View Full Version : What do ya think

02-17-2002, 05:59 PM
What do ya think I can get for a mag that has
a Chromo warp body (with the rt pro milling (u know the slant at the barreL))-220
smart parts blue black silver splash Body Kit(rail, sightrail, grip)-150
Matching 16inch AA-80
Retro Valve (came from a micro Rt)=300
45 doble trigger frame, (looks like a benchy but the guard is cut)-30?
Clear warp feed with a VL (pre-Be) 9volt that has the warp hose to go thru it?-180? Brand new this stuff costs 960 what can I get for it?

02-17-2002, 07:28 PM
I dunno, act like you're selling it, and see what people offer.