps capped semi 7 man, they also have a form of 5 manxball that's also 15 bps capped semi, no mechs allowed except for pumps Pump is also 5 man

PSP is xball and that's 12.5 capped ramping. Ramping is when you mantain 3 bps and the gun ramps up to 12.5, the bunkers are smaller than NPPL and its 5 man, depending on league each match consists of several points, who ever wins most points in a match. There are race to 2/3/4/5 points ect. First one to win the most points or games wins the match. PSP also has a 5 man pump division as well

IAO is dead

Also yellow is the new banned tourney color, orange is now legal.

As far as new markers, there's a slew. Bob Longs new gen 6 timmy is the rage as far as stacked tubed poppet guns, if you want a spool valved gun there are Luxes (shocker on steroids, takes freak inserts, talking board, all the bells and whistles) Macdev has the Clone GT out, Planet Eclipse is releasing the GEO 3 soon.

Id go down to the local field and test out guns, to find out what you like, mags are great, but you don't seen them used in tournaments anymore.

05-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Wow thank you for the info. Thats a bit messed up for WGP and AGD. Only the highest end of the two companies even have markers tourney legal. I'd be ticked off if I still shot my RT. I almost feel like getting the shocker and just playin with that cuz I'm not spending 1000+ for a new marker. I don't see the big deal in capping BPS.. back in the day the newest and best was ALL about BPS.. oh well I'm not complaining, you neverneed to shoot over 13 bps anyway.
It sux to hear about IAO.. that was my fav tourney of the year! Oh, another question. WDP's Angels were all the rage back in the day, now I don't see anything about them. I'm guessing they went under? EVERYTHING has changed soo much since my prime days. I guess I'm gettin old!

05-25-2012, 06:36 PM
WGP got bought out years ago

WPD went under last year and Tippman bought some of the patents, they're releasing a new hybrid electro/mech speedball marker to accompany there already electro/mech woodsball markers that TK helped them design

Plenty of great markers for under $500

The rage isn't BPS anymore, its how efficient your gun is, how light it is, and how smooth.

A lot of guns now can get over ten pods on a sible fill of a 68/45

The Axe is a close cousin of the Emag if that's what your used to

Plenty up upgrades still out for the shocker and CHEAP, Id look into a lurker eigen bolt if I was you, lurkerpb.com, or check out pootypaintball.com and look at his shocker internals