View Full Version : Just the Tanks

03-10-2013, 04:36 PM
Need some help here.
I'm looking to replace the hpa tank on my AA Raptor because it's past its useful life. Where in the world do you find just HPA tanks? Im getting so dang :mad: trying to surf through websites I'm gonna lose it.
Rescue me AO.
Thanx in advance,

03-10-2013, 04:44 PM
Probably going to have to find one used/like new for just the bottle. You could try contacting a paintball supplier and ask them, but id assume they wont sell just tanks because of safety issues... they sell complete tanks under the assumption that people wont mess with them in their living room swapping valves/rebuilding etc and making the whole tank essentially dangerous.

That being said, there is always BST threads on PBN that have dis-assembled tanks. You could also contact "swap my tank" and see what they say?

03-10-2013, 04:55 PM
i dont know that i have ever seen a tank without a reg for sale... i think it may be a liability thing for the retailer. You can find tanks alone on the used market for a reasonable price

RT Lover
03-10-2013, 05:08 PM
i dont know that i have ever seen a tank without a reg for sale... i think it may be a liability thing for the retailer. You can find tanks alone on the used market for a reasonable price

long time ago they did im almost sure. buy a tank and sell the reg that came with it? or ask a company(like ninja) if u can send in your reg and they install it... that they used to do( idk if ninja did) but Roman at AGD would if u bought a flatline

03-10-2013, 09:51 PM
You might try contacting the companies directly, or buy a used one with a cheap/broken reg. I just sold a tank alone on ebay, so you might try there as well.

03-10-2013, 10:02 PM
long time ago they did im almost sure. buy a tank and sell the reg that came with it? or ask a company(like ninja) if u can send in your reg and they install it... that they used to do( idk if ninja did) but Roman at AGD would if u bought a flatline

I remember them selling tanks only too, back when people were putting co2 valves on them to use on the old Shockers.

Haven't seen a reg-less tank in probably a decade, though.

03-10-2013, 10:16 PM
Weren't smart parts and wacky warriors / nitroduck the only two that had reg less tanks? And the nitroduck stuff had an odd ASA so it couldn't be screwed in to a basic bottom line. Dang consistent too.

03-10-2013, 11:26 PM
I thought most nitro duck tanks were setup like the air America? With the reg built on to it? Maybe I'm thinking of something else?

Id really email someone at that swap my tank place though, I considered using them when I got my 45/45 but ended up doing a trade.

Edit, or on pb nation there is a thread called " biggest sale thread nation has ever seen" by himom, he had 6-7 regless tanks last I looked.... its like 15 posts of gear, the tanks were fairly new guerrilla tanks and I think a couple ninja with a few randoms... might be worth your time to search for it

Here, i found it for you, Im sure if you pm him he will take a reg off and sell it seperate, or just get a full tank? its post #7 that has the tanks in it

03-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Most places that sell tanks with regs also sell tanks without regs. I've seen them in most online shops. Crossfire is one company that sells them.