View Full Version : E-Mag's being choppers

02-21-2002, 06:37 AM
Hey, I always look toward upgrading my gun, and right now I have an RT. At my local field a lot of ppl ask if I chop it a lot. I don't. But I was thinking of going up to an E-Mag one day, and A LOT of ppl are saying those chop like mad, and I know one guy on the forum is selling his because all it does is chop...ppl with warp feed don't seem to have this prob...I'm not saying I believe them, but where is all this *chopping* propaganda coming from?

02-21-2002, 06:44 AM
Well, the only e-mag I have seen chop was because the hopper could not keep up with it, otherwise there great.

02-21-2002, 06:49 AM
Because many people did not have good expirience with classic Mags and broke paint alot and they think that the Emag is just another paint blending gun...

Dale Furby Ford (talker guy from a paintball radio show) used to think Mags were just paint breaking machines and were totaly against Mags. He recently tried one of his friend's Emag and fell in love with it. He even tried to sell his Cocker on Ebay once to buy an Emag but his reserve price was not met ($1200?) so he ended up buying a Centerflag Uprising frame...

02-21-2002, 07:01 AM
The E-mag dosent just "chop". Why would there be thousands of happy customers if that were so!? The only reasons they would just "chop" would be because either the warp wasent installed correctly, bad paint to barrel match, wrong nubbins, loader cant keep up, etc. But thats all stuff that you are most likly aware of and already know to keep track of. Ever since I went to my powerfeed body, got a halo, and got a CP barrel kit, I havent had one chopping problem. I just got a superbolt (sunday i will put that to the test). I think every emag owner on this board is very happy with thier setups and would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have! :)

02-21-2002, 07:13 AM
I think that myth is no different than closed verses open bolt it all just myth no one has any proof of mag chopping more than any other marker. I think the biggest problem with a mag chopping is the mouth that feeds the beast, it has to be able to keep up with your finger. Prior to the Warp and the HALO the max ball feeding was rated at 12 bps and you still had problems with that due to a delay that was built into Revies. Mags will chop just like any other marker out there the best way to prevent chopping is to feed your mag with more than enough balls to keep it happy.:D

02-21-2002, 09:31 AM
I pretty much figured all that...and If (and when) I get an E-Mag and experience chopping problems..look at the barrel + paint, then set ROF less so I dont out shoot hopper. I just wonder how all this garbage speak is spawned, even yesterday, ppl are telling me that at some point my RT will start chopping, and that they've had friends who've had guns that run great, and like years later they start choppings (bad example).
I'm not sure if his forum name is the same as on AIM, but ColbyJ is selling his E-Mag so he can get an Angel, he said that all it does is chop, and he's had everything checked out, and he has a HALO, etc... and now he just want to rid himself of it. When I hear that kinda stuff I just wonder...
I haven't heard of any probs chopping w\warp setup.

02-21-2002, 01:24 PM
Emags will chop if you run a hopper that can't keep up with the ROF. Its like that with any gun on the market.

Rock Star
02-21-2002, 03:21 PM
if ya having problems then turn the gun down to 9bps. other than that he might have bad nubbins.

02-21-2002, 03:26 PM
My E-Mag never chopped and I had a warp-feed. What it did do though was break a rediculous amount of paint down the barrel. The paint to barrel match was fine and I sent the gun to a pro-shop like six times and it still didn't work right and broke paint a lot.

02-21-2002, 03:28 PM
it will chop same as u do with ur rt

02-21-2002, 03:36 PM
Tom is taking my EMAG away as I am too stupid to use it. I have had zero problems with the gun just mysteriously chopping paint. It does break when I:

a)out shoot the rev

b)keep it leaned over on the side too long the warp runs out of paint

c) forget to turn warp on

d) forget to STOP shooting when out of paint

e) through repeated stupidity the powerfeed plug can become slick and get pushed out by the warp enough to cause problems

So - if you see an emag chopping - you may want to check out those things. Other than that - mine works great!

02-25-2002, 01:55 PM
I will say that automags, by virtue of their blow-forward design, has more potential of chopping balls if the bolt moves forward before a ball is completely in the breech. In comparison, if the bolt in my autococker catches a ball mid-way down the feed tube, the bolt jams onto the ball without chopping it.

Having said that, I did have some chopping problems when I first bought my minimag years ago. Experience taught me that balls most often chop b/c (1) bad nubbin (needs adjustment, worn out), (2) hopper is not feeding well (needs fresh batteries), (3) powerfeed tube is dirty (ie paint, shell, dirt), (4) powerplug/barrel is not completely in the correct position (thereby partially blocking the balls) and (5) tilting the gun too far to own side (the balls do not feed quickly enough) when shooting high ROF.

Having learned that, I've have yet to chop a single ball on my E-mag.

02-25-2002, 03:00 PM
Reason #6 for chopping paint..

You can't wait to go out and get batteries for your new warp/Emag setup and push the balls in the top of the feed tube all while your friend is on 3 shot burst. :rolleyes: Cut the 3rd ball in half cuz I refuse to put my finger in the tube.. other than that.. 3 cases no breaks..

02-25-2002, 03:04 PM
It's really cold up here in the winter time. I ran a hopper left E-Mag with a warp and a turbo rev, and I never ever chopped... HOWEVER, I did break usually one ball per hopper in the chamber after the paint would get colder... thats something to consider... not just chopping...

02-25-2002, 03:39 PM
I put about a case through my gun every weekend and the only time I really break a ball is when I run out of paint in my hopper and the warp doesn't feed because there is no paint.

02-25-2002, 05:05 PM
My bud sent me a link to this form... eventho Im not a fan of AO anymore really. Mags chop. If you dont fire that fast yer fine, if the ball is in the chamber then it wont chop. but it will NOT stop on a ball, if a ball is fed half way... it WILL break. Once anti-chop eyes come out then there should be realy no problem anymore, because it wont fire if a ball is half fed. Warp fed guys dont have this problem because their systems feed so fast that they dont HALF feed. The one reason i never bought an e-mag, remembe this the ONE reason is because they chop if they half feed. Powerfeed doesent have much of a problem with this.. mostly vert. Vert feed mags have a good deal of blowback which means that the balls can not feed fast enough. I have owned mags and cocker and shockers and about every major gun you can thinkg of with the exception of the angel, excal, or a matrix. I h8 angels... i loath them. But thats not what im talking about. if you like warp feed then go for the e mag, if you like powerfeed... and i dont because i cant stand having a tube across the top of my gun in my face. vert feed is cool but it does not work well, maybe the superbolt will help solve blowback when you first use it, but when it wears more air will escape and allow for blow back. Basically if you want to use anything other than a warp, maybe a halo on vert might keep up i havent tested that it will break. Halo on powerfeed will definatly feed fast enough, but who wants a tube like that? seems like a jankety retrofit to solve a problem that lies somewhere else. I think that I am a more neutral than most of the people on this forum. The emag is a GREAT gun in every other respect other than chopping. It doesnt blow balls with a correct barrel, its faster than anyone will ever need... id say 20 is just friggen silly,b ut yea it can do more. The trigger is awesom. The manual backup is the pimp shiz. But i will not give in and say a it will pinch a half fed ball. Cus that is denying physics whihc is something that people on this form seem to not have a problem with.

02-25-2002, 05:50 PM
well i had an e-mag and am getting rid of mine for chopping problems... it wasn't paint-barrel match it wasn't even nubbins it wasn't o-rings and it DEFINENTLY was not speed... I had a HALO limited it to 10(-i myself can shoot about 14 believe it or not.. thats not the point at 10bps with a HALO which easily can do 10 (most of the time around 18) and all i got was chopping right where the balls enter the barrel. I tried all the foamie bolts, i had a warp-and that just chopped even more. All i can say is for me all i got from it was chopping-but that was just me dont base your buying the gun on me

02-26-2002, 08:20 AM
I do believe you when you say you can shoot 14 bps.

02-26-2002, 09:04 AM
I don't know why some people have such horrible chopping problems...... I shoot pretty fast (I am not going to throw out some magical number) and I've never chopped... I have a warp/revvy setup and have used superbolt/ans foamie most of the time.

02-26-2002, 11:07 AM
I think many MANY people confuse chopping with breaking paint down the barrel. They think that any time they break a ball it's because they chopped.

Chopping happens only when the ball has not fed all the way when you pull the trigger, or your nubbins are allowing a double feed, plain and simple. Either your out shooting your hopper or short stroking the trigger. If you have an Emag and set the max rate to 10 bps then it is probably a double feed.

Chopping ALWAYS has the characteristic of paint up the feed tube. No paint up the tube means it was a barrel break.

Barrel breaks can happen any time for many reasons. This has been particularly true in the last year since the Bounce Test has shown paint to be particularly fragile. The focus of our extensive research in the last 6 weeks has been on this issue and we feel we have made significant progress. Stand by while we do the final testing.

All markers can and do break the super fragile paint. Pro's are just putting up with it to insure no bounces. You have to know many things about your paint and equpiment to play paintball today.


02-26-2002, 12:07 PM
I get so tired of people whining about chopping with mags. I have owned an old style RT and currently own an E-Mag. I have NEVER chopped a paintball with either gun. If you are chopping balls with a mechanical trigger automag then you are probably short stroking. IF you are chopping balls with your E-Mag in E mode then something is not working properly. When I got my RT and was dry firing the gun that first day I shortstroked the trigger almost immediately. Then I said to myself, "Wow, when I do that (didn't know what short stroking was at the time) it makes a funny pppffffttt sound. I shouldn't do that in the future". All you have to do is let your trigger return fully and you will never chop a ball assuming all of your equipment is functioning properly. If you are shortstroking an automag with a mechanical trigger YOU are most likely the weakest link.

02-26-2002, 04:29 PM
Send me an email. I'll offer a decent price even though your marker is "so messed up it constantly chops"

02-26-2002, 04:51 PM
well if its probably a barrel break... and low pressure does not make a difference in barrel breaks.... then how is it that my shocker and electro cockers have never broken a ball in the barrel and my mag likes to (acording to this thread) break paint in the barrel? It because the cocker allows the paint to feed with its anti chop eye and the shocker i have pinches rather than breaks. If the mag which is (vert feed by the way) half feeds a ball its guna break that ball, and saying that most of these are barrel breaks says that mags are harder on pain than other guns. I like you tom and respect you but i need to clarify why people belive why mags chop to people rather than blaming it on paint or feeding. Basicaly the mag is pickey with the paint you put into it.. and if you dont put that paint into it fast enough. Other guns compensate for the paint. Simple as that. but emags are sick :D

02-28-2002, 05:19 PM
What the funk are you trying to say Sammy boy?