View Full Version : opinions wanted

10-15-2013, 06:52 PM
i've been out of this game for close to 15 years and am playing catchup and want recomendatios on a couple of items. i know i'll get almost as many different answers as there are members but here goes.

1--whats the best brand of hpa bottle/regulator and how well do they work on a remote setup? which is the lightest when filled?

2--whats the best hopper for under $100.00 new. i'm partial to revy's but....

10-15-2013, 07:13 PM
For your mag, I would recommend a Ninja tank. I would suggest the Ninja Pro or Ninja SHP. It'll be a carbon fiber tank, so weight won't be an issue. All you have to do is pick the tank size that you think will fit your needs best. It's also good to mention that Ninja has excellent customer service, should any problems arise.

As for loaders... A revy is old school, and we're beyond that. There's a slew of choices for under $100.
Dye Rotors can be had for around a hundred, or Halos... I've always used my rotor, and haven't had any issues. It also keeps up with the insane rate of fire on my mag.

My SHP Ninja tank + Rotor =


10-16-2013, 07:24 AM
^^^ I giggle every time I see this video. Notice you heard people shooting before and then dead silence after he rips the mag :shooting:

10-16-2013, 08:22 AM
Rotors are nice, but I rarely see them for sub $100. You can get a V35 Halo for $35-50 and it will keep up easily. An SHP reg'd tank is going to be your best bet in regards to weight. I'm not partial to any particular brand of tank as IMO they're all the same. Just make sure if you buy used that it is capable of passing rehydro.

Edit: I misread, thought you were asking about an SHP reg. Honestly, any HP reg will work as long as its putting out 850+psi. I have to admit, I think the Crossfire regs tend to have really good, consistent output.

10-16-2013, 08:27 AM
Tank = Ninja
Hopper = Pinokio (sub $100 new on ANS right now)

10-16-2013, 08:54 AM
remote tank can be any tank. you are only moving the position of the tank, and tanks don't really care. i am partial to the older Corssfire tanks, myself. dead on accurate and you couldn't be happier with the output, but they are getting hard to find, harder to fix and those that want to live in the higher PSI ranges. most people will say Ninja, but i personally are not happy with them. depending on what your needs are you can find the 3rd generation of Air America or whatever you are happy with.

as for loaders. Halos still work well, but are a PITA to clean if you broke a ball in there. i love my Spire and love that in 4 seconds drop out all the pieces and clean it. i don't know what's on the secondary market. you might get a rotor for that much, a spire is going to be higher, or you can sup up a Halo and still have cash left over. the choice is yours.

10-16-2013, 09:43 AM
There is little difference in weight between brands of tanks, there has been no real advances in tank technology in 10 years. Just pick the size you want with a standard 800 psi output reg.
Revvies are more than enough to keep up with most mags, are built like tanks, and have stood the test of time.

I really don't understand why you'd want to play with a setup like the mag in TyeStick's video (unless in a tourney/scenario). If you want to hose the renters in recball, just use a modern space gun so as to not taint the Automag's good name.

10-16-2013, 09:46 AM
Tank: my preference is Ninja, but I've had no issues with Crossfire (both made in the USA) or, actually, Pure Energy (cheaper)

Hopper: keeping within your bounds of < $100 new, it would have to be an Empire/Invert Halo Too.

10-16-2013, 12:02 PM
Here: I just found you a rotor. V2 for $75.

Here's one for $95 shipped.

Here's another one listed at $75

Those were quick searches off the top of my head, and I know there's more choices than that.

10-16-2013, 12:19 PM
Here: I just found you a rotor. V2 for $75.

Here's one for $95 shipped.

Here's another one listed at $75

Those were quick searches off the top of my head, and I know there's more choices than that.

I stand corrected, they must have come down. Seems like just recently they were all $125+.

captian pinky
10-16-2013, 12:32 PM
the prices are down because everyone is at cup this weekend and wants spending money.

10-16-2013, 01:34 PM
I stand corrected, they must have come down. Seems like just recently they were all $125+.

Oh no, you're still very right... People still want a premium for them. That's the fun of shopping around!

10-16-2013, 01:38 PM
Oh no, you're still very right... People still want a premium for them. That's the fun of shopping around!

True. Also keep in mind the ones you linked aren't exactly primo condition either. All of them look pretty well loved.

10-17-2013, 01:40 AM
Ooh opinions!

1. Lot of people like Ninja regulators, which are light and perform well. I have no hard data on the tanks themselves, but I'm under the impression that they've gotten slightly heavier than they used to be from 15 years ago. All that decorative gel coating and whatever doesn't come for free. Unfortunately I got rid of my expired tanks, otherwise I'd have some data to compare against. Running remote sucks anyways.

2. In that price category, I would try for a Halo Too with a XeonPB Smartguide. That will push you a little over $100 unless you go for a used Halo. But if you go used, might as well go for a Rotor. Hoppers suck anyways.

10-17-2013, 11:13 AM
All that decorative gel coating and whatever doesn't come for free.

I prefer the grey ghost versions without all that stuff on them. Actually, all of my 68 ci tanks are grey Pure Energy tanks with Ninja or Nitroduck regs. Only my 50 ci tank is an actual Ninja tank - grey ghost, of course.

10-17-2013, 03:06 PM
Will throw in my two bits for what it's worth.

1. Ninja or Crossfire. Ninja has excellent CS. I use the Grey Ghost. Not because it's lighter, as per Goatboy, but because it's cheaper, as per my wallet. And it's your style, of course, but do for the love of Pete at least consider running the tank on the marker.

2. You have all manner of options if you want new. With a 15-ish year hiatus, you pretty well missed the ROF arms race/bubble/bust, and the competitive scene is now slowed to a virtual snail's pace. The Revy is still plenty fine for rec play. So fine, they brought it back. You can buy them new at Dick's, or wherever. $40.00 cheap. As MAGgot noted, you already know what you're getting. Also, you already have it, so it's $0.00 cheap. Keep it. For a little more ($70-ish) you can go with an Invert/Halo Too. Great hopper for the money, but getting dated. Pinokio ($85-ish) is even better, extremely simple, fast, and has unbelievable battery life, though it is ugly and bulky (holds 230) and the plastic is so-so. But with the extended nose cone you can hold 400-ish rounds for some deliciously unfair hopper ball.

If you are very patient, you can get brand new Rotors for $100.00. They are stupidly well made (they run under water, have heavy, tough plastic, and can serve in a pinch for a pickup game of Thanksgiving afternoon football), stupidly fast, have stupidly simple, tool-less disassembly, can be taken apart and put back together in less than a minute, and have a proven track record.

Good luck!

10-17-2013, 06:54 PM
SHP Ninja is great.

10-18-2013, 07:24 PM
so far so good guys, keep it coming. all my classic mags run remote CO2 which is what i am used to and why i asked about it and tank weight. i've seen some of the JT revys for sale and was wondering about Valkens, i don't figure i'll get to play enough to justify a rotor(short of winning the lottery). i'll have to take a trip to the local AGD dealer and check into drops and how a tank on the marker feels etc.:)

10-18-2013, 10:25 PM
if you are used to a remote, it doesn't make a difference to HPA if its on the gun or run on remote. remotes do lighten the tank up, but i prefer to use the tank as a stock and shoulder it that way.