View Full Version : Proper Warp setup for E-mag

Load SM5
02-19-2002, 10:28 PM
I've just plugged my interlink cable into my warp to try it out for the first time. Everything looks great and it spins when I pull the trigger like it's supposed to. But it still spins when I shake the gun enough (running, etc.)Do I need to disable this? And if so how? I've stared at the warp instructions online but I'm not to inclined to go yanking stuff off of the board until I know for sure I need to.Do I need to have teh positive jumper on only? The guy I got the arp from seems to have nearly every jumper plugged, except negative. I'm assuming that if I pull the sesor jumper that it will no longer react to vibration and only to the interlink. Is this correct?

Her's a pic of the set-up currently...any suggestions would be appreciated.

02-19-2002, 11:15 PM
I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is recommened to keep both those jumpers in place. I think it said something about protecting the board or something.

Just turn your sensativiy all the way down, I doubt that it will be sensative enough to spin under normal use like that.

Load SM5
02-19-2002, 11:17 PM
How do I crank the sensitivity down? I read nothing about that.

Load SM5
02-19-2002, 11:45 PM
Hang on... just found it.

02-20-2002, 10:28 AM
hey, Did you find the warp owner's manual in .pdf format at the agd online store? Thats where i got all my info from. Its not to bad. Could be a little more clear, and have some pics and diagrams- - - but Its not that big of a deal. (lol, i guess that owners manual i picked up at the MGO for my you-know-what has spoiled me. )

Load SM5
02-20-2002, 12:19 PM
You dare almost speak the name of "you know what" in this forum?! For shame.

I got it all figured out. The manual was a little fuzzy but all's cool now.

02-20-2002, 12:29 PM
Load, I run both of mine all the time. I think it was either Rob or Black told me too. Seems fine and I like the fact that its ready to go if you are to switch over to RT with the battery off that way. I did have to lower my sensitivity just a hair when I did it using the Potentiometer to do so (the blue do-hicky dash pot thingie) I left my Jumpers alone like they came from AGD but I cannot remember what they were set at. I have not had to remove or place any more on that and its settled in just fine. At first it was kind of pushing the PF plug out just a hair. I thought I was going to have to take a jumper off but that problem now seems to have quit since it has been used a bit more. Probably the disc surfaces are getting a little slicker with build up.

02-20-2002, 12:30 PM
MwaaahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (evil kinda laugh)

I almost did, however refrained at the last minute because of my undying admiration and respect for airgun designs. (no joke at all. . . to those of you out there that think i may be being sarcastic)

At any rate, Well, we both know about that particulat situation. Heck, remember? I even brought it up to tom at the MGO. No worries though. His reasons for why the owners manual's for many of the products aren't running neck and neck with those of that certain competitor art perfectly understandable.

I still cant' wait till all the secrets of Tom are revealed, And the paintball world will be taken aback by the awesome glory and power which is known as airgun designs. - - - Especially when the owner's manuals are 'done up right' to match the new stuff.

Until that day, I reserve my right to the opinion that Airgun designs is outstanding in the paintball community as a company. The quality of products, customer service, and no B.S. marketing approach is to be commended, and those are the main reasons i support the company 100%. EXCEPT in the owner's manual department. AGD (no offense) got left in the dirt on that one, compared to what else ive seen. oh yeah, and for the record, WGP is left in the dirt too, (behind AGD) when it comes to the manuals. Load knows what im talking about. I felt RIDICULOUSLY informed about the product we've been reffering to after i browsed the manual.

Any way, No worries. I fully anticipate that in a matter of a year or so, When i buy my Extreem it will come with a manual that beats the pants off my currently ranked #1.

Wow. that was a neat little rant.
(just killed a red bull about 20 minutes ago on an empty stomach.)


Load SM5
02-20-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Smokee_2_7

I still cant' wait till all the secrets of Tom are revealed,

And crammed into my SFL!:D

Carl...dude...still in denial about your drinking problem?

02-20-2002, 02:12 PM
no, not really in denial. Kinda in this blissful, hazy acceptance. (ok, reallly hazy. )

AND>> ill have you know that i havent consumed large amouns of beer since. . . umm . . . . . last Night!!! So there!! how about 'them apples!. Actually, I went o sams today and found a nice deal on a full case for only like 10 bux. Who cares that it's only Nasty Light? Not me! Im an extreemly poor college sudent that must learn to live within his means. And if that means getting the nasty instead of somthing beter (almost anything, i might add. . ) Then Ill do it. And ill do it proudly!!.

Ok. Perhaps i should seek pofesional help. MOO. where d that come from?? I dont know. Why would i say such a thing? I must be strange or somthing. There's no logical excuse for why i would say somthing like that i needed help. :D

Anyway, '

Catch ya later


02-20-2002, 02:41 PM
Load SM5,
It appears that you have everything figured out. BTW, the manual suggests leaving the internal sensor jumper (sens) on to protect the transistors from voltage spikes.

Did you vote in my Warp Dwell Poll?

Load SM5
02-20-2002, 05:01 PM
Carl- seek help quickly....;)

Hitech- not yet, but I will.