View Full Version : best paint prices?

02-07-2013, 07:04 PM
Hi all. Former member that's been out of the sport for 11 years. Friend is dragging me back in to organized private field play. I'm gonna use my old trusty original automagRT. With a 4500 flatline tank that I just bought off a member. With an old VL revolution. Gun and hopper worked fine back then. So I will be fine with it now.

2 questions.

1. Where is the best place to order paint? And what brand/style paint works best now a days with these old guns.

2. My old JT spectra mask will get a new lense before I will trust it. Lense is 15 years old at least. I found lenses for 20 bux. But how long has it been sense the lenses were even produced. I don't want to trust my eyes to a 10 year old "new" lense. Or maybe I need to suck it up and get a newer mask.

Thanks for any and all help.

02-07-2013, 11:40 PM
I've been using Bombz for the last year.

02-14-2013, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the reply. Due to weather and cold with shipping. I think at least the first case of paint I buy for my return to paintball will come from Dix sporting goods. The one local appears to have decent brand paint. Even Cary the basic halo.

As far as masks are concerned. More I look. It still makes the spectra?

02-14-2013, 09:30 PM
You probably better let the old mask go and get a new one to be safe.
The better ones are in the $100+ dollar range. (DYE Invision 4, Empire E-Flex)
I suggest you try some on at the sporting goods store and buy a cheap one till you know if your
paintball habit is a passing fancy or here to stay.
Then if its serious get on Craigslist and find a nice used really good one.



02-14-2013, 09:33 PM
Most paint works well with a mag and you hopefully have the LVL 10. Whether you do or dont, NEVER buy the valken infinity white box paint. Its cheap and pure crap. besides that pretty much any paint works, some better than others due to the temperatures of course. And if you can, try and get an extra parts kit for the old thing. Might have a few bad O-rings.

02-14-2013, 10:17 PM
Well I only quit playing when I did because 40 bux for half a case of paint to play with a bunch of kids on dads credit that play spray and pray. It got a little old. I've got no prob shooting paint but 1000 rounds in one game that is 3 on 3. Come on.

I have been looking at masks. I'd be scared to buy used because I wouldn't know how the lense was taken care of. Don't want to trust my face to a abused mask just cuz I got a deal on it. Lot of them on line seam to be 75 to 100 bux. Not to bad. So if I buy a mask I will just get a good one to begin with.

No level 10 in my gun. If I remember correct they were in the testing phase when I quit playing. That or they had been out a short while. Don't really remember. Got a old foamie bolt and a hard nose. Worked in the past should work now. Glad to hear most of the name paint is decent now. Used to have to be picky for decent paint.

02-14-2013, 11:11 PM
Smoking Dragon $40/case

02-15-2013, 12:01 AM
well, the L10 is the best thing you can do to a Mag. you can have the bolt bounce off your finger and never, ever get a chop again. its been pretty much perfected, so if you want to treat yourself, then get a L10 kit and forget about it.

as for paint, go with what you can get. i play at a field, so its always FOP. so you can take a chance on the Dick's specials, Kmart, local pro-shop or order some. never ordered paint through the mail.

make sure that the field you're going to has a chrono. i won't play without one.

unless you have a severely discontinued mask(JT X-fire or Scott), i would spend money on a newer mask. you can't beat a Empire E-Flex. JT Flex bottoms, butan Event top with quick change lense.

02-15-2013, 03:37 AM
Well I only quit playing when I did because 40 bux for half a case of paint to play with a bunch of kids on dads credit that play spray and pray. .

Before I came back to the sport (started 12 years ago, stopped 9 years ago, came back 3 months ago) paint was $65 per 1000... when I came back it was at $60/ case. There is a Jesus... I quit because I started MOSTLY paying for my own play time (my dad chipped in a little just to keep me busy and out of his hair). Needless to say working at 16, taking girls out became more of a priority than spending $120 a weekend on paintball... lol. And god forbid you entered a tourney, $250 3 man entry plus $160/case... I BLEW money away back in the day

I am very happy fields now days have realized they can make money in other areas than paint prices like back then... Id rather pay $10 entry/all day air and buy a case of paint @ $60 than get free entry with a $120 case purchase like back in the day.

Im sure costs of MAKING paint has drastically gone down to help this, but overall Ive been happy with my fields regular paint, consistantly at .684-.687

02-15-2013, 07:46 AM
Lvl 10 will prob be in the gun this summer. Not a priority at the moment.

The dye I4 is looking tasty to me. Guess I know where the next 100 is going.

I own a chrono. Brother in law used to have a private field that was more or less ran legit back in the mid 90s. And everything was cleaned and stored well.

I was only sspending 60 ish a week on paint. Guess I was cheaper than you. I look forward to playing again.

Sad thing is. If I start playing regular again I will have to get the wife a gun. Used mag will be bought again.

02-15-2013, 09:12 AM
Sad thing is. If I start playing regular again I will have to get the wife a gun. Used mag will be bought again.

Which isnt a big deal. Mag prices have come down some and you can get a decent condition stock Classic Mag for under $100 and one slightly upgraded for under $150 if you keep an eye out.

Honestly, you can also go onto Ebay quite a bit and find basic Tippy set ups for pretty cheap these days. Theres always the kids that get the stuff for Christmas and lose interest after realizing they dont like getting shot at. I've seen complete setups selling for under $100 fairly recently, including gun, mask, and tanks.

As for paint, I have always steered clear of Walmart/Kmart etc unless you know for a fact that its been rotated and/or refreshed often. Maybe take a knife with you and cut the box open before buying to inspect it. I've heard some horror stories about bad paint that has sat too long. I have purchased from Paintball Discounters a couple of times and been fairly happy with the paint they sell. It is Wrek brand and seems to work ok for me. I will say it has also been a couple of years since I have bought it online. One thing to keep in mind though is that if you do buy it online, theres probably a better chance of it being fresh.... at least you would hope.

02-15-2013, 10:11 AM
This is my 23 rd year of playing paintball. I remember the days of picking up California magnums or Proball or even Zap for the $100 a case range. I got into tournament play about 2000 and had free or cheap paint. Somewhere in there, prices went down drastically, although that $100 case had 2500 rounds in it.

02-15-2013, 12:36 PM
I remember pro ball and zap being around 100 a case. And yes. 2500 rounds. Premium gold was pretty much the best going when I was in hs.

I am only buying at Dix right now because of weather. There is a army surplus right down from my house that is a decent pb distributer. But he is out of paint and won't order any till he knows it won't freeze in shipping.

If the wife decides she needs a gun later on it will prob be an old rt pro. Easy to work on.

Now if only weather wouldn't have gone to the crapper and stopped us from playing tomorrow.

02-15-2013, 12:40 PM
Is there a legit AGD store anymore? Or who is the go to for new parts etc? I didn't see anyone marked in the dealer forum on a quick skim.

02-15-2013, 02:11 PM
the AGD store is still up pending new hard and software but www.tunamart.com is a GREAT bet for parts:clap:

Also find someone with an I4 local BEFORE you buy it. the I4 is a TIGHT mask. my cheeks touch the mask and dont even try to itch you nose. also a full on chin hit is a major possibility... saying that, I love mine:D

02-15-2013, 06:47 PM
Good to know about agd. Best guns out there.

As for the mask. How big of a guy are you? Due to the area I live. Trying a mask like that isn't gonna happen until I buy it. Overall I'm average to small size. I wear a size small shoei motorcycle helmet if that means anything to you.

02-15-2013, 07:25 PM
when you say Dix, are meaning Fort Dix? if you are looking for a place to play, some of us play regularly at Top Gun. plus, that's where Tunaball is held at.

02-15-2013, 07:35 PM
I heard I4's can properly fit infants ranging from 9-12 months old :rofl: Yea I4's are tight and small. I was gonna buy one for my little bro when they came out and he was 15 and skinny and it was small on him and was way to tight. He was really scrawny back then. Those masks are just way to small and tight. They look cool and have a super clear lens but you can and will get shot in the chin. Now something you should look into if you like the Dye stuff is the I3. I ended up purchasing one for my brother after I tried out all of the masks that cost more than $70. The I3s were super comfy and provided plenty of protection and were awesome if you ever got hit in the mouth area because instead of getting that nasty taste in your mouth it simply breaks away and does not all get concentrated in one are. Plus the rubber is really nice so if you are lucky the paintball will bounce sometimes. I liked them so much that I bought one for my self right after that. And Sly Profits seem to be the same thing to me but may be a bit tighter and really cover up your ears. So your ears are super comfy but you might also have trouble hearing clearly or loudly enough. But once you get past a certain price range all the masks are the same lens wise for how clear it is, it is all about preference. So try not to wing it right off the bat and assume you like it already. And as for buying a used mag, simply look on your local craigslist. I know there is a classic mag with a ton of other stuff for sale for only $75 near me. And tippy's go up for almost $25 some times around here.

02-15-2013, 08:09 PM

I been using that paint since the guy is local to me.

Lot better price since he doesnt have to ship, I pay cash and buy 4 cases at a time.

Probably not going to work that great in Tippmanns or low end markers, its fairly brittle.


02-15-2013, 08:10 PM
Dix as in Dix sporting goods. I live in nouthern IL. So Dix and Walmart are my only options until it warms up.

As far as jumping on a mask purchase. I need one bad is my deal. And I'd rather just buy one.

All the jokes about the I4 size has me rethinking it. Not a fan of the look of the I3. But we will see.

On a plus side. My old steed fired up and runs quite well. So that's a plus.

02-15-2013, 08:30 PM
well im in sheboygan wi. so im 4 ish hours away, lol you can try mine on. skipdoggs closer but i dont know if he has one. :rolleyes:

02-15-2013, 08:33 PM
I'm more than 4 hours from you. I'm almost 6 from the in laws and they live up by round lake. In IL.

I'm in IL. But I'm in the south. We don't even claim Chicago as part of our state.

Don't know why it came up northern. Must have hit the wrong key on the phone.

02-16-2013, 07:19 PM
Well for an update. I can't believe that a gun that's basically not been fired in 11 years just needed a bumper for the bolt and it works great. Nice old reliable automagrt.

As for a mask. I bought a thermal jt flex 8 for 40 bux new. It seams the same quality as the old spectra I had used in the past. And the price wasn't bad. So with any luck I'm good to go.

Now if I really do start playing again regularly my wife can have this mask and I'll shop for something maybe a little nicer then.

bound for glory
02-18-2013, 04:40 PM
This is my 23 rd year of playing paintball. I remember the days of picking up California magnums or Proball or even Zap for the $100 a case range. I got into tournament play about 2000 and had free or cheap paint. Somewhere in there, prices went down drastically, although that $100 case had 2500 rounds in it.

LOL! remember the little 200 round box'es of cal mag? bright green at wolf's lair...:)

02-20-2013, 11:39 PM
I still use a Flex 7. Puppy is 13 years old. What's wrong with that? I say keep the Spectra, buy a new lense.

And Lv. 10, TOTALLY worth the cash.

02-21-2013, 09:10 AM
I still use a Flex 7. Puppy is 13 years old. What's wrong with that? I say keep the Spectra, buy a new lense.

And Lv. 10, TOTALLY worth the cash.

I was going to just order a lense. 25 bux for a lense. Then shipping. I got the flex 8 for under 50 bux local. Seamed more cost effective. But I missed how a flex 8 has any flex to it. When I make a parts order in a few weeks I will probably get a lense for the old mask. Right now weather and time has us all tied up from playing. So I'm using the time. And all of my OT at work. To make sure all my old stuff is set up. And slowly get my wife a setup.

My oll rt will flat rip. And scored what I think is a pretty good price on a minimag for the wife.