View Full Version : Please Convince Me to Play Paintball...

02-17-2002, 10:32 PM
Well, I sold my MP3 Player and everything to get money for a mag even though I had never played before. It seemed like the greastest sport ever. Then my friend had a party and we went to play paintball and 2 guys had full auto. The balls were going so fast i nearly pissed myself. Even the semi-auto ones were flying so fast I was scared. One of my "friends" came up behind me and shot me 3 times in the back from 3 feet away in speedball. I had huge welts on my back. Afterwards after getting scared *edit* I'll try to convince you to not cuss in the forums. Army and bruised I was like, is this worth it? I know my friend was dumb, so you don't have to tell me that. But the game just may be too fast paced for me. I play hockey so I'm not a wuss, I just was scared for some reason. Please convince me to buy a mag and play the great game of paintbal!

02-17-2002, 10:42 PM
Um... just get out there and do it! After a while you'll get used to it.

02-17-2002, 10:46 PM
first off... you really really need a chronograph from what it sounds like. (You mentioned that even the semi ones were 'flying fast') I would never again play without a chrono, and it really only takes one time for someone to get seriously hurt before people realize this. Myself, I was shot in the neck from 20 feet away by someone, only later to find out that it was shooting 400fps after we decided to collectively purchase a chrono. I have a scar on my neck now that is a constant reminder of our stupidity, and do encourage you and your friends to invest in a $50 chronograph before someone gets really hurt. (i can only imagine what would have happened if the 'boys' were hit @ 400fps... yeouch!)

and for your question, that really doesnt sound like much of a game at all! i encourage you to play an actual game of speedball at an actual commercial field that regulates people from fullauto, and bunkering people @ 3ft away. give it a second chance, we all have our bad paintball days :)

good luck!

02-17-2002, 10:52 PM
well... if you play hockey then you have no real reason to be scared.... as the is no checking and gettin hit with a puck from a slapshot has got to hurt a heck of a lot more than a paintball...

getting bunkered from 3 feet away is about the worst you should ever feel... unless some guy is being an idot and just over shooting on purpose...

IMHO hockey can be more of a fast pace game then paintball.. granted both have there moments for being really hectic... but the length of a paintball game compared to hockey it just seems like more.... cuz its kinda in a compressed format esp speedball type games which can last under a min to 10 mins...

deff. go out and play a few more times... you will start getting used to the speed the ball travels... and if you are playin rec and ya get shot out... its really no biggie... just gives ya a little more time to rest, get a drink, reload and clean up a little before the next game and havea go at it again....

02-17-2002, 10:56 PM
paintballs whizzing by my head is actually what got me hooked on paintball. the sound that they make as i was laying in a bunker and they were flying over me was just so awesome. i lay there looking up at the balls flying by and thought to myself "this is sooooo cool." it's definitely scary at first but also exciting.

what kind of field were you playing at? was it just something your friends put together or a real field? did you chrono? you have to play by the rules. chrono and try not to shoot someone from that close range. once you play and get hit a couple times at normal ranges with guns that have been properly chronoed the fear goes away cause it doesn't really hurt. my first time was horrible. everybody was shooting hot. i was sittin there with my rental tippman. i got bunkered and shot from about 5 feet away by someone who was shooting hot and refused to stop shooting me. he shot me like 8 times all up my leg. bruises everywhere. but i realized the potential that the game had and that the reason i didn't have fun was because of the field and the people there. so i played at a better field and now i'm hooked. i just dropped $700 on a mag setup and i won't regret it for a second.

02-17-2002, 10:58 PM
Scared or nervous, theres a difference. Its hard to tell them apart sometimes, to compare for you, I'd guess it would be the feeling before a big game. I like that feeling, it means I care enough about what I'm goin to do. Without it, nothing would be the same, I think being nervouse helps you play better, it makes you more aware of whats goin on.

02-17-2002, 11:48 PM
man I can't tell you why to play because some friends invited me to play once and I havent ever looked back and that was 6 years ago and now I just try and tell people about the sport. Don't worry about guys with angels, shockers, cockers and what not sure they can shoot fast but you will eventually get used to seeing that much paint. All I can say is buy a gun (doesn't have to be a mag) and play a few times. If you don't like it just don't play, it's as easy as that. Take my advice play a few times and then make your decision don't do it after one time.

02-18-2002, 12:19 AM
man just het out their and play.... it dosent hurt to get hit im only 13 and iv been shoot point blank like 15 million times. and iv also bunked about 30 million times. well all im sayin is that it is the best sport ever so go PLAY!

02-18-2002, 08:20 AM
buy something like a stingray first and play a few times and get used to playing i wish i got a stingray instead of the talon

02-18-2002, 08:43 AM
what other reason do u need then what u just sad.Thats what keeps me in the game.well if you need some convincing, look at the guys gun above me.THATS A MAG:rolleyes: well also....once you get a mag the fast pase of the game slows down a bit cuz u know your gun is just as good as theirs and your not as frieghtened(well I'm not)If you trust your gun then it dont matter how good theother ppl are, a man who trusts his gun is a force to be reckoned with,ESPECIALLY IF U GOT A MAG:D

02-18-2002, 08:49 AM
just do what miscue says and you'll get used to it. i love paintball just because of the way it makes me feel.

[email protected]

02-18-2002, 09:00 AM
can u show me the story or movie or what ever that had a griffin say "Never More"?I thought it was another bird of pray something like the pidgeon or sparrow or RAVEN or even the bobcat. :confused:

02-18-2002, 09:49 AM
If you have any doubts, you should NOT play paintball. Paintball certainly isn't for everyone. Don't waste your money on a gun.

02-18-2002, 11:55 AM
Wow, thanks guys I just woke up and saw all the responses. AO is truly a great place. To add to my horror story a little more, I had a rental Pro-Lite POS with a goggle I could barely see out of. There was a chrono machine but it was less than required to chrono. We had this one idiot that was invited who nobody likes that brought his RT Tippman and Autococker both shooting hot. I would be behind a bunker and the thwaps the balls made were so loud it seemed like they were going to burst through. I ended up pretending I was hit on the last game and going out because I was freaked out. Maybe you're right, paintball just isn't for everyone. I am just very disappointed because I had a sweet chrome mag all picked out made by Tunaman and now I have nothing and an empty dream...


P.S. It is a Raven that says "Nevermore" it's just a takeoff...

02-18-2002, 12:06 PM
What is that sayin by TK....."if you dont get shot 50% of the time,you arent playing hard enough"...?I think getting shot may hurt alittle,but again another sayin.."you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette"...

02-18-2002, 12:29 PM
Wear baggy clothes and a cup, that will help keep the impact pain way down. Not counting the 3 foot hit (bad form on a rec field), it doesn't hurt more than a few moments, like banging your funny bone, it goes away before the next game or sooner.



02-18-2002, 12:35 PM
u mean u should wear a cup when u play??????? :confused: i never have and no wonder it hurtz alot when i get shot their. J/K

02-18-2002, 12:37 PM
You said you had a broken dream?buy the gun,play a couple of times.Once you get hooked you cant quite,TRUST ME,I've spent bout 3000 dollars on paintball in the last 3 months.If that aint addiction then what is.it very fun.Give it a good chance.

02-18-2002, 04:40 PM
STOP DEBATING AND PLAY. all u do is pull the half moon

02-27-2002, 04:33 PM
hehe, haven't been here for a while.

ANYWAYS!! I was playing that day with Griffin, the field was kind of strange because they kept saying if we took off our masks outside of the 'designated area' we would be instantly ejected from the rest of the day, but they said nothing about a chrono. I had to ask where the chrono was because they didn't say anything. Masks are useless if the guns shooting 99999+ fps.

The kid that nobody likes had, like griffin said, a Tippmann 98 with a LP kit, e-bolt, some purple anodized alluminum to look good, i think it was a teardrop barrel, and a 68/4500 nitro tank. This kid shot me in the chest from about 25-35 feet and it left a welt, and hurt like hell. That gun was louder than anyother gun i've ever heard, seriosuly. It was like shooting without a barrel, but made this big suction noise like he was shooting tennis balls or something.

02-27-2002, 04:42 PM
what if you weren't ever scared or nervous when you played? how boring would that be? freight turns into adrenaline quickly when you accept that it's a sport and that people aren't "out to get you".

02-27-2002, 05:15 PM
Heck, I never got really freaked out, nervous, or scared when I started playing my first game. I tried to rush up the right tape and ended up in a firefight. Too bad my friends weren't covering me as well as I thought. We all got shot out within a 5 seconds of each other. It never really bothered me. I was playin against a team with a shocker, electro spyder, and rt tippy... I think it was just because you were thinking about too much. lol...