View Full Version : Looking to buy my DREAM GUN

02-19-2002, 09:03 AM
i've been playing paintball for 9 years and never owned a gun until last year when i bought an e-mag on ebay. it was a beautiful gun. the only thing i didn't like was the hi-rise vert feed, it made the hopper stick up way too high! anyway, so when i heard about the xtreems with modular "warp" bodies coming out i immediately sold it. now that it's warming up here in chicago it's time to play (despite what my g-friend keeps telling me!). so.....i have $1,500 roughly to spend (actually i don't, but i'm going to anyway). i've kinda been out of the loop for a while here at AO so.....what's the news on the xtreems coming out? will they be released with superbolts? ACE? how much will they be and when can i expect to see places like paintballgear.com carry them??? i can hold off for another month or two but that's it! i priced out another option:

- RT PRO polished hopper right
- Superbolt
- Intelliframe
- warp feed
- h.a.l.o.
- 68/3000 AGD flatline

just over $1,300

anyway, what are all your thoughts?.......

02-19-2002, 09:12 AM
Well the RT-Pro comes with the intelliframe now. Youc an put that Pro together for a grand like that if you shop around. And use the $300 to buy the GF a nice trinket to make her happy too. Do that!

These new RT Pro's are sweet.

02-19-2002, 09:13 AM
That sounds a lot like my setup, except for the HALO and SuperBolt. I also have a Warp Left instead of a hopper right. It's a real nice setups, but I'm trying to sell everything but the tank to move up to an emag. Hey, i know it isn't in classifieds but if you want it drop me a line! ;)

Anyway it is a great setup, although I'm still not sold on the HALO + warp combo.

02-19-2002, 09:13 AM
I'd hold out for an Extreme... Hopefully they won't be much longer before total release and they WILL be special :)


02-19-2002, 09:18 AM
really!!! the RT Pro's come with the Intelliframe????!! heck yeah! but, the more i read the more i'm kicking myself for getting rid of my e-mag....for less than 400 bucks i could've been able to upgrade to an xtreem body with ace, oh well....

02-19-2002, 09:19 AM
also, potato, where can i find an rt pro with a warp body???? i've only been able to find hopper right/left and center!, please send me a link!

02-19-2002, 09:26 AM
Yes! they indeed do! I got one! And it is a real sweet marker. In fact my kid has taken it over and let me take the E-Mag back. Does that say something? he had his choice and loves the RT-Pro more.

Now make sure you get one with it. There may be some old stock out on the shelves with the old frame on them.

Yes...Manike is taking the "Bachelor Position" on this. A strong one at that. ;)

02-19-2002, 09:28 AM
Many dealers will be able to get you one, but you have to order it special. I believe donggie might be able to get them. His site is www.modifiedpaintball.com

Or you could just get mine :D

02-19-2002, 09:30 AM
thanks, guys!! i'll look into that site, potato, and thanks for the heads up, cphilip!

02-19-2002, 09:33 AM
in theory, though, couldn't i just buy an rt pro then get the modular xtreem body with warp left later since the body sizes are the same?

02-19-2002, 09:34 AM
Oh and Donggie is a real good guy to deal with by the way.

And yes you can do that I think. But I don't know how you would power and operate the ACE on it. I think you need a board to hook that up to like the Emag has. But if youcan live without the ACE then....

02-19-2002, 09:51 AM
i remember AGD was offering the flatline with the e-mag for a while as a package deal, has anyone seen this with the rt??? what are the best sites to find deals on paintball guns/products? like for computers i would direct people to www.pricewatch.com ...thanks.

02-19-2002, 10:00 AM
That wasn't AGD directly. It was one of the online retailers who had that package deal going. Paintballgear I think. But I don't even look at them anymore. Contact Donggie about a package deal. He might put one together for you.

02-19-2002, 10:12 AM
If you didnt like the vert. feed why didnt you just get a PF or Warp body? That would have only been like $250 at teh most. lol

02-19-2002, 10:28 AM
i guess because i didn't know about the warp bodies until it was too late! oops! ha.

02-19-2002, 02:16 PM
I am selling a custom Retromag. Right now. Pm me on details and price.

02-19-2002, 04:02 PM
I don't know how good they are, but they are exactly like www.pricewatch.com , except for paintball.


02-20-2002, 09:05 AM
okay, so i'm like 99% sure i'm getting an emag now! hahaha.
i knew i'd get sucked in. i took potato's and cphilip's advice and went to modified paintball and chatted with don. he's a really nice guy btw. he's gonna set me up with an polished warp left emag/warpfeed/superbolt/flatline 68/3000 combo for well within my budget (budget was $1,500 to start with). i'm trying to see if he upgrade me to a blue emag with blue warp feed and still make it under $1,500. if he can then i will sure go for it. i can always upgrade next season to the extreem body with ACE!!!!