View Full Version : Paintball Is Fun !

09-07-2012, 07:53 PM
We are cleaning things up and gearing up especially for the Armson sights and getting our Nuclear license to put tritium in the sights. I can not have anymore clutter. We are getting ready for our state inspection.

Is it just me, or does it seem like theres always something more important than finishing that last project ?

I dont care about the free T shirt any more, honestly.

Its the money I sent for the extra shirt, and the money I sent for the proprietary sear pin, that gets right under my skin.

I'd just like the courtesy of a response to an email or something.

Actually I'd like the money sent here at this point :


But still, I'm thankful to still be able to play paintball at my age.


09-07-2012, 08:23 PM
Saw this train wreck coming from miles away. Probably could go back in time and see it coming from orbit.

This is also why I'm a fan of a press-fit sear pin, if it's possible. Just a normal 1/8" pin obtainable from any hobby shop crammed right in there.

09-14-2012, 02:02 AM
Is it just me, or does it seem like theres always something more important than finishing that last project ?

I dont care about the free T shirt any more, honestly.

Its the money I sent for the extra shirt, and the money I sent for the proprietary sear pin, that gets right under my skin.

I'd just like the courtesy of a response to an email or something.

Actually I'd like the money sent here at this point :


But still, I'm thankful to still be able to play paintball at my age.


What thread is that tracy_ptp quote from?

09-14-2012, 02:12 AM
What thread is that tracy_ptp quote from?



Post #6

Frizzle Fry
09-14-2012, 11:32 AM
Is it just me, or does it seem like theres always something more important than finishing that last project ?

Military Contracts = Keeping the company in business, hundreds of thousands of dollars, growth, the primary focus of Armson USA.

Paintball Projects = Something AO members begged for, hundreds of dollars, zero profit, done as a favor to the remaining automag fans.

It's the same case as what happened when all the mills were occupied by "real" projects and the Micromag bodies got delayed... The priority had to be "real" military contracts, the ones that keep Armson in business, rather than small pet projects that actually lose them money but are done for the fans who beg for them.

I'm not saying I was satisfied with what happened with the MM2k9 project, but I understand the delays. The fact that PTP even did this project after 8 years away from the sport is amazing to me. I know some people have had issues, and some people THINK they have had issues, but in the long run this was not something PTP offered up, but something the community asked for. You've been ok about it GH but some people have been downright pathetic, going as far as to mass-email Tracy on her birthday to harass her and call her names.

The more "real" projects that Armson finishes, the more time and extra funds they will have to devote to the pet projects left unfinished. Getting re-certified to use Tritium in their night-sites is just the same as a restaurant being re-certified by the board of health; it's going to happen and you want to clear out the crap and make things look nice before it does - again, that's a large percentage of their business

I'm more than happy to wait for my T-Shirt; this has been a frustrating project but pointing the finger at the everyday operating procedures of the company in their real business isn't going to help or fix anything.