View Full Version : Fighting the awsome power of the Warpfeed!

02-22-2002, 12:17 AM
I played paintball last weekend for the first time since Oct when I broke my arm. I fought the warp head to head for the first time. It was on a Shocker by the way. It was a local guy names Chuck that plays for groundfire, for those Local guys like Crazy and Lonnie. He plays 4 days a week so I knew I was toast but the warp feed was amazing. He was specifitally working on shooting sidways around the side of the bunker. His gun was always up and you only had about 2 inches for 2 seconds to hit.
All I can say is Bravo Tom. It definately just moved up on the to buy list.

As to the day. It was fun but I am definately rusty. I had trouble steadying my hand and being accurate. I really had to slow down and shoot more carefully to hit what I was aiming at.
I have a distinctive mag but again as before within 10 minutes I was called mag and became the target of the enemy on every go, go, go. My gun became a great big shot him first target. Oh well, fun was had by all and that is what really matter.

02-22-2002, 06:01 AM
they actually hunt down and go after maggers??? bastards.........

02-22-2002, 06:05 AM
its all either newbies who are afraid or cocker owners who just want braggin rights. Kinda funny though when I still survive and get some of them before they get me. :)

02-22-2002, 01:31 PM
I saw some dude with warp on a powerfeed shocker, he also had that cool JT speed loader thing, and even with that the gun was taller, that amused me for many seconds!

02-22-2002, 01:44 PM
I know what you mean about being the "target" because you own a mag. I constantly had people aiming for me at the field I used to play at in Utah. Most of them Cocker players. I had one Angel come after me and succeeded. He was a little upset after I bunkered him (wouldn't ya know it his battery died). So after he sat out a couple games charging it he came back with a little gruge. I kept up with him til the last 2 min of the game when I was the most targeted object on the field. I still don't know what happened to the rest of my teammates. Oh and he got a hopper shot. If I only had a warp that wouldn't of happened. Oh I also only had a normal (non revvy) Viewloader hopper.