View Full Version : tightening LPR in sleeper frame?

12-19-2012, 09:47 AM
Using a tickler and the nut is 9/16". However, getting a wrench in there to tighten is pretty near impossible. Do most people just teflon tape the crap out of it and hope they get it tight enough or is there a trick I'm missing? I have some needle nose pliers, but not wanting to mangle the nut all up getting it tight.

12-19-2012, 12:51 PM
Using a tickler and the nut is 9/16". However, getting a wrench in there to tighten is pretty near impossible. Do most people just teflon tape the crap out of it and hope they get it tight enough or is there a trick I'm missing? I have some needle nose pliers, but not wanting to mangle the nut all up getting it tight.
take the body off the lower 1/8th npt fitting that has the 9/16th'' nut.
then take a 9/16th'' socket and put it over thatnut. i use a drll driver adapter to put into the back of the sock and then use a 1/4'' mini wrench to put over the adapter to tighten things down.

here is quick 42 second video explaining better:
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/th_video-2012-12-19-09-44-39.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/?action=view&current=video-2012-12-19-09-44-39.mp4)

12-19-2012, 10:03 PM
:confused: http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo288/kheldarq/4D243645-B83D-42AD-A45B-B915B2FEB490-18454-00000B4D174736EC.jpg :confused: No space issues...

12-19-2012, 10:33 PM
:confused: http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo288/kheldarq/4D243645-B83D-42AD-A45B-B915B2FEB490-18454-00000B4D174736EC.jpg :confused: No space issues...

since im sure he is not using the same exact frame you did, i am pretty sure he will not have the space you have.

<B>OPBN</B> if you dont have the tool send it my way ill get it in for you. but im prtty sure you can get ahold of something that will work as i explained in the video.

12-19-2012, 11:04 PM
since im sure he is not using the same exact frame you did, i am pretty sure he will not have the space you have.

<B>OPBN</B> if you dont have the tool send it my way ill get it in for you. but im prtty sure you can get ahold of something that will work as i explained in the video.

I know, I was just saying since it was a general 'sleeper frame LPR' question.

12-19-2012, 11:11 PM
I know, I was just saying since it was a general 'sleeper frame LPR' question.
wouldnt post #2 answer the "general sleeper frame LPR question"?
siince in post #1 he is having trouble using a wrench.

OPBN hit this thread up when you are ready ill delete my last few needless posts.

sorry to muddy up the thread.

12-19-2012, 11:15 PM
Not really, no. He could be using an inteli-frame. ;)

12-19-2012, 11:18 PM
Not really, no. He could be using an inteli-frame. ;)
did not know he was using an I frame,
since it was not posted. :rolleyes:
im guessing he is not and if he is using an i frame he is a smart guy and would have moded it the right way, lol and post #2 still applies.:D:):cool:

12-20-2012, 12:05 AM
Yall should Box man...haha :ninja:

12-20-2012, 12:22 AM
Yall should Box man...haha :ninja:

12-20-2012, 07:59 AM
I know, I was just saying since it was a general 'sleeper frame LPR' question.
I should have specified which frame I am using, but I have had a thread or two lately about the build so I figured a regular would know it was the Chimera that I am working on. Might try pulling the body off the LPR and tightening with a socket. Even using a wrench would be easier without the body on, so not a bad idea. Thanks.

Edit: Fit is too tight, socket will not work either even with the body of the LPR off. Think I may be able to mill/file the frame down some for some additional clearance.

12-20-2012, 01:10 PM
I should have specified which frame I am using, but I have had a thread or two lately about the build so I figured a regular would know it was the Chimera that I am working on. Might try pulling the body off the LPR and tightening with a socket. Even using a wrench would be easier without the body on, so not a bad idea. Thanks.

Edit: Fit is too tight, socket will not work either even with the body of the LPR off. Think I may be able to mill/file the frame down some for some additional clearance.
thats my bad i forgot you had not yet milled the body down on the inside.
best of luck man.