View Full Version : Apex2 Freak Tip

08-15-2013, 05:22 PM
Looking at barrel options for a new pump build and tossing around the possibility of utilizing a Freak back (probaby WWA) coupled with an Apex2 front. Does anybody have any real experience with this setup? I'm not looking to be "ZOMG I'm a Sniper" or anything, but kinda interested in a little extra range and flatter trajectory that a backspin type barrel allows. Several years ago I used a Flatline on an A5 and a 98 and had pretty mixed feelings on the setups. Never tried it with the Freak back though.


08-15-2013, 05:34 PM
I have an apex 2 freak tip. And I will only use it in woods ball. Apex 2 is the epitome of accuracy by volume. They have a 4-5 foot group at 50 feet.

If it's a field with obstacles that you need to snap shoot in.... You're boned. I keep trying to use it and I'll yank it off mid game. At living legends it more then payed for itself.

08-15-2013, 05:50 PM
Apex2 is all I use. But I've been using Lapco barrels.
Just recently picked up a GOG Apex Freak tip but have yet to use it.
Been wanting to try ball sizing with the Apex tip to see if it makes any difference.
I have a lot of fun with the Apex tip.
Curving around obstacles and turning it upside down and coming down on top of bunkers.


08-15-2013, 05:52 PM
I have an apex 2 freak tip. And I will only use it in woods ball. Apex 2 is the epitome of accuracy by volume. They have a 4-5 foot group at 50 feet.

If it's a field with obstacles that you need to snap shoot in.... You're boned. I keep trying to use it and I'll yank it off mid game. At living legends it more then payed for itself.

Sounds about the same accuracy that I was getting with my Flatlines. Actually, I found the FL on the 98C was considerably more accurate than the A5 one. No idea why, but I didnt have either long enough to really do in depth testing. I just remember watching the paint fly out of the barrel of my A5 and do some REALLY funky stuff.

But there are a few places that I play at that have some overhead brush that it would be nice to be able to not arc long balls. Might keep my eyes open for a used one. Not sure I want to invest $75 + WWA back for iffy results.

08-15-2013, 06:26 PM
I am more then happy to send it out to you to try if you wish.

08-15-2013, 07:07 PM
Apex2 > Flatline

When you'd rather have accuracy than range, you simply click the ramp back instead of changing barrels. Then you get no backspin, and your accuracy comes back.

08-15-2013, 07:08 PM
I am more then happy to send it out to you to try if you wish.

I might just take you up on that... Need to get some more parts together first.

08-15-2013, 07:09 PM
even all the way back theres still some duckbill contact

08-15-2013, 08:31 PM
even all the way back theres still some duckbill contact

I haven't noticed any on mine. Is your ramp worn or bent?

The design is so that it's able to be clicked all the way off.

08-15-2013, 08:34 PM
lol, honestly... I havnt dialed my new one all the way back EVER as my last one did that. maybe I'll give it a shot, if OPBN doesnt want to borrow it

08-15-2013, 10:59 PM
lol, honestly... I havnt dialed my new one all the way back EVER as my last one did that. maybe I'll give it a shot, if OPBN doesnt want to borrow it

I'm probably 2-3 months away at least before being able to use it.

08-15-2013, 11:12 PM
Give me a shout. I only use it for woods ball... I don't play woods ball.

08-20-2013, 01:47 PM
I've been toying with the idea of getting one for my Fibur.

08-20-2013, 02:33 PM
accuracy with the apex is actually quite similar to that of a normal barrel.


08-26-2013, 08:07 AM
accuracy with the apex is actually quite similar to that of a normal barrel.


Ok. Honestly, not sure exactly how to read this, but buy guessing the X/Y are the axis'? So a perfect shot would be x and Y both equaling zero? Was a test done to determine if the Apex is more/less accurate at different ranges? Does any of this accomodate for angle of fire? Since the benefit, IMO, is that the Apex shoots on a flatter plane due to the backspin, was a test ever done to confirm this? I.E. take a target, put it at different ranges and determine at what point the Apex is able to out distance a standard barrel.

08-26-2013, 09:28 AM
But there are a few places that I play at that have some overhead brush that it would be nice to be able to not arc long balls.

It does expand the number of spots where you can get under an over hang and the opposition cannot. Accurate or not, it definitely changes your point of aim as you increase the spin. Setting my old one on full spin (vertical) means I have to point up a lot to keep from hitting the ground. It dips before rising back up. It reminds me of looking up while trying to see out of the bottom of fogged goggles.

Do the new tips do that?

08-26-2013, 10:24 AM
It does expand the number of spots where you can get under an over hang and the opposition cannot. Accurate or not, it definitely changes your point of aim as you increase the spin. Setting my old one on full spin (vertical) means I have to point up a lot to keep from hitting the ground. It dips before rising back up. It reminds me of looking up while trying to see out of the bottom of fogged goggles.

Do the new tips do that?

That would be awkward...

Also, the tests that CP did I assume were done with a standard Apex ready barrel? Wonder how underboring would effect things?

08-26-2013, 04:38 PM
Messed with both Apex and Apex2 on the standard barrel they come with as well as a Deadlywind Fibur, doesn't seem to be a lot of difference in trajectory, though as expected the underboring did increase velocity a bit.

The "accuracy" of the Apex tips is a bit interesting. There is a bit less horizontal variation between shots, but a bit more vertical variation compared to the same barrel without the tip. At around half ramp on the Apex and a little past a third on the Apex2 they shoot pretty damn flat for about 2/3rds of a speedball field.

The thing that stood out most across the last few weekends of playing with them is how valuable it is to be able to take the Apex off the barrel in a matter of seconds in the middle of the game, which is really only possible with a Fibur or a barrel with the same diameter such that it can use the DW Apex adapter.