View Full Version : bolt sticks and air leaks out the barrel

07-17-2013, 04:54 PM
ok i got a x-valve the other day and threw it in my gun, it shot great. so i ordered a cocker barrel adapter from doc and put it in my gun. first off it was a pain in the arse to put it. i did it just as the instructions said but had to force it in there. now when i air up my gun the bolt sticks and air rushes out down the barrel. i have taken this gun apart 20 diffrent ways til sunday and only thing i can think of is it is the damn barrel adapter but now i cant take it out :mad: someone please help me here dont know where to start other than the adapter i got sent to me.

07-17-2013, 05:42 PM
Sounds like the level 10 bolt doesnt like the adapter. Try pulling it apart and manually putting the bolt in to see if it hits. Or try putting a classic level 7 in and see what happens.

07-17-2013, 05:48 PM
yeah i was able to finally get the adapter out and the bolt kept on catching on it, its a hair too small pretty much. im just gonna get a ule body like i should have done in the first place lol

07-21-2013, 09:17 AM
Docs adapters are a great thing for the old ss bodied mags, the main reason being that they provide a tight breech to bolt fit, resulting in less "wobble" of the bolt, allowing for smoother cycles. And with the bolt and adapter being made out of Stainless this tight bolt to breech fitment is going to last. I wouldn't ditch it just yet for a ule body.. with the adapter out, stick your bolt in it as mentioned and notice the fitment, if its so tight that the bolt wont fall into the breech when turned on end then simply take some steel wool and rub around the tip of the bolt till it glides nicely into the breech.