View Full Version : Superbolt and intelliframe

02-17-2002, 04:39 PM
Well got the superbolt but I think it was the wrong sleeve because it wouldn't fit. So I did a simple sanding job and got it and the intelliframe installed. One problem though I lost my sear pin about a week ago and had to order a new one. I called AGD and they sent it to me for free (thanks again I really appreciate it), but I didn't think it would come till next week. It arrived today and I popped it in there andI have got to say I am loving them both. The kick is next to nothing and the intelliframe is awesome. I will field test them both in the first game of our tourney series next weekend. Thanks to everyone at AGD both manufactorers and customer service you guys are great. Later

02-17-2002, 07:32 PM
Hey, I have a question. Did your gun have any accuracy changes? Good or Bad? Just curious. Thanx.

02-17-2002, 07:50 PM
No as far as I can tell it is exactly the same. It is kinda hard to compare but any bolt for the automag (not sure about other guns) has nothing to do with accuracy. The superbolt is mainly just a lot less recoil and since I didn't have a foamie bolt it also goes much easier on paintballs. But if you are thinking about getting one I highly recommend it.

02-17-2002, 08:29 PM
Oh, really? Thanx, I probably will get one when they go mainstream.

02-17-2002, 10:12 PM
I just put a superbolt and an i-frame on my minimag, all I can say is SWEEEET!! It feels smoother and the i-frame is very comfortable, the two items put together make it almost effortless to pull long, fast strings of shots without chopping. I think the superbolt has been worth the wait and the i-frame is worth every penny. BTW, I had no trouble with the fit on my superbolt.

02-17-2002, 10:25 PM
Way to go Talls! Glad you like the stuff! You shoulda played today! FUN! I won an airsoft gun at the raffle! And someone won a barrel plug and gave it to me! :D! Jared and Jeremy both won a pair of Oakley sunglasses :). There should be some video on longshots.net with us all on the porch, I am holding my Emag yelling fun stuff lol. :D:D