View Full Version : Booyah & Smart Mag issues!

Goldie D Pimp
02-19-2002, 07:58 PM
I have a customer who bought a booyah frame for his smart mag. His mag I think was bought new in 94-95?? Anyway he's a had a helluva time getting these two to work together. He's finally gotten it so that it would fire, but won't rapid fire. If you shoot it at a very slow rate it will work fine, but if you try to really hammer on it you get HORRENDOUS shootdown.

We took it apart and the on/off top that came with the grip has relatively small holes in it. I'm far from an expert on mags, but it seems that this may be where the problem is stemming from. Would reaming out the holes in the on/off make a difference?

Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it??

Thanks in advance!!


02-19-2002, 09:58 PM
I would replace the on-off with a stock part to see whether that resolves the issue.

If I remember correctly, the Smart Parts modification entailed creating an enlarged "chamber" in an attempt to reduce operating pressure. This, I would think, is at least a contributing factor to the problem - Mags HATE a lack of operating pressure, not like the Bushies you are used to.

On an unrelated note, do you think that the Rock LPR mod is significantly better than the Sonic LPR on Bushies? I like the compactness of the Sonic unit.

02-19-2002, 10:11 PM
actually i had a smart mag and used a hyperframe on it... the on/off is a big concern and i had nothing but problems with the smart/hyper mix so i got a retro..... i also had a regular AIR and had no problems with AIR/hyper.... i think the smart valve isn't nice hehe :)

Goldie D Pimp
02-20-2002, 07:34 AM
See that's what I was thinking. since the pressure was lower (although only slightly) it needs a little better flow than what this on/off provides. We tried it with the stock parts and reactor vavle and it leaked horribly. I've tried to convince him just to buy a new valve body and use it, but he thinks the "magic mag" is MUCH better than the stock ones. I figure if I haven't convinced him otherwise in 5 years I'm probably not going to so I've given up!

02-23-2002, 12:59 PM
I had the same problem, you have to use the the on off parts that came with the frame, The on off pin usaully needs to be longer, I got a hyper frame and it rocks

02-23-2002, 01:04 PM
I'll have to disagree once again. We're talking about the smartmag AIR valve not the standard AGD AIR valve (both were made by agd but one was for smart parts blah blah blah)

I had a hyperframe and smartmag and used the on.off parts that came with the frame, and i tried a longer on/off pin... it doesn't work well with a smart mag, however worked great with a standard AIR valve....