View Full Version : paintball sores

02-20-2002, 12:40 AM
ok guys do you ever get really bad muscle aches from paintball ? like im not a heavy fellow , actually i was one of the fastest player in my soccer team , but every time i dont go paintballing for about tthree weeks i get the worst aches in my legs and back.
on suday i had the worst , i was being called gimpy after fpra reall long time. it still hurts now . it felt real bad. i walk all the time and run too . do any of you guys get this to ? and if you do how do you prevent it ?


02-20-2002, 05:48 AM
Ive played paintball for a bout 3 years. When i first started, I got the same thing as you. I think your just out of shape and maybe you dont stretch enough before hand. Now when i play, I am not sore at all. I could play 4 days in a row if i wanted.

02-20-2002, 10:55 AM
In paintball you can end up using strange muscle groups you've never really stressed before. Holding bizarre positions to get a good snap shot can make even an athlete in good shape a little sore.

Just think what it does to an out of shape guy like me :D

02-20-2002, 11:18 AM
i'm a pretty fat.............kid. i don't really get sore or anything out of the ordinary. my legs get sore but that's just from running around that day. they'll be slightly sore the next day but after that, i'm fine. i'm no where near in shape, but paintball won't slow me down one bit. maybe i'm just lucky.

02-20-2002, 11:39 AM
it's normal man, the only thing you can do to help is strech before and after you play, (mild streching after or you may damage somthing) and take a hot bath that night. other then that the only options involve drugs and that's just not realy nessasary, just deal with it.

02-20-2002, 11:48 AM
A couple of Advil don't hurt either.

02-20-2002, 12:03 PM
with running and soccer your using muscles but when your playing paintball your using them in a different way such as kneeling and getting up alot. also it's what you do after paintball that helps, whenever you use your muscles alot, it creates a build up of lactic acid and this is what causes your muscles to ache. Try going for a walk or something that isn't all that physical but will help your blood flow to reduce the build up of lactic acid. soaking in the bath also helps. you can take ibuprofen this also helps with acheing muscles by easing the pain and reducing inflammation.

You should use pads espcially knee pads when playing paintball even if your young and it doesn't bother you, it will after a couple of years.

02-20-2002, 01:16 PM
only my knees hurt after playing,since i dont have any knee pads of course

02-20-2002, 01:45 PM
my quads hurt like Hell-o the next day, and my tri's hurt a lil. i have to wear a knee brace cause i have a bad knee, but thats all

02-20-2002, 02:45 PM
Well I play football and wrestle so paintball is nothing for me. The sports I play prepare for me anything, if any of you are wrestlers you know what I mean, hard stuff aint it? Yeah, I stretch a little before I play but nothing major.

02-20-2002, 02:51 PM
This may sound odd, but drinking pickle juice is good for cramping...Really!

02-20-2002, 03:11 PM
There's two kinds of muscle groups: slow twitch and fast twitch. When you run and play soccer and walk you are exercising the fast twitch groups. As you run from bunker to bunker and roll and dive, etc. you are doing the same. However, when you crouch and hold a position or contort yourself and hold it you are training your slow twitch muscle groups - many people do not do this on a regular basis. Advil will help, yes, pickle juice (or cidar vinegar for that matter) will help because it speeds the removal of lactic acid from the muscles after exercise. Lactic acid is a by-product of excercise and exertion and is held in the muscle groups waiting to be metabolized. Stretching well before will help immensely - there are plenty of books and resources online to help show you the correct way - and it positively CAN be done wrong. You should not bounce or over-extend and there are ways to improve the effectiveness of stretching. Other than that - there's not alot you can do except to possibly work with a trainer who can isolate and develop the specific slow twitch groups that you are using as you play, but now we are talking serious sports science and probably alot of time and effort. The best training you can do to get in shape to play the game is PLAY THE GAME.

02-20-2002, 04:08 PM
Dude, I get sores like that when I get up from my bed to go the the can!

Seriously, you are using muscles that aren't used in other sports, mostly from crouching. Now, If you've read some of my articles, you'll know I'm an advocate for chairs in the bunkers so you don't have to suffer this exquisit little pain. If you can't do that, then my advice is:

1) stretch out your hips, thighs, and hamstrings before play,

2) stretch them out AGAIN after you play,

3) keep playing, you're muscles will get used to it.

I find when I remember to stretch out before AND after I don't get nearly as sore. The problem is most athletes aren't used to stretching those muscles. I studied TKD (martial arts) for a while and learned how to. Find someone who does karate or something like that and have them teach you stetches for the hips and upper legs.

In the end there is no substitute for just getting those muscles in shape.


Top Secret
02-20-2002, 04:36 PM
I still get the cramps. A guy on my school swim team(who does like two miles a day) who plays felt as sore as I did after a good day of paintball.

02-20-2002, 05:11 PM
paintball is a major energy user in many ways!!

gotta love it :D

02-20-2002, 05:36 PM
Like everyone said already is to streach, also make sure you drink enough fluids! later Hills

02-21-2002, 12:32 AM
thanks guys , pickle juice , hummmm. well i think its propley becuase i dont strech before , so i will try that.
yeah becasue this sunday , i was really pushing my luck in the forward bunkers , and i was in all diffrent kinds of postions.