View Full Version : AO Community Project: Valve Number Registration

06-26-2012, 03:59 PM
AO: Every few years a community member attempts to compile a list of serial numbers for the different types products AGD has. I realized posting valve information into a forum post so another editor can change the original post just doesn't work.

I figured AO could use a shared document to compile the information into a sortable spreadsheet to keep the information organized and up to date. I would like to continue the community project just like Xmagworld and Pblegion have done in the past, but this time we use a shared document so anyone on Automags.org can freely post their valve information without having someone else do it for them.

I'm trusting the community to come together and work on a project without having to worry about someone trying to delete information so please NO TROLLS.

Currently only SFL, CnC, and STD (Euros) E-mags are on the list. Feel free to help edit the spreadsheet if you would like to add more markers to the list!!!

AO Serial Number Registration: (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiIyZQwEJBr1dFVwdlVzeDdDREhHenR5b3A0a1V4T Wc)


06-26-2012, 04:11 PM
Here are a few reasons why I started this project....

I remember back when Tom was posting these pictures making everyone drool....









06-26-2012, 05:07 PM

I had no idea....

I am subscribing if only to show this to my wife when she says I have too many paintball guns.

06-26-2012, 07:39 PM
Who is this Greg Knight with 15 xmags :eek:

Edit; I didn't see your SFLs in the list. Did you sell them?

06-26-2012, 08:55 PM
Who is this Greg Knight with 15 xmags :eek:

Edit; I didn't see your SFLs in the list. Did you sell them?

Hopefully some AOers from the south can describe him.... Maybe this picture can sum him up...


Btw, I need to look at the SFLs alot closer, I figured I can go through my archives to update it :-) I did sell two of my SFLs (Dust Blue and Dust Red) but i'm glad they have new homes on automags.org!!!

06-27-2012, 04:42 AM
That's a very nice idea, just updated some of mine.

06-27-2012, 05:16 AM
Who is this Greg Knight with 15 xmags :eek:

Hopefully some AOers from the south can describe him...

His handle here is Knight something. He is invisible in both the woods and speedball field, and will cause you to shoot yourself if you play against him. Rumor is that he is Chuck Norris's son.

06-27-2012, 06:32 AM
So were would a gun like mine go on the list, its in part in boxes until I have some time. Its a brand new unused euro xmag body, a new? blue xvalve & ptp lowers.

So its nothing agd ever released.

06-27-2012, 06:54 AM
So were would a gun like mine go on the list, its in part in boxes until I have some time. Its a brand new unused euro xmag body, a new? blue xvalve & ptp lowers.

So its nothing agd ever released.

I would say it would perfectly fit the "Custom X Mags" down the list.

06-27-2012, 08:07 AM
His handle here is Knight something. He is invisible in both the woods and speedball field, and will cause you to shoot yourself if you play against him. Rumor is that he is Chuck Norris's son.

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Greg Knight pajamas.

Greg Knight is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Greg Knight.

Greg Knight has counted to infinity. Twice.

Greg Knight can slam a revolving door.

Greg Knight can cut a knife with butter.

Greg Knight can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

Greg Knight's dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Greg Knight will not take sh*t from anyone.

Greg Knight can delete the Recycling Bin.

I still have a knot on my head from Tunaball 1 where Greg Knight shot me.

All true stories.

06-27-2012, 09:42 AM
Here are a few reasons why I started this project....

I remember back when Tom was posting these pictures making everyone drool....

I remember Jon emailing those files to me to host and post on AO because they didn't have a way to do it back then...

06-27-2012, 10:37 AM
BigEvil: Lol, the recycling bin one got me.
Dayspring: Good times!! By any chance do you have anymore old AO pictures?

Btw, things are looking good!!! Someone just added a Standard E-mag list so I imported some data from the pblegion thread located here...


I really like the way Devilman created his thread so you may see some embedded pictures in the spreadsheet as well.

06-27-2012, 06:55 PM
Btw, things are looking good!!! Someone just added a Standard E-mag list so I imported some data from the pblegion thread located here...

http://www.pblegion.org/showthread.php?t=1252I figured it was a good way to find out what kind of love has been given to the regular emags. This list is a great way to keep owners and wanna-be owners up to date.

06-27-2012, 08:22 PM
Was this intended to be a registry of X-valve owners as well? Or, at least X-valve'd Emag owners?

06-28-2012, 09:44 AM
Was this intended to be a registry of X-valve owners as well? Or, at least X-valve'd Emag owners?

Sure! It is really up to you guys, if you want to track down X-valves, RTs, etc feel free to populate the spreadsheet. I went ahead and created a "Xvalve" tab. I'm not sure how we will populate the information since the mag has an infinite amount of combinations. Feel free to collaborate!!

06-28-2012, 10:20 AM
Sure! It is really up to you guys, if you want to track down X-valves, RTs, etc feel free to populate the spreadsheet. I went ahead and created a "Xvalve" tab. I'm not sure how we will populate the information since the mag has an infinite amount of combinations. Feel free to collaborate!!

I broke down the X-valve tab into the three categories I know about. First, being the valves with "RT" lasered over top of the "X", second being the valves labeled "X-Valve", and third the valves with just the "X" on them. Are there other variations that weren't one-offs?

I suppose anyone can just start putting in valve numbers at the top, and then the next person to put in a number should just insert a row above or below to continue the sequential order. Otherwise, I'm not sure of the range of serial numbers or where we should start.

Am I correct in thinking that this is a valve-registry first and foremost? Meaning, you can describe what marker the valve is currently part of, but the registry isn't for the marker, it's for the valve?

06-28-2012, 10:23 AM
I think the valve registry part is going to be tough. Even trying to keep track of standard EMags since they are so often parted. I have two Emags and both were built from parts. I can see tracking SFLs and XMags as they seem to usually be kept together, but going beyond that is going to be a PITA. And then you have some of us with valves sitting here that have had the serial numbers taken off and reanodized.

06-28-2012, 10:58 AM
I think there is one started on PBL. Devilman started it IIRC... a database for everyone to have access to would be much better.

06-28-2012, 11:06 AM
.. a database for everyone to have access to would be much better.
Until some A-Hole decides to delete it. :mad:

El Zilcho
06-28-2012, 11:15 AM
I am sure someone here is smart enough to back it up elsewhere periodically.

06-28-2012, 12:18 PM
Justus: Looks good! For the most part the CnC, Euros, and SFLs don't get parted out that much, but I figured it would be cool to see all of the ranges of serial numbers AGD created in one centralized location. I think it’s pretty cool to see how old your valve number actually is.

Also it can help make sure the marker is legit. For example, if someone was trying to sell XT00241, someone could look up the valve number and see that it was stolen at one point.

OPBN: What I had in mind was to track down and organize as many AGD markers as possible. Even though the marker is not 100% the essential heart and soul of a mag is still the valve number. If the custom marker doesn’t make sense, we can always nix the idea. Essentially this is a social experiment to see if AO can come together and work on a single goal!!

zondo: That was one of the starting points for the thread. The link should be a few posts back. The problem is that the thread hasn't been updated in 4 years. It also puts Devilman as the only editor to the list.

I also edited the top line to thank Devilman for his contribution!

emcl29: I figured a Google doc would be the easiest solution. I will be maintaining back-ups, but I’m interested to see if Google has their own built in back-up features.

06-28-2012, 12:46 PM
So if I have an Emag with an Xvalve in it, does it go under Xvalved markers or Standard Emags? By the same token, if I have an Emag valve on a non-Emag, where does it go? (I dont currently, but used to have a couple)

06-28-2012, 01:14 PM
I would think the valve type needs to control, since that's where the serial number is. For example, I have an X-valved E-Tac that I put together, which used to be a Tac One. I'd list it under the X-valve list, and make notes there saying that it's an E-Tac. I used to have an Emag valve on a classic body. I'd put that one under the Emag valve list, and make notes saying that it's a mech marker now.

That would also allow valves to be registered even though they're not currently part of a build. Just state so in the notes.

This would also allow us to expand into the Classic valves with yet another tab if anyone desired to do so.

06-28-2012, 01:26 PM
Question on the X-valve list, since it's already begun to populate: Some serial numbers have a leading zero, while others do not. Is this an expression of age? For example, is VV8399 older than VV02797? There must be some confusion on this, as the sequence of serial numbers is already messed up.

Also, I was thinking the "Model" column would be what the marker is, and the "Misc Info" column would be where to explain the mods and/or upgrades. Example for my marker, the "Model" would be an E-Tac, and the "Misc info" would be custom milling, Tunablade, Xmod 1.8, etc.

06-28-2012, 01:28 PM
Do you think we should combine the list together? For example, the euro STD and SFL emags are mixed together in sequential order, but the valve numbers are still in order. The only change would be the model number.


STD EM01100 Gloss Red Marko "Vellu" Waaramäki
SFL EM01421 Black to Red User
CnC EM01426 Dust Black RST


CnC VV04758 Gloss Shark Attack anno p8ntbal4me
E-Mag VV04756 Gloss Black Dirge

So when AGD changed the Xmag valves to VV we could add any X-valve with the VV serial number. All in one list.

06-28-2012, 01:46 PM
I like keeping X-mags separate, and using the X-valve list as a "catch-all" for all the other markers. Just need to make sure that within each list, the valve numbers are listed in sequential order.

06-28-2012, 02:14 PM
So some Xmags had VV serial number Xvalves and some had XT serial numbered Xvalves?

06-28-2012, 03:02 PM
So some Xmags had VV serial number Xvalves and some had XT serial numbered Xvalves?

Exactly. I can't remember why AGD changed it. Off to the archives!!! :D

06-28-2012, 04:37 PM
An Emag is defined by the emag lowers. So, X-mags, SFL's, CNC, ULE, Micro, and standard Emags are all different beasts and are separate from other mags, even if the other mags have an emag, retro, or X-valve. Another category can be made for non-emags where they can be classified by valve type.

06-28-2012, 04:55 PM
An Emag is defined by the emag lowers. So, X-mags, SFL's, CNC, ULE, Micro, and standard Emags are all different beasts and are separate from other mags, even if the other mags have an emag, retro, or X-valve. Another category can be made for non-emags where they can be classified by valve type.

So you think my E-Tac should go in the Emag category, even though it started off as an X-valved Tac-One Longbow before I added Emag lowers? If that was the case, then a valve could be registered once as a mech, and then would have to be moved to a different category once Emag lowers were added.

I have to disagree. I think for simplicity's sake, since the valve is the only part of the gun with a serial number, then for anything other than an X-mag or SFL we need to concentrate on registering and categorizing the valve first, and then describing what marker surrounds it second. I.E., we should have a list for Emag valves, RT-Pro valves, ReTro valves, RT-X valves, X-Valve valves, and X valves. Once the valve info is put in the database, then add the details for the rest of the marker.

06-28-2012, 08:52 PM
So you think my E-Tac should go in the Emag category, even though it started off as an X-valved Tac-One Longbow before I added Emag lowers? If that was the case, then a valve could be registered once as a mech, and then would have to be moved to a different category once Emag lowers were added.

I have to disagree. I think for simplicity's sake, since the valve is the only part of the gun with a serial number, then for anything other than an X-mag or SFL we need to concentrate on registering and categorizing the valve first, and then describing what marker surrounds it second. I.E., we should have a list for Emag valves, RT-Pro valves, ReTro valves, RT-X valves, X-Valve valves, and X valves. Once the valve info is put in the database, then add the details for the rest of the marker.

If you look at DM's thread, he just broke it down by Valve. I think it's fine to track Xmags and SFLs by the valve until someone decides to part it becase there is no other way to do it. then maybe you'd have to add an asterisk because we are tracking the body at that point (I think :tard: ).

Trying to track all the other iterations that an Automag can take will get problemmatic.

06-29-2012, 06:24 AM
Xmags have had valves exchanged before as well. A valve is just a valve. It can go into any mag. Its not the valve that makes one mag different from another. Its the body and frame it is installed in.

Most people don't part them, and if they do, its easy to find the serial numbers in the list if they are alphabetical/numerically listed. It is up to the current owner to list the valve in the proper place and remove it from any other existing location.

You don't want to track all mags by their iterations. You only want to track the valves. If its not an emag, it should only be listed by valve.

06-29-2012, 06:42 AM
So you think my E-Tac should go in the Emag category, even though it started off as an X-valved Tac-One Longbow before I added Emag lowers? If that was the case, then a valve could be registered once as a mech, and then would have to be moved to a different category once Emag lowers were added.Yes. When you purchase(d) an emag from AGD all they did was add whatever body you wanted onto an emag. The rails were the same ones as the retro. The body was the same. When the X-valves came out, even the valves were the same. So, by adding emag lowers to your gun, you did the same as would have been done at AGD if you had purchased an E-Tac. Its no different. Therefore, at this time, it should be registered as an E-mag with tac-one upgrades.

06-29-2012, 07:39 AM
Exactly. I can't remember why AGD changed it. Off to the archives!!! :D
This is a conversation I had with Tom about the numbering.

John Bonot
Quick question for you Tom

What did the "CF" in the Classic Valve serial numbers mean?

December 15, 2011Tom Kaye
Nothing, we just added letters so it would look good and you couldn't tell what actual serial number we were on.

December 15, 2011John Bonot
ROFL, very nice....So the "RT" "EM" "VV" etc...valves were done the same way?

December 15, 2011Tom Kaye
Well after the first series we tried to add letters that mean something, sort off...

06-30-2012, 12:32 AM
I bought the dust pewter X-Mag off of Enemy a couple of years ago, updated the list to reflect and added a pic (row #308)

07-18-2012, 09:02 AM
am I blind or no classics on the list?

07-19-2012, 04:50 AM
am I blind or no classics on the list?Too many valves to properly classify and keep track of.

07-19-2012, 06:52 AM
bummer. i would love a classic valve decoder :(

08-23-2012, 02:50 PM
Any new owners? :cheers:

09-10-2012, 02:00 PM
small update

12-01-2012, 02:44 PM
XT00127 added. Found on Ebay if anyone is interested. Gloss Black with Warp RIGHT breach.

12-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Seems odd that Euro (non CNC) Xmags don't feature on the list?

12-02-2012, 09:49 AM
The left column should show if it is a CnC, STD, or SFL.

12-02-2012, 12:14 PM
i added alittle to the chart and changed some stuff that is now what i own.

i have a STD euro xmag. it was gloss black and was owned last by littleshwade, it came with an x-valve. other then that i have no idea where to put this STD xmag.

**EDIT, i added emax valve identification area on the x-valve section.:cheers:

04-17-2013, 10:32 AM
Went looking for this thread and found it on page 7! :eek:

Here's a vote for a good resource like this to be sticky'd.

10-06-2014, 10:34 AM
I have nothing fancy. Added my stuff.

02-12-2017, 01:10 PM
Added my original owner Xmag to the list. I have a few other mags I can add later.

08-03-2021, 08:39 AM
Added my Standard Emag EM00135 to the list.

08-10-2021, 10:23 AM
I've owned Gloss Pewter X-Mag XT00279 for a while now. Updated it.

05-27-2024, 01:45 PM
I now own vv6489 but couldn’t edit the sheet. Shooting good still.