View Full Version : How can I make these modifications to an EMAG????

02-21-2002, 04:29 PM
:confused: I have an RT right now and I have a couple of things that I really like about it that I don’t like about the EMAG. But I want an EMAG!!!! So help me figure a way around these issues.

1. I like that on an RT I can remove the valve assembly without having to disconnect any kind of air hose.
2. On my RT I have a very short SS hose running from the tank to the bottom of the foregrip and then everything after that is solid. No hose flopping around. With an EMAG you have to have a hose flopping on the side of the gun.

I need a way that I can connect the nitro to the valve with a line that is incredibly sturdy but will also allow me to remove it easily between games without the need for a wrench.

I considered macro-line but I’ve seen people running through the woods get it caught on a branch and break when they tugged on it. A braided stainless steel line is obvious but will hang just like the macro-line; it won’t break but you can’t disconnect it without a wrench). Same thing goes for a solid steel line.

Help, all ideas are welcome. Maybe a mixture of ideas will provide a good solution.

Thanx, Dave.

02-21-2002, 04:48 PM
hmmmmm. I dont think there is anything that you can buy that will do that. You could move the battery somwhere else and make your own gas through grip, and just use the solid thing that was on your RT. Maybe you could get some microline, and mill a slot into the gripframe, under the rubber cover, and have it go right up to the valve.

02-21-2002, 05:26 PM
I have gotten it caught on branches, had themarker fall out of my hand and other kinds of horror stories.

It has never broken on me. IF you are afraid of it breaking try getting some thick walled vacuum hose, the kind used on import cars for the vacuum line. I'm not sure what the rating is but I think it should be way abov the 750 - 850 output pressure of most regs.

The only way I could ever see macroline breaking is if it's really cold outside.

I'm talking more then just a few degrees below freezing.