View Full Version : 1sttime use of warp and retro on a field <my views of the day>

02-17-2002, 06:16 PM
well as the title sayes i got to use my warp and retro finally at a field and not in my back yard...

heres the setup as used to day
miniRT w/warp and Zgrip 12vxboard revy... and an agd sticker on the hopper.... runnin of my hyperflow...

other then the comment of a walk AGD ad... which i was more then happy to answer all questions... and i think i turned a lot of people onto the warp there and a few onto the Zgrip....

anyway.. the field just opened in my local mall and is very spectator friendly and fairly well run... considering that they only opened this past friday... setup with carpet and 55gallon drums....

didnt get much of a chance to fire the first game... taken out on the break as i went to slide onto a bunker... after that only got hit out if i left myself exposed.... the one think i did get alot of today was i was sometimes next to impossible to see and hit....

the field had some real good crawling lanes and the only holes in the barrels were about 3-4" triangles on the bottom... i got many elims that way... lay the gun on its side and fire away... they never knew who got them untill they watched me get others out in the same way...
only 2 chops the whole day with the rp advantage shell... once the warp ran out of paint and i was fireing sideways (forgot to turn my revy on) the other it was the last of my paint... after that i brought in the 3rd tube instead of just 2.....

rof was great my accy with my 8.5" barrel was ok for the way i was shooting...... granted most was from the prone position... that was the best though... layin down only expsoing enough of my head and barrel to shoot at people.. oh it was great... and most of the time nobody looks that close to the ground for somebody to be shooting at them...

well i guess that is enough of my rant for now...

02-17-2002, 08:15 PM
sweet!! sounds like a neat place! Its in your mall??? how big is the field? are there more than one?

02-17-2002, 10:19 PM
it is a fiarly large single field (I helped lay down the carpet ealier this week) it was put in by one of the guys that played on my team last year

02-17-2002, 10:55 PM
so when am i gonna run into ya down there playin so i'm not the only mag there.....

granted it turned a lot of peoples heads... esp a large group of colldge kids that were watchin through the nettin on the mall side... the way a couple of them were droolin i though i was gonna end up covered in white and it would not have been from the paint.....

that an i wanna shot that emag... *8P

02-18-2002, 07:21 AM
I might go this weekend (have to see how the money situation is)
You know what I need ..... I need a 68 4500 tank then I'll be cool oh ya that and a halo ya a halo.... when I have a 68 4500 and a halo then I WILL DISTRIBUTE WHOLESALE EMAG LOVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!1


02-18-2002, 07:58 AM
What mall?? Man, here I am playing at PNL indoor in Taunton when theres a feild in a mall! Apporximatly, how far from Boston or Scituate is it? Whats the name of the feild/mall? And how come no-body invited me :(

02-18-2002, 04:58 PM
it is in the Hadley mall in western mass
the next town over from Northmpton its another excutive paintball location .... probably 1.5-2 hrs from boston

02-18-2002, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by virus
the one thing i did get alot of today was i was sometimes next to impossible to see and hit....

It almost doesn't seem fair, doesn't it! ;) I also happily answered questions all day. Now that I have the warp I can understand see the advantages of the Z Grip better.

02-18-2002, 10:59 PM
lol... yup layin on the ground and the Zis so comfy too....

magmonkey..... why those guyz keep thinking that one gun out distances another.... they just cant grasp basics physics....

that and there were about 6-8 cockers there and only one was workin right... well 2 but this one kid couldnt grasp what a short stroke was and the proper pull on a cocker.... esp over the chrono... funniest thing i ever saw....

so which day this weekend... i'll either be there to harrass ya off the field or be out there with ya layin the AGD smack down on the rest of them *8P

02-19-2002, 09:30 AM
North Hampton eh? Well if I had a car I would make the hike out there, but I dont or a license.

Virus, you gotta come to PNL indoor some day. I think we're gonna be there this weekend to practice. If not, we can always go to Global when it reopens.