View Full Version : Tom, Intelli Z- Grips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zelda Ramras
02-21-2002, 12:26 PM
Tom, I didn't want to buy the old batch of z-grips you put on the store because I am waiting for the Intelli Z-Grips to come out. I am positive that other people feel the same way. Lets see the Intelli Z-Grips up in the store!

02-21-2002, 12:46 PM

intelli Z grips would own all,i mean,i would deinitly buy one so quik,it would make the production line's dude guy that runs it,his head would spin.

they would have all pros of a intelliframe,plus all pros of a Z grip...um..do the math,thats alot of pros

see below for officalcuation:

Zgrip pros+intelliframe pros=alot of pros

well,i hope i cleared that up for everyone!:D

02-21-2002, 01:10 PM
TK is working on it but he has other things to work on like 45k flatlines etc. etc. etc. give him time and you will get them.

02-21-2002, 01:38 PM
If these IntellZ's come out i will order ASAP cuz i dislike my stock trigger frame.

02-21-2002, 02:42 PM
Here's the interesting thing. ALL of you are begging for Z-Grips and were dying to get one a few months back before the idea of the intelli-Z was brought up. There's Z-Grips for sale now, but nobody seems to have any money to buy one... Everyone wants to wait for something that isn't even for sure going to be produced.

I just find it interesting that REAL Z-Grips are up for sale right now, but nobody seems to have the money so they'd rather wait for something that is nothing more than an idea and they don't even know if they'll like the new design.

02-21-2002, 02:49 PM
Man! did you hit the nail right on the head there Black! :eek:

02-21-2002, 02:52 PM
I think that Black has a point, but note that all (12) of the Z-Grips actually have been sold now, and there are only a few people saying they want them, but don't have the cash.

Sure, it doesn't scale very well, but 12 buyers and a few possible buyers in less that 24 hours ain't bad.

02-21-2002, 03:16 PM
Good God people, you can make ANY frame an intelliframe with a little wiring, a microswitch, and some solder...or for those who cant solder, electrical tape. Its been awhile, but if you really need to know how to do this, I will try and put up a description...LMK if you need it.


02-21-2002, 03:19 PM
Man, I wish I could even buy a z-grip. I don't even have a mag so there's no point in me buying one. Not to mention my parents would freak if I bought a gripframe for 100+ dollars.

02-21-2002, 03:54 PM
um..there is more to the inelli Z than wires....we dont want it for the darn intellifeed..well some do,but us others want it for feel,comfortablility,looks,style,and performance.....and we dont have money for those Z's because he posted about them the same day they were put in the stores,i need some time to gather money for these things,and so do other people

02-21-2002, 05:06 PM
the point is that if you were to buy one now it would be better than nothing. furthermore you can always sell it down the road if you don't like it, or it something better come out.

02-21-2002, 05:50 PM
Black - How about we'd rather wait for a nice, newly designed, aluminum, blade trigger option, Intelliframed STOCK, Z-Grip than by some old plastic that was found in an attic! Look, one - they hadn't been completed. Two - they're set for RT's! Three - They wouldn't be of the outstanding quality (not to say they're poorly made, no - just the opposite. Just to say that they'd be better made now, by most standards, what with the machining, aluminum, not being hidden for four years, etc).

And how DARE you scold us for not having money! Look, I work for my cash. I have 2 jobs, and I mow lawns. And when I don't want to spend my money on something that will come out better, newer, and cooler in a couple months, I'd expect you to respect that choice!

And when someone says "I have an older version of something that's going to be revamped, restyled, and most likely put out later this year for about $115. Oh yeah, it's for sale today." and we don't have money, I don't consider it a national tragedy. I mean, I love Tom and his products, but I'm not gonna donate my arm to science so I can shoot a Z-Grip until the Intelli's come out.

Jeez, man.


02-21-2002, 06:01 PM
Why would I buy a ZGrip when a newer more advanced one is coming down the road? Of course I also disagree with Tom's post about buying them or no YGrip but that is another rant Then again how fast were you expecting these to sell? Come on give people a chance. There are alot of younger folks on here that can not just drop a quick $100 but have to figure creative ways to get the parents to buy or re-organize their expenses.

02-21-2002, 06:26 PM
if you guys don't stop bothering tom about these new Zgrips hes gonna get mad. he has many things to do right now. we can't have everything. everyone wants him to get the extreems done and the 45k flatlines he has many things going on right now give him some time and let him finish up what he has started. the intellifeed zgrips are probably last on his mind. also about the old zgrips being up in the store, there were like 50 people who wanted zgrips so bad and when he puts up 12 they dont go fast. when tom was talking about the new zgrips i remeber him saying he has to sell most or all of them to break even. by not jumping all over these old zgrips that is gonna make him not want to make the new ones because a lot of people said they would buy one and if he doesnt sell all these he is gonna loose money.

just my $.02

02-21-2002, 07:03 PM
but the thing is, is that we don't know for sure that a new more advanced one is coming out down the road.

What would you guys do if Tom was kille in an accident on the way to work tomorrow? Then new z grips would probably never come out and you would have missed your chance to get any form of z-grip.

that is basically what black is trying to say.

02-22-2002, 11:26 PM
I have an Intelliframe.... I'll only buy a Z-Grip if its a singing Z-Grip :D

02-22-2002, 11:34 PM
Enjoy what you have now... Buy a z-grip if you can, Tom always has the choice to change his mind.

Zelda Ramras
02-22-2002, 11:59 PM
Why would I buy an older model Z-Grip when the Intelli Z Grip is going to come out. Foo, you have been a thorn in everyones *edit*, and until you own a Mag and financially help to support this great company stop ruining peoples posts.

02-23-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Zelda Ramras
Why would I buy an older model Z-Grip when the Intelli Z Grip is going to come out. Foo, you have been a thorn in everyones a%%, and until you own a Mag and financially help to support this great company stop ruining peoples posts.

The intelli Z grip isn't going to come out if there's not enough people even buying the ones that are left right now... i just checked and there's still some being sold. Personal problems with members on this forum don't belong here, take them to email or pm's please. Since I fall under everyone, i don't appreciate you making opinions about how I feel about fellow members...

Foo- your day will come ;)

02-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Zelda Ramras
Why would I buy an older model Z-Grip when the Intelli Z Grip is going to come out. Foo, you have been a thorn in everyones a%%, and until you own a Mag and financially help to support this great company stop ruining peoples posts.

Tsk Tsk Tsk... Trying to beat down on me already?

I'm only saying that it is a possiblity that Tom might not make them.... HELL, if someone else owned AGD you would never even see the idea of an IZ-grip around here... HELL, THERE WOULDN'T EVEN BE A FRICKIN AO!

I know I can't buy STUFF right now but I don't give a crap about it. I have my own problems and you have your's. QUIT RUBBING MY PROBLEMS IN MY FACE! I don't know about you but I think you're lucky that you actually GET to PLAY.

I might as well add more to this while I'm at it. I post stupid crap to lighten up the mood ok? I hate seeing glum losers like YOU beating on Tom and other AO'ers just because you're a spoiled brat... I hate those types of people actually. This is supposed to be a friendly forum. Go sell your mag and go buy a flamer's gun... Your a disgrace to the paintball community.

Took out those bad words and added some more flaming to it... You really get on my nerves Zelda Ramras... I'll post in every one of your threads from now on...

Wow, I just reread this thread and Zelda, you really sound like a spoiled brat. Tom does have bigger things to deal with right now than our pety requests. He's doing us a favor by just TRYING to fit those iz-grips into his schedule.

Edit3: now I'm referring to EVERYONE
Guys, the only reason Tom is doing the z-grip/y-grip buy/sell thing is because he wants to reassure himself that the y-grips will actually sell. I bet you would hate it if your customers asked for something and then didn't buy it like they promised.

02-23-2002, 01:45 AM
You have NO RIGHT to put these 2 posts on this forum. you people in general have no right to complain about Tom trying to do somthing generous for you. Tom said he would not spend valuble money in creating a new version of a product that failed unless these twelve were sold. Why would he?

If you want them to look even more unequ then you can modify it.

If you want diffrent grips modify them.
If you want it intellifed modify it.

I am tired of hearing you all complain about Tom not selling Z-grips which failed in there inicial dabue. if you want a Z buy in now while you can. If you do not none of you have any right to complain and ask for new ones because he tried.

Tom has tried to help in any way he can. All you guys can do is complain that he wants you to buy some new original version Z's to prove that a new batch is a seamingly profitable expence.

HOW DARE YOU gripe about this . You don't desurve what Tom does for you.

I wont buy one because i pursonally dont like them. I now wish i had one of these original ones because they are a colectors item. I baught my first mag 6 years ago. I now play with an RT with intelliframe because that is the gun i like. In the time i have played i havent found any company that cares for the customers as much as Tom cares for us. So be kind to him.

Tom i just want you to know that most of us appriciate evrything that you do for us

sincerly: Jason

Sir. Foxalot
02-23-2002, 01:46 AM
It is true that why would you want to buy a product if a beter version of it is comming out soon howevere... Lets say you do that youd never by anything because there is always a better newer version coming out. Deal with what is on the market now and deal with what comes out when it happens.

Zelda Ramros- dude thats not cool, Foo is trying his butt off and things happen and with 5 or whatever posts you have I dont think you can be flaming him

02-23-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Sir. Foxalot
It is true that why would you want to buy a product if a beter version of it is comming out soon howevere... Lets say you do that youd never by anything because there is always a better newer version coming out. Deal with what is on the market now and deal with what comes out when it happens.

Zelda Ramros- dude thats not cool, Foo is trying his butt off and things happen and with 5 or whatever posts you have I dont think you can be flaming him

But think of it this way, everyone waits for this better version, but this better version will never be released because noone would by the previous version ;) makes sense???

02-23-2002, 02:01 AM
YEah, What if no one ever bough unix or windows? There would be no WindowsXP, Windows2000 or Linux... All there would be is Mac OS and no comps whatsoever... only macs...

Another example... What if no1 bought mustangs or corvettes? Those two great cars would be considered flops and wouldn't have ever existed past their early models...

Zelda Ramras: *edit*

Removed at the request of army

02-23-2002, 03:30 AM
FooTemps, FYI: The Corvette was considered a flop initially, sales were extremely bad in '53 / '54 while the Ford T-bird sold like hot cakes. That's why they added the 8-cylinder engine in '55 and came out with a new body-style in '56 and everything got better. If it hadn't the Corvette would have been discontinued... (Actually GM wanted to discontinue them in '54 - It's just that they thought: Hell, Ford can sell a 2-seater sports car, we should be able to too)