View Full Version : runaway mode?

02-19-2002, 05:45 PM
i chrono'd an rt on sunday and it was crazy. i've never really seen runaway mode, only heard about it. well, when i went to chrono his gun, i think i happened upon it. i just barely held the trigger and it went nutz. he said that was normal and it shot great, but i couldn't imagine anything being able to keep up with that. it was just so fast. ireally didn't feel the trigger kicking back, i just held the trigger half way back and kept it there, and it fired. but again, he said it was normal. can a gun be kept on runaway? if it cycle's that fast, does it actually shoot for each cycle or is it messed up and just chop paint? i just feel left out cause i have 2 rt's and i don't get that effect. i thought he might have just had an adjustable tank with the output extremely high, but he had a preset. someone explain to me, please, i'm confused.

02-19-2002, 06:05 PM
it might sound cool, but believe me, my rt was like that before i had AGD(jon) tune it up and it was a blender.

02-19-2002, 06:11 PM
yea i think runaway mode will chop pretty bad... unless...... u had a warp or halo to keep up with it :D

Mild 7
02-20-2002, 06:14 AM

I don't know how that kid have his RT setup to get that run away mode but AGD Jon expressed to me explicitly verbally and also in writing that the RT was NEVER meant to do any "full-auto" or "burst" mode. In other words, the run-away mode on the RT is NOT meant to be. He also stated that the run-away mode will shorten the life of the trigger rod and something else too, which I forgot. But I think you get the point.

I think I remember telling you this, that my RT went thru a run-away phase like what you have witnessed on the field with the excpetion that I would chop like mad. The run-away mode is certainly impressive without any balls in the breech. I encoutered the run-away mode 'cause I "mis-adjusted" my trigger rod unintentionally. It didn't break any balls at first when my RT was doing the run-away mode, but after a hopper or two, it was just going down hill for me.

02-20-2002, 09:55 AM
If your RT/ReTroValve is in runaway mode, you better start saving up to buy a new sear & bolt because they're gonna get chewed up.

02-20-2002, 09:58 AM
How does it chew up your sear? Crap I didn't know that...

Tim Jacobitz
02-20-2002, 10:19 AM
i got runnaway mode by adjusting my tank and playing around with diffrent power tube spacers. I have been using a friend halo hopper and i don't have any problems with breaking. As for the sear and bolt i don't see any unuasial wear. The only problem i have is keeping up with paint prices; buts thats another story all together.

02-20-2002, 10:40 AM
mild- yeah i rememeber you telling me all about that. but when i was talking to him, he said that's the way it's always been. he probably chops and doesn't consider it a problem. newbies these days. oh well. thanks for all the input. i don't feel so bad anymore.

02-20-2002, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by MikeCouves
How does it chew up your sear? Crap I didn't know that...

In runaway, the sear just barely catches the edge of the bolt. It's not gonna rip apart your sear & bolt right away, but it will.

02-20-2002, 11:21 AM
most of the things that cause it is a warn sear, bolt, on/off pin, or your output pressure is high. if it's just high pressure no problem, if it's a worn bolt it just means your marker may go full auto at any time, and it may not stop firing untill you run out of gas. if it's the sear then it will be chipping away at the bolt and cause that to ware out. if the on/off pin is short then the sear won't latch properly on the bolt and will chip off the edge of the latching serface and again you end up needing a new bolt. however you can learn the sweet spot on most setups without haveing to modify the marker in such a way as to damage it.