View Full Version : My 9/20/13 Rant

09-20-2013, 08:12 PM
I almost hijacked a poor soul's thread, but I figured I'd post the rest here...

It's been a while since my last post. Work's been interesting. I'm 1 of the last 3 (there were 11 when I started) in my department. Can hardly find time to cut the grass (or should I say, hay field). But the 6.5HP self-propelled Toro is going strong, despite a wheel falling off last week. Some idiot assembled it wrong after replacing the throttle cable. Is now a bad time to say I do my own maintenance?

Number two is 12 weeks along. Almost thought we were having twins. The doctor was convinced, but an ultrasound proved only 1. Also, completely healthy thus far. Whew, on both accounts!

What am I listening to right now? Shinedown. iTunes Session. Highly recommended. It's in a key that us normal people can achieve. Wait...just switched to OAR, King album. Another good one.

Yes, OPBN, I've tipped a few back. It's Friday!

Working on the house (finally) again tomorrow. I've had unpainted cedar trim up for about two months now. Neighbor is trying to sell his house, and I bet he's a little upset that my house looks so unkempt.

Good to be back on the forum, even if it's just for tonight. Any unsolved tech issues I can look at? No promises on finding resolution, but that's the stuff that keeps me coming back...

09-20-2013, 09:39 PM
Lol! Glad all is going well for ya.

09-21-2013, 06:29 AM
Lol. Drunk post FTW!

09-22-2013, 06:31 PM
Ever drank baileys out of a shoe?

09-22-2013, 06:37 PM
As AOs official maniacally ranter I approve this thread

09-22-2013, 08:36 PM
I dont drink but I have a lawnmower rant.

Dropped my mower off Monday two weeks ago with the clutch gone out at the local lawnmower junkyard (that's what it looks like anyways).

He said he'd get to it towards the end of the week.

So hoping I'd save some money bringing it to "Maynard" I just waited.

Went back again the next Tuesday and nothing had been done, it was shoved in the back and had a cat asleep on the seat (yes I'm dead serious).

He said it would be towards the end of the week.

Called Friday and he said he'd have the parts Monday.

I'm just wondering which week he will finally work on my mower ?

Meanwhile it keeps raining several time a week and the grass is still growing.............


09-25-2013, 04:09 AM
Look at it this way Going Home, if your mower stays under the cat "Finding Home" will be your problem! I skipped last weekend's mow and now I'm looking at 8" tall grass, with more rain between now and Sat. when I can knock one back without mowing the roses. If I can find the roses.

09-25-2013, 07:38 AM
Guess I should count myself lucky. Only had to mow the yard about 10 times so far this year. :clap:

09-29-2013, 07:30 PM
Look at it this way Going Home, if your mower stays under the cat "Finding Home" will be your problem! I skipped last weekend's mow and now I'm looking at 8" tall grass, with more rain between now and Sat. when I can knock one back without mowing the roses. If I can find the roses.

After almost 3 weeks "Maynard" came thru Friday.

Clutch, right front wheel bearing, and oil change/service for 90 bux !

I was hoping for under 300.

All is well again in green America, the grass is 2/3 mowed, at least the part you can see from the road looks good.
