View Full Version : Tom, little help here??

02-19-2002, 08:11 PM
in the post about an ebay auction we got into a little talking and well we have a question.....

HAS the retro vaulve ever actually been fired at 26cycles a sec?? not on a computer Diagnostic program? But in real life with a real vaulve at real pressure? and normal settings?

i am un sure wether we are sayin with or with out actually propelling a paintball.

heres the post

02-19-2002, 09:48 PM
Back when the RT was new Tom was talking about a test they did under lab conditions where the RT shot 76 paintballs in 3 seconds, without a break. So, yes 26 is a real number.

02-19-2002, 09:51 PM
that and you have to figure no human out there can pull a trigger that fast.... fastest that has been accepted as a person doing is 13 shots a sec... but it is nice to have a valve that can go faster givin use something to shoot for with or trigger fingers

02-19-2002, 10:00 PM
i know its humanly imposible to do that..... but i was just wondering if mabey they had a machine do it or sumthing...

02-19-2002, 10:19 PM
most likely some kind of machine

02-19-2002, 10:21 PM
In run away mode when the rt trigger is bouncing it will shoot at 26 bps with enough input pressure. You don't need a machine to do it just replacement sears. Actually shooting balls slows the valve down some and we have had it to 22 bps with a warp.


02-20-2002, 08:58 AM
wow!......thanx tom.

02-20-2002, 09:14 AM
It is very possible to get an RT to cycle at 26bps. You don't need a machine or a computer to do it. You do need to set the gun up a certain way and then let it rip...

The gun takes over for you in runaway mode. It's not possible for someone to actually pull the trigger that fast, but it is possible for the gun to cycle that fast due to someone having their finger on the trigger... I've done it and I watched John Sosta do it very well.

It's a very impressive sight! Kinda looks like a laser beam coming out the end of the gun :)


02-22-2002, 01:34 AM
What I want to know, is the ball feeding though. Yeah, you can bounce the trigger with the retro and get in the 20's, but can the balls feed? The thread here with the cocker feeding vid showed a 60 ms feed per ball. At 25 bps, you have 40 ms ball loading time and bolt cycle time. Hmm. I wish I knew the cycle times guns besides the cocker and the standard forced feed rate of a warp (second being more important, really)

02-22-2002, 03:48 AM
Yes you can get it to fire at that rate with balls.

You noted the time to feed gets lower, As you fire faster because the cycle rate is constant the time in which to feed a ball gets smaller and smaller exponentially.

When you start firing at very fast rates the required feed rate for the balls is quite insane. I think I worked it out that when firing at 26bps if the feed wasn't attached to the gun it would put out about 60balls per second!
