View Full Version : Couldn't be more pissed at a paintball company...

Frizzle Fry
03-15-2013, 06:42 AM
So, I like many others was patiently awaiting the arrival of the Kingman Hammer 7 last fall. The original Hammers were my favorite Nelsons (adjustable bolt, brass internals, quality 12g changer) and when the First Strike rounds first came out I modified one of my old Hammers with a fixed magazine to feed them. I hadn't owned a Kingman marker newer than the Spyder SE, and hadn't bought a full production marker "new" in 10 years.

I bought the Hammer7 day one. Due to work requirements changing from 45 hours/week to 75+ hours/week around the time of release, it sat unopened in my closet until March when I left that job. When I opened it up, I was pleasantly surprised by the production quality that $130 gets you. The whole marker seemed well made, and the parts/tool kit included was comprehensive.

Then I noticed the frame... a 45 frame that isn't a 45 frame. Even the grips included with the marker fit like **** - it's uncomfortably tall and thin, and the placement of the finger grooves are inappropriate for anyone that didn't borrow their hands from a gorilla. At the very least they could have included a set of grips that actually fit the deceptively 45-looking non-45 frame.

I threw discomfort aside, gassed up the marker, and HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS it leaks down the barrel immediately. I dropped in a little oil, gas it up, and it starts hissing again. I replace the cupseal with the included backup, gas it up, and it starts hissing again. I try a brand new LAPCO cupseal, gas it up, and it keeps hissing. At this point I started to get a little annoyed, so I dig out an old original Hammer valve that's been sitting in a box of parts for over a decade. For giggles, I screw in a tank, and it holds pressure. Go figure. I steal THAT cupseal, toss it in, and surprise, it still leaks.

Now I've got a BRAND NEW marker that doesn't hold air right out of the box. It's not an o-ring, it's not the cupseal, it's just a factory defect piece of junk. We're not talking about a $25 WalMart-special marker here; it's a Spyder that any idiot is supposed to be able to plug a tank into and start shooting. When I called Kingmans service line, I was told that I needed to pay to send the marker in (about $15 if I want it to arrive this decade) and that I must include the warranty card. SURPRISE! I've got all of the packaging and accompanying paperwork but no warranty card was included... "Sir, did you accidentally throw it away?" no jackass I just opened the damn thing for the first time and called you within 25 minutes.

Now Kingman wants to charge me for the repair because I don't have my receipt or the warranty card, the retailer won't help because I don't have my receipt and they only cover markers for 30 days anyway, and even if a DID have the damn warranty card I'd be paying $15 to ship a BRAND NEW MARKER in for repairs.

I will NEVER do business with Kingman again. Thanks for the paperweight.

03-15-2013, 06:53 AM
Quick question. How long is their warranty? Considering it just came out 3 months or so ago, shouldnt it be covered regardless if its a 1 year warranty?

Frizzle Fry
03-15-2013, 06:54 AM
Quick question. How long is their warranty? Considering it just came out 3 months or so ago, shouldnt it be covered regardless if its a 1 year warranty?
It has a year warranty, but I need to include either the warranty card (which I never received) or the receipt (which was lost months ago) when I ship the marker to Kingman, or they won't service it. I made the person aware that the marker had only been released a few months ago and that it was not possible for it to be a year old, and he said that was the policy and he didn't write it.

He also thought it was ridiculous that I requested my shipping be covered since the marker was dead on arrival. He explained that while return shipping was included in the repair cost (which I should not have to pay anyway) but that it is only reasonable that the customer pay to ship the product in.

This could be solved by them mailing me a single brass part, the valve face. Probably cost them $10 including shipping

By the way, it's not compatible with the older Hammers at all. The valve is larger and beveled with different threading, the body is thinner and not stepped, and the valve stem is shorter with a smaller air passage. I've checked several other nelsons and they're not compatible either. This is truly a brick.


03-15-2013, 10:01 AM
Hit up LMartin on MCB or Email him directly. [email protected]

A friend of mine had similar issues and they fixed everything up real good. Sometimes you get piss poor service from a new rep that hasn't received proper training. Talk to this guy and you'll be good to go.

03-15-2013, 12:58 PM
It has a year warranty, but I need to include either the warranty card (which I never received) or the receipt (which was lost months ago) when I ship the marker to Kingman, or they won't service it. I made the person aware that the marker had only been released a few months ago and that it was not possible for it to be a year old, and he said that was the policy and he didn't write it.

Not sure if this would help, but at that point I would have asked for a supervisor.

03-15-2013, 01:25 PM
Not sure if this would help, but at that point I would have asked for a supervisor.

Have to agree. At some point I would have said " Ok, I'm done speaking with you, please put your supervisor on the line." If they refuse, hang up and call back, maybe you would get someone else.

03-15-2013, 03:16 PM
a friend of mine, knew Tom Cole of Bad Company and his store. he said that Tom would take every brand new Kingmann open them up and toss the stock cup seal and replace it with something aftermarket as a preventative measure. that shows me the quality control of Kingmann. if its not the cup seal, its probably the valve body or a oring on it that is near it.

crack it open and see if you can fix it yourself. could be something simple or stupid that they forgot about in the factory.

hope it works out for you.