View Full Version : hyper fram video please help

Tim Jacobitz
02-17-2002, 06:18 PM
some one posted a video of a amg with a hyper fram shooting but I can't find it again can some one help me find it I need it really bad

02-17-2002, 06:36 PM
Took all of 2 seconds to find. Amazing what that search feature can do. :D


Edit: Link is not working - doesn't seem to work on Odyssey's website either.

02-17-2002, 10:10 PM
I've got a better link for you.

Right click on <a href="http://www.hickorytech.net/~memnock/205.mpg" target="_blank" onMouseOver="document.link.src='http://www.hickorytech.net/~memnock/link2.gif';window.status='Halo and Hyperframe... SWEET!';return true;" onMouseOut="document.link.src='http://www.hickorytech.net/~memnock/link.gif';window.status=' ';return true;"><img src="http://www.hickorytech.net/~memnock/link.gif" name="link" align="abs_middle" alt="Halo and Hyperframe... SWEET!" border="0"></a><br>
and select <b>Save Target As...</b> to save it to your HDD.

Streaming and plug-in linking don't seem to work properly.

