View Full Version : ss center feed body?

12-04-2013, 11:14 PM
I've got a couple stainless center feed bodies and want an upgraded/updated feed neck, what are some options that you guys have used? Thanks

12-05-2013, 01:08 AM
are you talking about the no rise ss bodies, or the tall smoke stack bodies?? if smoke stack most will tell you not to cut or mod those, not many of those around. but some have done it and final decision is up to you. and yeah those that have done mod, usually go with ego feedneck. what about just getting an ule body?

12-05-2013, 08:17 AM
The Emag cf bodies are not rare. Ego5/6 feednecks or old Spyder feednecks will fit. Used to be several companies that made these but not many left still doing so. I think Lapco and CP are the only two still making them. My favorite one if you can find it is the Redz that has a clamping lever. Those are tough to find anymore.

12-06-2013, 12:33 AM
C_losjoker - Mine are already cut so I'm going to bring them down some more...
OPBN - I'm gonna have to look into a couple of those


12-06-2013, 08:16 AM
C_losjoker - Mine are already cut so I'm going to bring them down some more...
OPBN - I'm gonna have to look into a couple of those

Be sure if you are searching for the Spyder feednecks that they are the correct type. Some vendors don't seem to realize that the mounting style changed from a slip on to a tabbed design where they were held to the body with two screws. Get pictures before proceeding. On a side note the feedneck is 3/4", but a 1" feeneck can be used with a spacer. PTP offered the spacers at one point and I got the impression that Tracy had a ton of them laying around. So if you find a 1" feedneck you like, just contact them for a spacer.

12-08-2013, 10:30 PM
I just cut my old emag body down recently. I used a Lapco clamping neck. It seems to be well built and fits perfectly. I was browsing ansgear.com for an Angel LCD feedneck and it was the last one on the page. It's a 7/8 universal ultra low.rise. Awesome feedneck. http://www.ansgear.com/Angel_Feedneck_s/195.htm Scroll down to bottom of the page.

12-08-2013, 11:15 PM
Nice...picked up an ego feedneck off eBay but going to pick one of these up, all the Lapco ones I've seen were high rise and that's what I'm trying to get away from. This one looks great and reminds me of the 'old school' look I was looking for. Thanks for the tips :cheers:

12-09-2013, 08:50 AM
Just wondering out loud. I haven't seen many close up pictures of them - or have had one to examine - but how were the stainless no-rise bodies made? Would it be possible (or cost effective) to have this style of feed installed/modified on to one of the stovepipe bodies? I was also thinking that it might make for an interesting possibility on Luke's modified vert bodies if it were a possibility?

12-09-2013, 08:57 AM
Just wondering out loud. I haven't seen many close up pictures of them - or have had one to examine - but how were the stainless no-rise bodies made? Would it be possible (or cost effective) to have this style of feed installed/modified on to one of the stovepipe bodies? I was also thinking that it might make for an interesting possibility on Luke's modified vert bodies if it were a possibility?

My guess is no. The feednecks on the no-rise bodies are SS along with the bodies. I don't think you can weld aluminum to SS.

12-09-2013, 06:26 PM
My guess is no. The feednecks on the no-rise bodies are SS along with the bodies. I don't think you can weld aluminum to SS.

Sorry. I meant just as the no-rise bodies were done - in stainless steel - no aluminum involved. I sent a body back to AGD a while back to have a feed tube put back on. I wonder if AGD still has some of the no-rise feedneck parts, whatever they were to make the original bodies. Might be an option if AGD had the parts to have the chopped bodies retrofitted.

Anyone have some detail photos of the feedneck on a no-rise body so I could see what's going on there?

12-10-2013, 06:17 AM
here ya go dood:

maybe chat with flatliner333 and check out tha werk he did here:

12-10-2013, 08:31 AM
reebs, thanks but I've seen the stock photos before. I was thinking more close ups of the feedneck itself so as to figure out what went in to making what looks at a distance like a stainless clamping feed machined directly to the feed tube.

I also saw what flatliner did, and machining a completely new aluminum body isn't quite what I had in mind here. ;)

12-10-2013, 08:39 AM
reebs, thanks but I've seen the stock photos before. I was thinking more close ups of the feedneck itself so as to figure out what went in to making what looks at a distance like a stainless clamping feed machined directly to the feed tube.

I also saw what flatliner did, and machining a completely new aluminum body isn't quite what I had in mind here. ;) Pretty much. There is no "collar". It is a slotted feedtube with a clamp milled/cast directly onto/into the feedneck that is welded to the body.


Maybe if AGD had extras of the feednecks laying around, you could get the put on a standard SS body, but by the time you bought the feedneck and paid someone to do it, you would be up there in price.

12-10-2013, 09:30 AM
OPBN, thank you for the close up photos!

Another question to anyone: On these feednecks, any troubles fitting modern hoppers? I know they were designed originally for a Halo, so is there any sanding down required to fit a rotor/Z2/spire?

12-10-2013, 09:35 AM
Halo fits well as mentioned. Empire sport shot requires tape to snug up, as does a Revy. I don't own anything else.

12-13-2013, 02:48 PM
OPBN, thank you for the close up photos!

Another question to anyone: On these feednecks, any troubles fitting modern hoppers? I know they were designed originally for a Halo, so is there any sanding down required to fit a rotor/Z2/spire?

I had a no rise body and hated the clamping neck. It would not hold on to the hopper securely. I tried a.pre brass.eagle revy and halo. The halo was sanded some but the revy wasn't. So I have no idea how a modern hopper would work.

12-13-2013, 02:58 PM
Chrome, if you are thinking of having luke do vertical mod feedneck , the one by ansgear would work perfect, I have same thing but lapco version.

12-14-2013, 01:43 PM
Paint-Fool, thanks for the input. That kind of scratches my thought off the table.

C_losjoker, I had a modified body once before, with a similar feedneck. Honestly, I'm kind of looking for a unicorn that never really existed, so I've been thinking out loud to figure if I could modify something that does exist to work. In short, I like right/direct feed; I really can't use a vert feed well at all. I was thinking that this could be a possibility in getting a right feed body without having to use an elbow - stronger than an elbow to hold on to/up an electronic loader, and a way to get the loader tighter to the body without ruining the sight picture over the top.

If the clamping neck on the no-rise body didn't work very well (or won't fit a modern electro loader), it is kind of is a non-starter.