View Full Version : Tourney Yesterday--->E-mag=uber (somewhat of a review)

02-18-2002, 03:26 PM
I shot about a case of paint in the span of four games (ended up playing 8 of 9, but i used my cocker the first couple games), shooting voodoo (VERY brittle paint, often 0 bounce, sometimes as many as 4 bounce), and I had 0 in-gun breaks. I limited my ROF to 9BPS to ensure I wouldn't outshoot my revvy, and you'd be surprised how much speed that still allows you to have. I also have vert. feed, and it worked flawlessly.

The chrono speeds yesterday were 285FPS max. on and 300FPS max. off. I chronoed my gun in and ended up getting a range of 278-283FPS and was never above 285 or below 275, and even those were rarities. Using my 12" J&J barrel I averaged 1000 shots per tank (hopper and 5 pods) with about 600 psi left in the tank.

The trigger on this gun was effortlessly easy to shoot. I normally shoot about 5 bps on my cocker, maybe up to 7 at times, a little bit faster with my minimag. With a friend's matrix it was slightly higher, maybe a max of 8 or so. After 2 games of getting used to my e-mag I was easily putting out streams of paint, i could empty an entire hopper at a sustained 9bps (what board was limited to, haven't experimented yet with higher ROF, but frankly i don't need it). I used it in strict electric and see no reason to use hybrid as this is more than fast enough for me and provides control over my speed.

conclusion, i love this gun and you'd have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.

02-18-2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by KamikazePenguin
conclusion, i love this gun and you'd have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.

If you insist. ;)