View Full Version : When is a newbie not a newbie anymore?

02-17-2002, 08:01 PM
My son and I recently took up the sport of paintball and we still call ourselves newbies. That brought up the question, "...when does a newbie stop being a newbie?" We were just curious. we have both played less than a half dozen times, and still feel pretty raw out on those courses. I myself have never played a woods course, and my son has only played in the woods once. Otherwise, we are the guys who are usually outclassed on a speedball field. Thanks for you input.

02-17-2002, 08:13 PM
1)when you start calling other people newbies
2)when people start either
a)asking for you on their team
b)asking you how to do stuff

02-17-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by xmetal2001
1)when you start calling other people newbies
2)when people start either
a)asking for you on their team
b)asking you how to do stuff

haha well said. I noticed it when people started saying "omg that was YOU!!???!?" after i wailed on them with my good ol' VM-68!!! Those were the days.....Then I got my Minimag and I started screaming "MOOVE!!!!!!! NEWBIE!!!!!!!! OMG WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOOING!!!!!!!!" LOL!!!

02-17-2002, 08:23 PM
In my opinion, we are all newbies. Newbie is someone who is learning? Right? So I don't think there is one person out there who doesn't make mistakes, and never gets shot, and knows every single thing about the sport of paintball.

02-17-2002, 08:24 PM
You start getting shot out at the beginning of the game instead of the end. :) A newbie basically has no clue as to what's going on... once you get past this and have a general idea of what to do and stuff, then you're not a newbie anymore.

/me was never a newbie. :)

Killing my share since day one, game one.

02-17-2002, 08:25 PM
well on my second day out i got asked all about stuff by newbies. obviously i'm still a newbie. i've only played three days. yet still i was answering questions about the mag, about my mask, about my pack, about other people's markers. maybe it's cause i was holding john/udtseal/sprayingmango's minimag and i was wearing a jt proteus and redz dimension pack. :p somehow everybody seemed to think i knew what i was doing. surprisingly enough i did answer a lot of those questions. maybe i'm not a newbie. maybe i just skipped the whole newbie stage. thanks john! haha.

02-17-2002, 08:27 PM
A seasoned player is less interested in other people's equipment... where newbies got that 'eyes wide open' look... "No, you can't touch my EMag - get your own."

02-17-2002, 08:29 PM
Well there is never a certain time to stop calling yourself a newbie. Because as I have witnessed we all have newbie relapses, but I guess I stopped calling myself one when I had been around the sport long enough to know what I did wrong, how to fix equipment, and different things like that. If you know the basics and can hold your own on the paintball field you are not a newbie, well at least to me anyway. Then again I never really call anybody a newbie because it just sounds to much like an insult to me.

02-17-2002, 08:35 PM
You can just look at somebody... observe their demeanor and tell if they're a newbie. See the fear in their eyes. :) People who've been playing have that 'look'... hehe.

Haha, UDTSeal made this pic:

<IMG SRC="http://elvis.rowan.edu/~trussell/brian1.JPG">

02-17-2002, 09:02 PM
HAHAHA! people shooters! ups is coming with my people shooter tomorrow. YAY! look for posts!

i know what you mean about the eyes wide open newbie look. :eek: it was so weird getting that look from kids when it was only my second time playing. it was REALLY weird explaining stuff to them. like what the hell am i doing? why is it that out of all the people here i'm explaining things to the newbies and receiving looks of awe and respect for my paintball knowledge?

02-19-2002, 01:50 PM
You are not newbie when:

- You wear out your sticky grips.

- Your kid's first words are "Bam, you're gone!"

- Your wife tells you to "make a bunker move" when she's in the mood.

- You find a pack of twinkies you stashed in the back bunker, and the only reason no one else ate them is they KNEW they were yours.

- There's a worn spot in your favorite bunker exactly the same shape as
your butt.

- Someone tells you you have a leak in your power tube and it doesn't
piss you off.

- You have pet names for all of the bunkers at your local field.

- Everyone ELSE tells stories about how you got "lit up."

- You tell stories about extreme discomfort, severe pain, and total
embarrasment - and everyone laughs and says "that's hysterical, tell
another one!"


02-19-2002, 01:56 PM
your not a newbie when you beat me:D

02-19-2002, 02:18 PM
My classification of a newbie is when a starting out player makes simple mistakes and uses them as a learning experience. It is when they put what they learn into effect and just go with the flow. I still consider myself a somewhat newbie and I've been playing for 2 or 3 years now. I'm still learning and from time to time I do something really great that makes people go wow. Now I'm all about letting other newbies shoot my marker. Although I don't have a Emag or anything like that (micromag RT) I let them try it to see if I could help someone in a decision of a good marker. Like for me at this moment I'm yet to try an Emag. Why I don't just buy one of my own is cause I don't know if I'll like the feel of it. When I offered to try out an autococker the guy said no but when my friend with his Micro and 68 classic said yes I feel in love with the mag family. Who knows if the cocker guy had said yes maybe I'd have a autococker instead of my mag. Also you'll know when your no longer a newbie. You get this feeling that your a veteran. Maybe that was just my stomach saying "I'm hungry" I don't know.

02-19-2002, 02:57 PM
Your not a newbie the very SECOND that you buy an automag :)

Also when your gun is so pimped out that when you walk up to a crowd everyone stops talking and just glares at your gun----that cracks me up everytime :p

Oh, and what Miscue said... look at that guy in my sig, buahaha :D


Top Secret
02-19-2002, 03:12 PM
Yeah, I love the stares I get when I go to the field with my E-Mag/Warp. I get lots of "Oh ****, I hope he's on our team." That's when you are no longer a newb. I love throwing off other vets by wearing newbie camo. I wear camo pants and a black t-shirt. Confuses the crap out of people and they don't know what to make of me.

02-19-2002, 03:30 PM
hehe you now your not a newbie when you got to a woods field whereing a jersey and then camo paints with a pimped out shiny gun

02-19-2002, 03:38 PM
When you don't bring extra clothes so you can change your clothes to "blend in" with each field lol. I just wear the red/orange flame jersey all the time :D lol. Or when you don't call everybody a "pro" or yell "I shot a pro!". Or call paintballs "bullets" or "ammo", and don't talk about how your marker can "shoot like four and a half miles!" lol, Ive heard all this stuff recently(except the extra clothes thing...thats what I used to do lol). :D:D


02-19-2002, 03:45 PM
- When you no longer shoot people on your own team in the back because you know you can't shoot anyone else... yes, I've stopped that now.

- When you discourage that kid next to you with the "mad-phat" Stringray from making that "mad-phat" move that would "rock" the game with "mad-phat" newbie style. ("..." Newbie lingo)

- When you're parents rush in your room at 1 in the morning because "someone" keeps screaming "REF! REF! Paintcheck on the ***hole in the tube! NOW, MAN, NOW!" in their sleep.


02-19-2002, 04:00 PM
When you just "know".

02-19-2002, 06:25 PM
When you dont have anymore questions to ask.

02-19-2002, 07:46 PM
when he stops worrying about whether other people think he's a newbie or not and just enjoys the game :rolleyes:

02-19-2002, 08:03 PM
You are no longer a newbie when you can snatch the paintball from my hand without breaking it...

You are no longer a newbie when:

You have grabbed, run and hung a flag to win a game.

You stay in the game for more than 50% of the time limit.

You eliminations are more than your "eliminateds".

You begin to feel comfortable walking outside the limited range of a paintball, not having to duck just because they can see you from 200 yards away.

You have a working knowledge of your equipment: you can adjust the velocity, you can clean the barrel, etc.

But deep down, we are all newbies. Some of us just hide it a little better. I find myself trying stuff that only a newbie would do all the time. I should know I can't make that bunker, but something in me makes me jump up and try... LOL...

02-19-2002, 08:24 PM
Your not a newbie when you dont ask if you are one. j/k

Well, Id have to agree wtih everyone else and add,
1) When you dont worry if it will leave a bruize
2) When you could care less that there is 20 bps goin by you
3) When you can see an angel shoot, and you can still easily dodge the balls
4) When you start gasoline fires in the feilds local fire bucket (me:D)
5) When you talk to your bunker during the game
6) When you hug your bunker when you win that tourny

Top Secret
02-20-2002, 03:05 PM
Wow, I thought I was the only one who talked to the bunker. :D

02-20-2002, 04:43 PM
I won't argue because i can't tell you. Just keep playing the game. I suppose we started playing because its fun, and one should never lose sight of it.

02-20-2002, 05:12 PM
your not a newbie when:

1.you know where every person at your local field usually goes

2.when you stop talking all about sqeegies ( i was at my local feild and there was this 12 year old kid and all he was talking about was the sqeegie.he was saying man i wish i had a sqeegie and aren't they just so kewl how they get the paint out with out u having to wash the barrel and on and on and on.

3.the time ppl say "man what kind of gun is that.thats tight" or "Dude can I shoot that?'

4.when a ref looks right at you and you have a paint blot right on your visor and doen't call you out cuz you let him shoot your gun:D had experience wit that:D

and 5.when you leave your tippmann behind and learn about other guns in the world of paintball.

Navy Seal
02-20-2002, 05:43 PM
Your not a nobie when you take a piantbrush, sneak up on an enemy player, and paint their neck! lol, try it, it's fun!;)

02-20-2002, 06:16 PM
Yeah, i really think its a major step when you don't hide from people when they are way out of range. I just sorta walk around in the big wood games meanwhile newbs behind me are screaming and yelling sliding into bunkers. I'm just sitting on a tree trunk laughing at them.

02-20-2002, 06:40 PM
Newbies like to be musical. Stick your head out for a second, they do drum solo on your barrel bunker. Stick head out again, another 50 pings on the bunker.

Playing a vet... stick head out for a second, you hear a few balls zip past inches from your ear. Stick your head out again, they play a tune on your goggles. :)

02-21-2002, 05:26 AM
Your not a newbie anymore when instead of getting shot you just catch the paintballs in the air that are coming at you and put them into your hopper and shoot that person with them:D

02-21-2002, 10:54 AM
You will ALWAYS be a newbie to someone!

But, when you stop asking if you are, then your probably not.

02-21-2002, 11:53 AM
You're not a newbie when-

a) You're willing to slog through 20 feet of deep swamp to flank the other team and damn near lose a shoe(did it)

b) You're willing to swim through a river to flank the other team (did it)

c) When you're willing to climb 20 feet out of the top of a structure to avoid "The Angel of Death" in a scenario game (seen it)

d) When you have sense enough to remain quiet if it's just you versus 5 guys walking by

e) When you have a working knowledge of the game enough to coordinate other players in effective defense or offense.

Top Secret
02-21-2002, 03:11 PM
Hey Dayspring, I saw an article on that scenario game. I feel sorry for that kid who climbed down to avoid Death. :D

You're not a newb when you're shooting semi and people keep asking you if your gun is full-auto. :cool:

02-21-2002, 06:44 PM
I tell ppl they're past the newbie stage when they see me charging and stand their ground and shoot back.... most newbs curl up and put a arm up or something to prepare for hte barage... :D

02-21-2002, 08:17 PM
When you finance your new gun and gain a $1,000 instant credit at the local shop for future toys.

02-22-2002, 12:08 AM
I have already proclaimed myself a forever newbie. I think no matter how good you are you always have so much to learn and grow. There is always someone better at something. If I had pick a test for the normal definition?
1. When the game starts you move you don't hide.
2. You answer more questions than you ask.
3. You feel comfortable at the field.
Forever newbie

02-22-2002, 02:37 AM
you are not a newbie when

1. you arent afrid to scream profanitys at the other team.
2. when people know you at the feild.
3. when you give a pod of paint to the poor 10 year old who spilled all his paint.
4. when you wait for the ref check you before callin your self out if you cant see the mark.
5. when you get mad that you forgot to charge your gun the night before.
6. when you scream " get out of there you newb , i got you , dont make me shot you again , get out get out!!!"
7. when you cant remember where on the feild you left your pods , because you have to find three at least.
8. when you stop thinkin that an 18 inch barrel would be tight.
when you stop thinkin that my Angel is a spyder:mad:

02-22-2002, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by nastymag
you are not a newbie when

1. you arent afrid to scream profanitys at the other team.
2. when people know you at the feild.
3. when you give a pod of paint to the poor 10 year old who spilled all his paint.
4. when you wait for the ref check you before callin your self out if you cant see the mark.
5. when you get mad that you forgot to charge your gun the night before.
6. when you scream " get out of there you newb , i got you , dont make me shot you again , get out get out!!!"
7. when you cant remember where on the feild you left your pods , because you have to find three at least.
8. when you stop thinkin that an 18 inch barrel would be tight.
when you stop thinkin that my Angel is a spyder:mad:

Oh, you have a spyder? I just had to do that.

I haven't had much game experience but when it comes to equipment I'm no newb. 3rd game this weekend. I'm stoked.

02-22-2002, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Top Secret
Hey Dayspring, I saw an article on that scenario game. I feel sorry for that kid who climbed down to avoid Death. :D

I love that article- if for no other reason than my team has a pic in it ;)

02-22-2002, 03:28 PM
I recently turned from newbie to the next level(8 months of playing around 30 rec games)I think the only one who can tell you if you are no a newbie anymore is YOU. If you can look at yourself one day and get a feeling that you learned a lot and nobody is around you trying to give you slack anymore then you are no longer a newbie. When your teamates no longer underestimate you and start depending on you to do your job. You have have a feeling for it. You should feel like you'v just finished something.

02-22-2002, 03:31 PM
I like Miscue's Bunker Beats...but be forewarned Miscue, when that bunker's knockin' it could be me and and wingman rushing you. I paint the bunker, he paints the top of your head...Had it happen to me a few times...A Jerk squeege broke in my barrel and left me to try to get it clear. NOT FUN.:mad: :mad:

02-22-2002, 03:40 PM
For me, not being a newb was the day that I was playing a pick-up rec game at a feild near my house, and this kid I knew said to me 'How do you look so calm?'. I will never forget that. You can always tell who isnt a newb just by the look I guess(as previously stated). Another question which I was asked was by another guy I knew. He asked me 'At what point did you stop sucking?'. Mind you this was after a three man bunker rush and I took out all three people including him(*btw, they all rushed same side :)*).

E==Mag MAN
02-22-2002, 07:17 PM
when your not a newbi hmmmm MY REASONS!

1.When u stop in teh middle of a game to tell yoru friend a joke u remebered.(i did) the kid next to me looked at me liek i was crazy funy ****

2.When you know your hit u call your self out when u not sure u call paint check.

3 When u dont have problems with answering stupid questions

4 When u dont call newbies newbies to their face and make fun of them! that just makes u a newbi ******* with pimped gun thats prolly not yours/happened to me all i wanted to do was turn around and shoot the *******

5 When u talk to ref while playing:) its my weakness

6 When u just play have fun time and could give a rats *** about anyone else but you and your friends:)That guy over there has angel big deal dont give up kick his *** with your spyder. Hell when i first started playing made my day to shoot out the guys with angels and cockers


8 when the only players u worship are me! jk had to

9 when u feel confident as hell your the best player there