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View Full Version : Need an E/X Mag Schematic

Dark Side
04-30-2013, 03:56 PM
I need a schematic for the board (yes I have searched). I picked up a couple of PBX Viking frames which use a HES to fire the marker. The very same part number which our Mags use and if I ever want to get these things working, I need the wiring diagram to get there.

04-30-2013, 04:33 PM
I am sure p8ntbal4me would be able to point you in the right direction if nobody else offers a quick response.

05-03-2013, 05:50 AM
I can't find my HES data sheets, but I think the pinout is:

Pin 1 = power
Pin 2 = ground
Pin 3 = switched output

Emag pinouts (not fully complete)

Atmel AT90S2313-4SC with connection points labled
Pin Name Connection
1 RESET CN4 pin 1
2 (RXD) PD0 Stamp pin 7
3 (TXD) PD1 Stamp pin 8
6 (INT0) PD2 Trigger input; stamp pin 9
7 (INT1) PD3 To MOSFET U3 (solenoid)
8 (T0) PD4 Switch PB2, stamp pin 10
9 (T1) PD5 Switch PB1, stamp pin 11
10 GND
12 PB0 (AIN0)
13 PB1 (AIN1)
14 PB2 HCMS clock
15 PB3 (OC1) HCMS data in
17 PB5 (MOSI) CN4 pin 4
18 PB6 (MISO) CN4 pin 3
19 PB7 (SCK) CN4 pin 2 (burst jumper)
20 Vcc

CN4 pin 1 RESET
CN4 pin 2 SCK
CN4 pin 3 MISO
CN4 pin 4 MOSI
CN4 pin 5 GND

CN2 pin 1
CN2 pin 2
CN2 pin 3 Vcc

Dark Side
05-05-2013, 08:41 AM
I can't find my HES data sheets, but I think the pinout is:

Pin 1 = power
Pin 2 = ground
Pin 3 = switched output

That's exactly what I needed. Thanks.