View Full Version : Paint to Barrel Match Information

02-18-2002, 07:40 AM
Is there a good website or method of finding out what diameter current paint on the market is? I'm going to purchase a Freak system and was wondering what inserts to buy. I play quite a bit of indoor and it seems that the field paint is usually Marballizer, Big Ball or PMI.
Current Freak owners: Do you "test" the paint in the insert first somehow? Does the system come with information about what insert to use with what paint or is it just trial and error on that particular day? I know that a chart will be useful only to an extent, because the humidity that day and the age of the paint contributes to it's size.

02-18-2002, 08:03 AM
I used a freak once and i just did the blow through test with each insert until i found the right match and then i used that insert

02-18-2002, 08:17 AM
here is a good one


02-18-2002, 08:49 AM
any1 see that bore thing at I&I it tells you your bore on your paintballs. It seems like a good idea

02-18-2002, 10:57 AM
.689 is usually the standard bore size in many barrels,and is a very common paint size,i am pretty sure all the paint you mentioned has a .689 size.

02-18-2002, 12:11 PM
those charts are no good because paint size changes all the time. When it's colder, the paintball shrinks. I had some Team Colors the other day which rolled out of my .688 Boomer. It's ususally a good fit, however it matched my .686 Lapco AS pritty nicely. When it gets hot and humid, paintballs grow. I've had soem small bore Diablo grow larger than all my barrels last summer.

02-18-2002, 04:27 PM
I shoot a Freak. The thing to do is break down and buy the set. After one or two inserts you might as well. Whenever you go to play you find the largest insert your paint doesn't just fall through. Different paints tend to be either larger or smaller, but will vary a lot. For example, Proball tends to be fairly large, unless its Proball Platinum, which is rather small. Same can be said for all other brands.

As others have pointed out, the temperature and humidity can actually change the diameter of your paint within a fairly short time, so you can't assume that one size really works all the time.

I've been shooting the Freak for about a year now, and I really love it. It gives me very consistent shooting when I've selected the right sleve. I think you can get by with about 3 normal barrels and most paint, but if you REALLY want to get the best match, something like the Freak is about the only way.

Play safe and have fun,


02-19-2002, 11:30 AM
Wow - thanks guys - this will get me on the right track - this is exactly the information I was interested in.