View Full Version : Played today. This is great!

04-28-2013, 06:16 PM
Reffed at boneyard paintball today and after one of the fields died down we had some extra refs so I grabbed my mag and headed out. The uber hardcore speedball crowd was done and packing up so all the recball players (me) headed over for a few moderate speedball games.

Well it was me, a couple other people and a crap ton of first timers. Off the break I run out, no shooting just get to my bunker. Pop out and instanty take out the guy on the opposite dorrito. Move up one and take one out accross field. I notice someone running up to take the dorrito position and I pull back to reload...

This is where it geats great. I'm about 15-20 feet away from the speedballers that are packing up...

"Hey! Hey! Dude wtf is that guy shooting?!"

" which guy... holy crap! Is that an automag!!!!!!!!"

"What's an automag. Is that new?"

"No. Old old stuff. Never seen one like that thou."

"Wow it RIPs"

I have at this point stopped loading. Had a laugh. And procceded to take out 4 more of the 8 man team. After we were done with everything we're walking back and I was cornered by 5 players who were all starring at my mag. They were in awe over it and couldn't believe I was actually shooting one. One guy asked about modes:rolleyes:

04-28-2013, 06:48 PM
I went to the field today to chrono, fill up and tinker. My home field, Fox Paintball, still uses Automags for their standard rentals. The ref walked by and said, "Is that an automag?" I said yep and it is rail-less. He looked at a rental and looked at mine and said cool. I then said that I have a new body coming that looks like the original RT. Tried to explain and then I gave up. He obviously didn't know much beyond the rentals.

The field that I've know for 17 years was absolutely trashed. I have no idea what it will be like for my private party next weekend. It looked like images from swamp thing, but much scarier and more emotional. :cry:

04-28-2013, 07:52 PM
Rental mags rock!

Carnage reigns
04-29-2013, 09:47 AM
Pulled my ULE Minimag out for play for the first time yesterday. Got a couple odd looks and a couple guys who knew exactly what they are looking at. Shot awesome with an Eggy 4 on top. Then I sold the Egg4 to a friend who's just getting started in PB. Not a bad day of play.