View Full Version : Decision on a gun

02-19-2002, 05:08 AM
I quit playing 2 years ago.. I got a spider but having done this mistake I am looking into getting an automag.. I was just wondering what would be the best thing to start back out with.


02-19-2002, 05:27 AM
Hi Norric! Welcome to AO! I'm sure the friendly people here will give you all kinds of good advise.


02-19-2002, 05:35 AM
Norric a great way to start is to pick up a second hand Automag. If you want to start a little higher up then an RT Pro is a great choice but you will need an air system and it will cost you some more $$$. Worth it in my opinion though.

Either way, whatever you decide and whatever gun you finally go for, welcome :)


02-19-2002, 05:45 AM
Well I think I have already spent the big cost on the air system. I just need to decide on a gun taxes are coming in and I have a little cash to spend.
Thanks in advance

02-19-2002, 05:48 AM
If you already have an air system then go for one of the retro valve style guns. No shoot down is a great bonus once you start firing quickly.

I'd go for an RT Pro... you can always upgrade it later to an E-mag or an E-mag Extreme is the fancy takes you... If you have lots of money go whole hog and get an Extreme :)


02-19-2002, 10:10 AM
and regret it. good call on getting a mag.
depending on your available cash, I'd say get an RT Pro or at least a used mag with retro valve in it. If you don't want mechanical go with an emag of some sort. I don't own one, but i've shot one once and it was really sweet and very fast. If I had the cash I'd get an extreme.

Oh, I'm sure you know this already, but fork up the cash and get a good comfortable thermal mask. Fogging up in the middle of a game sucks.


02-19-2002, 10:18 AM
My advice, pick up a used Mag, and upgrade as you go along. AGD has a number of great add-ons either currently in inventory, or in various states of development!!!

02-19-2002, 01:58 PM
As most are suggesting, I'd got with a new RT pro, That and a good barrel system, and you'll be good to go!!!

02-19-2002, 02:06 PM
Other mag options. If you don't like the weight of the stainless bodies of an automag try the ProTeam Micromags. Basically the same parts of the AGD mags just in an aluminum frame, and excepts autococker barrels. The AGD after market parts fit the Micromags as well. Oh just so you know I started with a Shutter then tried a 68 classic that one of my friends has and was in love. I just didn't like the weight so I went with a micro retrovalve :) instead. I've had zero problems with it in the 6 months I have owned it. Good luck. Either chose you go with I'm almost positive that it will be a good one.