View Full Version : The "NEW DEAL" on how to bring Automag back to the masses.

06-16-2012, 03:28 PM
My Plan was to crowd source a plan.



Now I was thinking more like apple PC market share you know 10%..

Small Group...

Everybody knows you name.

Keeps our manufacturer on the down low.
Lack of new blood.


People are just in awe when they see a E-tac with Warp.
IT FIT'S ME, Z-GRIP, Y-GRIP, RPG, Custom job from luke ect..

Your local shop has a melt down because they cannot find on off switch on you mech mag..

It's a "Jeep Thing". Why not a "MAG THING"..

You see them everywhere but there all a little different.

What con I own Both. And want more.

9 years late....

Better late than never.

Your Late..

More To Come...

06-16-2012, 04:24 PM
I kinda like that we are a small group. If everyone had them it wouldn't be as cool to still be shooting Mags.

06-16-2012, 05:12 PM
I kinda like that we are a small group. If everyone had them it wouldn't be as cool to still be shooting Mags.

Agree. But, it would be nice to see more of the newer generation of players exposed to AGD. I believe it would take a new marker for any significant reemergence. Maybe I'm wrong.

El Zilcho
06-16-2012, 06:30 PM
You would have to make Mags look/feel/shoot just like all the other markers out there. When I returned to paintball after being away for some time I was surprised to see how similar all the markers looked/shot. Really are there any popular markers that are unique in anyway? They all have the same firing modes, they are all lower pressure, they all have similar efficiency.

06-16-2012, 07:07 PM
The great things about mags is that every one of them is a unique piece. People are able to get different rails, frames, bodies, valves, barrels, and other pieces and combine them to make a unique marker that is within their budget, fits their purpose, and is upgradable in the future if they desire.

Personally I would love to see more options on the electronics side. Egomags are the craze and as many would agree completely awesome. But the great things about mags like this is they can be used in tournament style play, where board settings is an almost requirement these days, and then the markers can be brought to the woods and thrown around with no regrets of getting it dirty.

Frizzle Fry
06-16-2012, 07:22 PM
Greater popularity might just equal more sales to AGD, which might inspire Dave and maybe even Tom to make some new stuff direct from AGD... No more pre-orders or third parties or questionable sources, just certified AGD goodness. Change isn't bad, just annoying. Remember how opposed we all were to electronics and eyes back in 1999? Now we're cutting each others throats in a scramble to own an Xmag. A little innovation won't make mags any less customizable or unique.

I think we need a real, competitive AGD team shooting a new Emag.

06-16-2012, 07:28 PM
A new Emag would be nice.

As far as bringing mags to the masses, How about literally? I never see mags (other than mine) at my local field. Tommarow, I'm bringing my brother for his birthday and he'll be using my x-valved ULE while 'll be using a chromed classic mag. I think justy showing up with a mag or two gets people wondering about them. Because they are different looking and unique.

Zone Drifter
06-16-2012, 07:39 PM
A new Emag would be nice. Pretty much, if it's not electro or fast, it's not worth sinking money into. Make it mechanical and people will just not allow it at fields because it's "not fair" to the other players who play semi. Even if semi is semi-ludicrous speed with a mouse click trigger. I admit, fields are starting to come around, especially at scenario games where not allowing all modes/types of fire give the electro users a supreme firepower advantage. Yes, we know skill kills (pumps) but honestly, going all out is a rush and pretty fun.

If AGD could make some sort of newer classic valve with electro capabilities, then I think they would be all set. Perhaps some sort of on/off assembly that is more electric solenoid friendly which can be swapped for a mechanical setup if needed. Like, sell the classic with a lighter setup, but have an electric version with modes of fire and junk. My guess would be an aluminum valve that can use CO2. (I know all this has been discussed here before, and they are good ideas, but AGD needs money to do this.)

06-16-2012, 07:40 PM
Greater popularity might just equal more sales to AGD, which might inspire Dave and maybe even Tom to make some new stuff direct from AGD... No more pre-orders or third parties or questionable sources, just certified AGD goodness. Change isn't bad, just annoying. Remember how opposed we all were to electronics and eyes back in 1999? Now we're cutting each others throats in a scramble to own an Xmag. A little innovation won't make mags any less customizable or unique.

I think we need a real, competitive AGD team shooting a new Emag.

Never had an Xmag, never wanted one either.

Xmags are sort of like a classic RT's, not much in the way of upgrades (read, I hate non clamping feednecks).

Who owns the smart parts patents now ?

Would a new electronic mag even be possible, I mean without AGD in a lawsuit ?


06-16-2012, 07:47 PM
Perhaps some sort of on/off assembly that is more electric solenoid friendly which can be swapped for a mechanical setup if needed.
This would work great if it went for the sear...

If AGD wanted to get into the mainstream again they would definitely have to release some new style electro frame capable of capping the ROF at 12.5. Other than that i think a real competitive team shooting mags would be a GREAT way to get exposure in the paintball community!

Frizzle Fry
06-16-2012, 07:55 PM
Never had an Xmag, never wanted one either.

Xmags are sort of like a classic RT's, not much in the way of upgrades (read, I hate non clamping feednecks).

Who owns the smart parts patents now ?

Would a new electronic mag even be possible, I mean without AGD in a lawsuit ?


GH you've owned some awesome mags, and Xmags aren't for everyone, but name a 10 year old full-production marker that sells for $600-$1000 today in OK shape. I've had two, they're not my favorite, but people cherish them and pay out the butt for them. A modern AGD unibody that takes a more standard feedneck with more traditional detentes in a smaller package with a more traditional battery might just take off.

As for the patents... oh boy, they're spread around. Thankfully people have been more eager to talk rather than threaten. I can't imagine it'd be that hard to get the rights to produce if smaller companies like Alien and Infinity do it.

06-16-2012, 08:25 PM
You're about 9 years too late, boss.

06-16-2012, 08:35 PM
Delorean and some muf from Libyans..... I love all of my mags but there are few reasons to shoot them unless you are a tinkerer type or nostalgic... It would be like trying to get everyone to go from whatever car they are driving to a 70's Impala... yeah that is one badass car and pretty fast to boot but really who wants to deal with setting points??

I remember and argument someone had on here Hill? About how he made his mag mega light and super badass for cheap but the only way that happened was because the parts weren't in demand... if the demand rises so do the price then prices itself right out of use (more likely the parts dry before that happens)

Hell it's almost impossible to join the AO forum anymore from what I've read.... Mags are too expensive to be a wide spread gun anymore. If you want to get more people to use them just keep shooting them at your local field, be a top notch player and an even better sport. I've gotten a couple of guys shooting Mags (or with one shown him that his Mag can be a VERY feisty shooter)

06-16-2012, 10:18 PM
AGD is suffering just as the rest of paintball is by the economy. Even worse than that, from a flood in recent years of mag knock offs that makes anything AGD does around there old platform nothing new.

Simply shoot Mags at a local field long enough and eventually you will convert some. Otherwise just be helpful to new comers and it will get them hooked. Compared to the markers i see at the field a nice mag is not expensive and only requires minimal technical skills to upgrade with companies like Lukes. Just point out there longevity and resale when compared to a 1200 dollar whatever. Also the price of parts and used upgraded mags has never been better.

06-16-2012, 10:20 PM
What sets a marker apart is innovation. By the time other companies get there the markets can change. How bout a MQ style mag with eyes that can operate at lower range pressures. Or a regulator that is +/- 1fps? Something that is different than the norm.

06-17-2012, 06:49 AM
The problem is that most people aren't geared to be mag owners. They want an off the shelf, ready to go, easily programmable marker. Back in the 90's when you either owned a mag or a cocker you had to tinker with your gun to get it dialed in to the way you wanted it. You actually had to practice and learn how to shoot your gun fast. Now all you have to do is program a gun and your ready to go.

The only way I ever see mags making a come back is to have a no battery division. No electronic frames, hoppers, pneumags or Rt'ing guns. The most fun I ever had playing was back then. When the Angel LED came out it changed paintball forever. It changed from a sport of skill to whom ever had the most money to keep up with the technology.

06-17-2012, 08:47 AM
You're about 9 years too late, boss.

Even then...

06-17-2012, 09:11 AM
I believe the PALS league in Asia has a mech only tournament division. That would be the place to focus marketing activities. If AGD had marketing. Which they don't.
Chris Rahel with NCPA was trying to get a limited paint division going in PSP last year. Didnt take, but that idea would be suitable for mechs.
UWL league has position specific specifications, that incorporate different marker types. These are all examples of things AGD could be knee deep in. But they arnt. If they cant capitalize on work others have already done for them, they certainly arnt going to reinvent the wheel on their own.

06-17-2012, 07:50 PM
I been thinkin about this ,, the 1st thing we have to realize is AGD is really a niche / cult market ( at this point in time ) ,
2nd I don't think Mr Roman has made a lot with AGD & I don't think he has a couple million in the bank for R & D & advertising
3rd ( refer back to #1 ) I shoot Mag's & AKA's because I like them & ya know what ? the kids with the 12 egos & 13 geos they all FEAR me

Frizzle Fry
06-17-2012, 08:38 PM
The problem is that most people aren't geared to be mag owners. They want an off the shelf, ready to go, easily programmable marker. Back in the 90's when you either owned a mag or a cocker you had to tinker with your gun to get it dialed in to the way you wanted it. You actually had to practice and learn how to shoot your gun fast. Now all you have to do is program a gun and your ready to go.

The only way I ever see mags making a come back is to have a no battery division. No electronic frames, hoppers, pneumags or Rt'ing guns. The most fun I ever had playing was back then. When the Angel LED came out it changed paintball forever. It changed from a sport of skill to whom ever had the most money to keep up with the technology.

I agree with the latter, but disagree with the former.

I put 800psi into an R/T Pro six years ago and tuned it up and chrono'ed to 285. I aired it up after a few years sitting in the closet and found it shot 285 +/-2 with a tank putting out 800psi. Automags are kind of set-it-and-forget it as long as you feed a it a little oil here and there, just use the same tank output. At the most you might need to adjust the regulator, and frankly it's more straight forward than an inline regulator foregrip.

Back in the day you tinkered, now you'd just bring it to a pro-shop and get it set up, then leave it be... You want to talk tinkering, I tech'ed a $600 Etek at the field and found PAINT inside the HPR and a chipped ram sleeve, the other day I met a guy whose $500 AXE was literally useless because he took a dive and bumped his tank which snapped off an internal piece connected to his rail-mount ASA.

A $450 factory tuned R/T Pro with an updated trigger system (I'm thinking a spring similar to the AutoResponse but with a milled stop so it doesn't "respond" and stops in the trigger) or a ULT would definitely have a place on the field... We just need to be rid of ramping once and for all.

Tropical Life
06-17-2012, 09:40 PM
Let's put down the paintball guns and make AGD a motorcycle club! We will have chapters up ASAP!

06-17-2012, 10:20 PM
Let's put down the paintball guns and make AGD a motorcycle club! We will have chapters up ASAP!
"You know Lloyd, just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this…and totally redeem yourself!!!
:p :p :p

Tropical Life
06-17-2012, 10:48 PM

Frizzle Fry
06-17-2012, 11:27 PM
Let's put down the paintball guns and make AGD a motorcycle club! We will have chapters up ASAP!

Pretty sure ICD already did that when Smart Parts spanked them.

Could we be a book club?

06-17-2012, 11:31 PM
My vote is for knitting...

Frizzle Fry
06-17-2012, 11:37 PM
My vote is for knitting...

$5 and one E-Cookie to the guy who hacks AO so the main page and banners say "Automag Knitting Circle Version 1.0" :D

/is it against the rules to actively attempt to destabilize AO?

06-18-2012, 07:49 AM
$5 and one E-Cookie to the guy who hacks AO so the main page and banners say "Automag Knitting Circle Version 1.0" :D

/is it against the rules to actively attempt to destabilize AO?

this made me ROFL cause I am doing a AGD logo on shrinkie dink

Tropical Life
06-18-2012, 10:05 AM
this made me ROFL cause I am doing a AGD logo on shrinkie dink


I honestly think AGD has been in a great place and will remain one of the Titans in this industry.