View Full Version : 140 round pods. what brand do people like the quality of?

06-03-2013, 06:38 PM
I'm getting ready to order a sweet 32degrees/redz pack on clearance. Its like my small one I use but holds a lot more paint. I'm using dye 160 round pods with lid locks now. I love them. But at 5.50 a piece. They are not cheap. What 140 round pods are of quality but not roughly 6 bux a pop?

06-03-2013, 07:00 PM
I have a couple Flurry pods and love them, The lids have a very wide lip on them which makes opening them very easy. The top which the lid snaps onto is decently thick and pretty sturdy. Flurry has them on sale right now for $2.75


06-03-2013, 07:16 PM
Crap! That's not an option without a seperate shipping bill. I may just go with empire 140 round tubes for 1.90. When they stat to wear out I will upgrade to the twist locks.

Frizzle Fry
06-03-2013, 07:58 PM
I used DYE Locklids for a while but they're pricey to lose or break... Same with Shockpodz.

I've had great luck with the old simple Redz pods. They seem at first to be just like any other generic brand (32* or GxG or what have you) but the plastic of the body is just that much more durable, and the caps don't seem to lose their snappiness or ability to stay shut.

06-03-2013, 08:11 PM
Fat Boy pods. Best pod ever !!!

06-03-2013, 08:13 PM
a free pod is the best pod ever! lol

although I do like my reds ones best

06-03-2013, 08:21 PM
Well I had to go with options at hand for one shipping bill. I couldn't beat this setup when I've already got a 2 pod setup that I can use the belt from to double for the wife. http://www.discountpaintball.com/32D-Redz-Paintball-Harness-3-Pack-Combo-1_p_5816.html. I needed something more than the 2 pods for scenario play.

06-03-2013, 08:23 PM
nice deal!

06-03-2013, 08:35 PM
Kinda what I thought. I paid 10 I think for the. Belt and 2 pod set I'm using now. And love it. And they had fast shipping last time.

06-03-2013, 10:38 PM
I generally go for pods in the $1 price range. Usually the GXE pods, or if you buy from ANS the ANS pods, which are GXE pods.

For pods that are a little more expensive I would go fr Fat Boy Pods. I don't like the Empire Pods, I dislike them so much that I wouldn't even take them for free. I will literaly walk past them on the field if I found them. They always open up on me, I think due to having 3 tabs.

06-03-2013, 10:58 PM
I hope that is why. I don't want to be ticked off with my 17 bux The first time I use them.

06-04-2013, 07:40 AM
I like Proto pods.

06-04-2013, 10:04 AM
Other than Dye, I'd say APP. You can talk to Titus either here or on MCB and he will get you a good deal for sure.

06-04-2013, 10:15 AM
I'm bad about putting empties back in my pack, espicialky when playing with an electro or my Mag. I'll drop them then pick them up after the game, even when playing woods games. I try to throw them near a path or trail if possible. I generally lose 1 or 2 in a day of play. It is a lot easier to lose a $1 pod or 2 than $6 pods. People will generally return cheap pods as well.

I do have a few APP Wrapper pods that I like for horizontal packs. I had PB Mafia make me a custom 2 pod pack that I use them in.

06-04-2013, 11:48 AM
I always put empties back in my pack. It would bug the crap out of me to let them lay.

06-04-2013, 01:54 PM
I'm bad about putting empties back in my pack, espicialky when playing with an electro or my Mag. I'll drop them then pick them up after the game, even when playing woods games. I try to throw them near a path or trail if possible. I generally lose 1 or 2 in a day of play. It is a lot easier to lose a $1 pod or 2 than $6 pods. People will generally return cheap pods as well.

I do have a few APP Wrapper pods that I like for horizontal packs. I had PB Mafia make me a custom 2 pod pack that I use them in.

Man, I get pissed if I lose 1-2 10rd tubes a day. I actually started putting identification stickers on my pods.

Properties I look for:

Material -- preferably something that will give a little instead of cracking/breaking.
Properly functioning integrated lid -- I don't like lids on removable collars because they tend to come off at inopportune times
Wide mouth -- useful for bulk loading 10rd tubes
Round bottom (and round lid if you can manage it) -- because paint is round and sits against round surfaces better; mostly a leftover paint storage issue

I see little reason to go for transparent pods unless you're stuffing them with non-paint items, i.e. I carry a "spare parts" tube and a "tools" tube, and it makes it easier to see individual items.

I haven't bought pods in ages as I don't even wear them on-field, but closest I've seen are pods which have 3 out of those 4 properties.

06-04-2013, 02:32 PM
Well I had to go with options at hand for one shipping bill. I couldn't beat this setup when I've already got a 2 pod setup that I can use the belt from to double for the wife. http://www.discountpaintball.com/32D-Redz-Paintball-Harness-3-Pack-Combo-1_p_5816.html. I needed something more than the 2 pods for scenario play.

I picked up one of these deal myself... nearly 2 years ago. They must have bought a crap ton of these from someone. I bought this specifically because it was one of the few that I found that had horizontal pods that werent the 2/side wrap around type.

For pods, I got a bunch in a package deal that are chrome 32* ones and some other off brand that I can't remember. I have not been able to find any new though and these are starting to wear out. Paintball-Discounters had some cheap clear/smoke generic ones at one time. Think they were only$1 or two.

06-04-2013, 03:08 PM
Team pods, we have a two huge storage tubs full of pods, all kinds of brands. Sometimes we lose some, other days we find some more. But with 20+ people on 3 squads, its hard to keep track of pods. We usually get bulk discounts when we do order new pods, always the cheap gxg pods. We break pods every practice, one day I noticed a trash can near the field full of broken pods, glancing at it we noticed the vast majority were ours, lol.

06-04-2013, 06:04 PM
I picked up one of these deal myself... nearly 2 years ago. They must have bought a crap ton of these from someone. I bought this specifically because it was one of the few that I found that had horizontal pods that werent the 2/side wrap around type.

For pods, I got a bunch in a package deal that are chrome 32* ones and some other off brand that I can't remember. I have not been able to find any new though and these are starting to wear out. Paintball-Discounters had some cheap clear/smoke generic ones at one time. Think they were only$1 or two.

Yes. I couldn't beat that deal. Don't know where they bought all of them. But its worked out great for me. And apparently you. I used to love my 4 to the side pack but it is 4 100 round VL tubes. Not 5 140 round tubes. How do you like the 5 horizontal 140s? I may try it out and throw a big water bottle in the tank pouch since I never liked remote.

06-04-2013, 06:37 PM
Its $3.75 for a Proto Alpha pod, Probably the only pods I would use. GxG/el cheapo ones being second

06-04-2013, 07:01 PM
I get the DSX, Diablo, ANS, ect. pods. Just the 1.90 ones. Got a pile of them some broke most not. Easy form me to replace if I loose them not a big investment.

06-05-2013, 02:49 PM

rifleman wi
06-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Fat Boy pods. Best pod ever !!!

This :)

06-05-2013, 06:07 PM
Shipment came in today. The empire pods seam to be decent pods. Lot smaller than the dye pods I'm used to. But it will work out OK. As for color. Long as they are not bright I'm happy. So far I've never broke a pod. But we will see on the 30th I guess.

06-05-2013, 06:48 PM
I actually prefer bright pods, easier for me to find on th field. My current favorite are the ANS neon green pods.

06-05-2013, 07:43 PM
I actually prefer bright pods, easier for me to find on th field. My current favorite are the ANS neon green pods.

Knock on wood. I've never lost or broke a pod. I don't lay them down though. If I did that I would want bright ones. All my old vl pods are black. The dye ones I have are smoke. These new ones are olive green. Works for me. I don't like bright just because they stand out more in the woods.

06-05-2013, 08:06 PM
Other than Dye, I'd say APP. You can talk to Titus either here or on MCB and he will get you a good deal for sure.

I used APP pods for years, they are VERY durable and reasonably priced. I've switched to the DYE pods for the last couple seasons because they are less prone to spilling my paint when I use my Empire Hinge Pack. Can't go wrong with the APPs if you are using a pack with velcro flaps...

06-07-2013, 12:07 AM
Most of my pods are old WGP pods, but if I was to buy new pods I would be buying GXG or Valken pods as they are both very similar almost exactly like my WGP pods.