View Full Version : 3 questions about warp

02-18-2002, 02:23 PM
alright i just picked up a warp and its a lil confusing!

question #1. on the warp, what hole is for the hopper, and what is for the hose? one hole fits the hopper good, but the other hole is to osmall for the hose.. so what hole is for what?

#2. how do i break in the motor? i read the instructions, but i still dont clearly understand it.

#3. what side should i mount it on?? i am right handed.

thanks. yea yea i know these are stupid.. but what can i say, i take pride in my stupidity..

02-18-2002, 02:33 PM

1. If you mount the warp on the left side of the gun (you will want to if you are right handed) the black electronics cover will go towards the gun. This will make the hole in the front for the feed tube that goes to the gun and the hole in the back for the loader. There are three pieces to the feed tube. The tube itself, an adapter for the warp and an adapter for the feed tube on the gun (I am assuming you have a a warp feed body).

Losen the bolts holding the warp together and insert the feed tube adapter in the front hole and put the loader in the back hole. Tighten the bolts back up. Put two of the black orings on one end of the black tubing and then push it into adapter on the warp. Then figure out how you are going to route your feed tube and cut it to the correct length. Place two more orings on that end of the tube and push the other adapter on the end (the adapter will only fit one way).

2. Hook up one 9V battery to the warp. Take the black electronics cover off and turn the sensetivity adjuster up until the warp runs constantly. Wait for the battery to die. Once the battery is dead, replace it with a new battery and then adjust the sensitivity back down to where it should be.

3. I think I answered that in #1.

02-18-2002, 02:41 PM
thanks alot muzikman! im going to do it all now.. the only thing is that i have a PF.. i dont think it will make "too" much difference but o well.
