View Full Version : Lack of death is what makes paintball the game it is.

08-06-2013, 11:00 AM


08-06-2013, 11:13 AM
I lol'd

That other thread... sadly actually has nothing to do with the subject it pretends to not care about.

08-06-2013, 11:16 AM
Well, I remember a few years back playing against a bunch of local policemen and we obliterated them. At the end of the day, this one guy told us that they were totally caught off-guard. These guys train to use their service weapon as an absolute last resort, while paintball players will most often do moves that would be otherwise unsafe and reckless in real-life situations. That's one thing these guys didn't think of.

To sum it up, the lack of fear of dying will push paintball players to do things they wouldn't do in situations with real firearms. In the end, I think that produces more dynamic play.

Patron God of Pirates
08-06-2013, 11:18 AM
That other thread... sadly actually has nothing to do with the subject it pretends to not care about.

Care to elaborate?

To the point of this thread (which I know was tongue in cheek):
This is true. The difference is you don't thread after thread of people looking to make their markers more deadly.

08-06-2013, 11:24 AM

that lack of death thing can always be fixed yo...haha;)

08-06-2013, 11:38 AM
Well, I remember a few years back playing against a bunch of local policemen and we obliterated them. At the end of the day, this one guy told us that they were totally caught off-guard. These guys train to use their service weapon as an absolute last resort, while paintball players will most often do moves that would be otherwise unsafe and reckless in real-life situations. That's one thing these guys didn't think of.

To sum it up, the lack of fear of dying will push paintball players to do things they wouldn't do in situations with real firearms. In the end, I think that produces more dynamic play.

Bingo! That pretty much sums it up. :cheers:

08-06-2013, 11:50 AM
Depends. Actual threat of death might get some of the kids hanging out 200 yards from the action hiding behind a tree long balling to move their arse occasionally. Drives me nuts when I see kids high fiving each other because they "didn't get out". Easy to do in an attack and defend game and you don't ever fricking attack!

08-06-2013, 11:53 AM


It's true. I've never once died while playing paintball.

08-06-2013, 11:57 AM
Take this a step further. Discuss the games of "one hit and done" versus the games of "go to the deadbox for XYZ time and then reenter". On the reentry games I notice people playing much more aggressively. Especially if the reentry game is an objective-based game, like controlling a flag station.

08-06-2013, 12:02 PM

would read again

08-06-2013, 12:02 PM
Take this a step further. Discuss the games of "one hit and done" versus the games of "go to the deadbox for XYZ time and then reenter". On the reentry games I notice people playing much more aggressively. Especially if the reentry game is an objective-based game, like controlling a flag station.

Unless you're at a field where the respawn is 1/2 mile away from the action. Cough cough hell survivors cough cough.

08-06-2013, 12:35 PM
Haha. I'm pretty aggressive weather its single elimination or respon. And how aggressive generally depends on if I feel the risk is worth the outcome. Ie. Is it more important to hold my position and live to be a problem to the opponent. Or is it more important to push for that stronghold or elimination.

But man. Them 1/4 mile responds suck.

08-06-2013, 12:43 PM
Depends. Actual threat of death might get some of the kids hanging out 200 yards from the action hiding behind a tree long balling to move their arse occasionally. Drives me nuts when I see kids high fiving each other because they "didn't get out". Easy to do in an attack and defend game and you don't ever fricking attack!

So I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with these kids?

Patron God of Pirates
08-06-2013, 12:49 PM
So I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with these kids?

Annoyed!? I HATE these kids. Granted, I'm WAAAY too competitive, but I have half a mind to just shoot them myself when I see six of them huddled in a bunker 200 yards away from danger.

08-06-2013, 12:52 PM
So I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with these kids?

I once got reprimanded by a ref for threatening to shoot kids on my own team if they didn't move up and advance. I laughed and explained to him that it wasn't a threat.

08-06-2013, 01:07 PM
I once got reprimanded by a ref for threatening to shoot kids on my own team if they didn't move up and advance. I laughed and explained to him that it wasn't a threat.

Ha, how very Starship Troopers of you!

08-06-2013, 01:27 PM
Hahahaha. OK. Kinda annoyed is a nice way of looking at it. I can't stand them either. Either come out and play paintball. Or go spend your time and money elsewhere. These kind of players is why we lost the berm at the Normandy game in Indy. I was on axis. We started on a berm. The objective for the first hour was for the allies to take the berm. Unlimited respon. Respon point was prob 200 feet maybe more behind the berm. First time I got hit I jog back. Tap the respon. As I'm jogging back to the berm I notice a lot of our players digging in footholds back behind the berm. Each time I respond the footholds were farther and farther back. I'm yelling at them to move up. Push. Hold the berm. They looked at me like I was an idiot. I think it was my third respond that in the time i was shot till i tapped back in and turned around we had lost the berm. Not only that. The allies were coming over the berm not just at it. We lost the berm in 20 minutes because of this. And that's pretty much how it went for the rest of the scenario.

08-06-2013, 01:45 PM
yall are hatin on lil kids? 4 real? maybe instead of yelling at them talk to them inbetween games and try to make them feel like part of the game! dood i always look at someone like they are an idiot if they are yelling at me. wow i wish i could play a few games with yall just to shoot ya...haha.

they prolly cant stand most of you either and get annoyed by the way yall play...haha...this is supposed to be fun. supposed to be?

Patron God of Pirates
08-06-2013, 01:51 PM
yall are hatin on lil kids? 4 real? maybe instead of yelling at them talk to them inbetween games and try to make them feel like part of the game! dood i always look at someone like they are an idiot if they are yelling at me. wow i wish i could play a few games with yall just to shoot ya...haha.

they prolly cant stand most of you either and get annoyed by the way yall play...haha...this is supposed to be fun. supposed to be?

No, not actual kids. Anyone under 30 is a "kid" in my book. I always try to pump up the actual kids.

08-06-2013, 01:55 PM
Alright, I'm a kid for 11 more days. Don't yell at me.

But yes, the fact that it's just a game is why my friends and I mix it up with games like "Matrix", "Civil War", and "Can't Stop Walking". Obviously not the best activities and tactics if death could result.

08-06-2013, 01:57 PM
No, not actual kids. Anyone under 30 is a "kid" in my book. I always try to pump up the actual kids.

haha...ill be a kid til they close my casket man.

08-06-2013, 01:58 PM
Alright, I'm a kid for 11 more days. Don't yell at me.

But yes, the fact that it's just a game is why my friends and I mix it up with games like "Matrix", "Civil War", and "Can't Stop Walking".

how do yall play "Cant stop walking"? wat are those rules?

08-06-2013, 02:01 PM
Once the game starts, you can't stop moving. You either win fast or lose fast. Either way, somebody gets massacred.

It's really fun to do this when the other team isn't playing by the same rules. And even more fun if all of your team isn't playing by the same rules. Something unexpected always seems to happen.

It's also good shooting on the move practice for times when you might care more and want to pull off a run through. And good practice for picking out best ways to move through fields quickly with the most cover.

08-06-2013, 02:07 PM
Once the game starts, you can't stop moving. You either win fast or lose fast. Either way, somebody gets massacred.

It's really fun to do this when the other team isn't playing by the same rules. And even more fun if all of your team isn't playing by the same rules. Something unexpected always seems to happen.

hells yeah!!! i bet people get a lil heated sometimes unexpectedly...haha!!! we like playing iron man....just keep shooting and getting shot until you run out of paint or cant take it anymore....thats a rough game in the swat house!!!

08-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Sounds like it'd be cheaper just to take turns punching each other. Just kidding. I've played that one a few times myself, but it's not a favorite. I learned to aim for the lens when up close and personal. They can't hit what they can't see.

08-06-2013, 02:17 PM
. I always try to pump up the actual kids.

This right here. Actually most of the actual kids were doing what they could do. I will help them in any way possible.

08-06-2013, 02:26 PM
yall are hatin on lil kids? 4 real? maybe instead of yelling at them talk to them inbetween games and try to make them feel like part of the game! dood i always look at someone like they are an idiot if they are yelling at me. wow i wish i could play a few games with yall just to shoot ya...haha.

they prolly cant stand most of you either and get annoyed by the way yall play...haha...this is supposed to be fun. supposed to be?

I'm competitive. But not horribly competitive. That's why I quit playing speedball years ago. Didn't like the attitude that went with a lot of teams. And the expense. And no little kids I will do anything in my power to help them learn and have fun. As far as yell to move up. Yah. 300 people on the field. Half on the other side of the berm. 2/3 of ours on the berm and then groups just camping back way out of the action. Yah. If your gonna talk over the explosions and smoke grenades and gun fire you have to yell. Idk about you. But if I was back getting wore down and a guy just hoofed back. Started yelling " move up! Push! Hold the berm! Don't let them across!". As they were hustling back to the front line. It would give me some drive and push to move and do what I could.

08-06-2013, 02:48 PM
yall are hatin on lil kids? 4 real? maybe instead of yelling at them talk to them inbetween games and try to make them feel like part of the game! dood i always look at someone like they are an idiot if they are yelling at me. wow i wish i could play a few games with yall just to shoot ya...haha.

they prolly cant stand most of you either and get annoyed by the way yall play...haha...this is supposed to be fun. supposed to be?

Yep. I yell at them to stay off of my lawn too.

08-06-2013, 04:28 PM
Yep. I yell at them to stay off of my lawn too.

errrr...grumpy one...why would kids from the paintball field be on your lawn dood? that dont make much sense eh? either way why ya yelling at kids? its possible they arent moving up so they can stay away from you man....haha?

08-06-2013, 05:38 PM
errrr...grumpy one...why would kids from the paintball field be on your lawn dood? that dont make much sense eh? either way why ya yelling at kids? its possible they arent moving up so they can stay away from you man....haha?

Actually I rarely yell at people at the field unless they have their masks up. Threats of being shot at are much more ominous if you growl them Clint Eastwood style.

08-06-2013, 06:08 PM
Care to elaborate?

It's pretty much this thread template:

"Why are there so many threads about [x]? I'm too cool to be bothered with such details. I actually enjoy more/less of [x]!"

It's basically the MO for the "too cool for school" crowd. Normally, but not necessarily, [x] is something of an esoteric nature (efficiency, bps, weight, teamwork, math and science, education).

If it's regarding a statement/subject that is blatantly obvious/obtuse, then the purpose of the template becomes clear. It's not actually about [x].

08-06-2013, 06:26 PM
One of the funnest games I ever played was a 40-50 man game of freeze tag. If you were hit you stood there till a team mate could run by and touch you.

08-06-2013, 06:33 PM
One of the funnest games I ever played was a 40-50 man game of freeze tag. If you were hit you stood there till a team mate could run by and touch you.

Gonna have to remember that one.

Seems another nice twist would be to have people start scattered all over the field. This would make the field play in multiple directions, and a team just couldn't stay line abreast to make sure they could always revive each other.

08-06-2013, 07:24 PM
One of the funnest games I ever played was a 40-50 man game of freeze tag. If you were hit you stood there till a team mate could run by and touch you.

I will have to remember that! Great idea.

And starting with players all over the field could be an added twist. Yup. To great of an idea.

Patron God of Pirates
08-07-2013, 09:23 AM
It's pretty much this thread template:

"Why are there so many threads about [x]? I'm too cool to be bothered with such details. I actually enjoy more/less of [x]!"

It's basically the MO for the "too cool for school" crowd. Normally, but not necessarily, [x] is something of an esoteric nature (efficiency, bps, weight, teamwork, math and science, education).

If it's regarding a statement/subject that is blatantly obvious/obtuse, then the purpose of the template becomes clear. It's not actually about [x].

I was just trying to make an observation and see what others thought about it. Go back and read my first post and you'll find that in no way fits your template. I never implied that I was in any way too cool for [x]. I never said I didn't care about [x]. I actually said that I was as guilty as anybody in terms of caring about [x]. My question was not "why are there so many threads about [x]?", it was "is more [x] what we really want?". It was a real question, not an effort to espouse my POV as superior. I said it is a matter of personal preference.

I'm sorry but you have the wrong impression of me. If anything I'm not cool enough for school.