View Full Version : Shatnerball

02-22-2002, 11:49 AM
I am just trying to figure out who is planning on going

For those of you going, a 2-way radio (like those groovy little Motorolas with the 38 security keys per channel) might not be a bad investment.

Its always a good idea to be able to stay in touch with your base. If you buy them in sets I think you can usually find them for about 20-25 bucks.

02-22-2002, 11:56 AM
I am going, just wateing on my credit card bills to clear up after buying my E-Mag and stuff. As soon as it is cleared then I am signing up. Hope to see y'all their.

02-22-2002, 12:21 PM
I"m trying to make it. need my silly bonus check from work.

Load SM5
02-22-2002, 12:22 PM
I'd like to go, if I can get a ride or someone can fetch me from the airport.

02-22-2002, 12:34 PM

What airport? I live 30 miutes from CPX. I could help out.


02-22-2002, 12:40 PM
I havn't been able to see what the registration deadline is. Anyone have an idea?

02-22-2002, 12:44 PM
I think JJ is just accepting registrations until the event fills up. With 3 big names as Captains, I doubt there will be room for walkons, so if you want to go, you should sign up ASAP.

Load SM5
02-22-2002, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Gambit1106

What airport? I live 30 miutes from CPX. I could help out.


Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on it. I'm just in the planning stages as of a few days. How big of a pain is it really to fly with all your stuff?

02-22-2002, 12:57 PM
I found it near impossible to fly with gear (or atleast the tanks). I would say ship your stuff to the hotel you are staying at. I'll be flying in, and plan on making plans to ship my gear.

02-22-2002, 12:57 PM
I dun know. That's 2 weeks before my wedding. I'm not sure the future wifey would like me playing a couple weeks before.

/me starts planning really good B-Day for fiance so he can play at Shatner Ball.

02-22-2002, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
I found it near impossible to fly with gear (or atleast the tanks). I would say ship your stuff to the hotel you are staying at. I'll be flying in, and plan on making plans to ship my gear.

Really? I've never found it to be a problem and I fly into the states with my stuff at least twice a year. Probably 3-4 trips a year around Europe with it all also...

Just don't call it a gun. Speak to the airline before hand. Pack it in your checking luggage and always be nice and polite about it all. Take a PB magazine with you and never fly with paintballs.


02-22-2002, 01:06 PM
Load: I had no problems taking my tank as check in baggage. If you're running nitro make sure your tank has a gauge to prove that it's empty.

put all your stuff in a lockable "gun" case (offical hard case)

and declair it as a firearm. You should be ok.

at least that's what I did a few years ago.

02-22-2002, 01:09 PM
noooo don't declare it as a firearm. It is not! If you do and don't have the right permits they will crucify you. E-mail Warpig and ask for their recommendations I know they put together some info on it all.

Just declare it as a paintball marker.

If you can take the reg off your tank I find that helps. If not just make sure it is empty and that the valve is open.


02-22-2002, 01:17 PM
ok, sorry. I was just saying what I did, but also that was a long time ago too.

I'm shipping mine. so I'm not worried.

02-22-2002, 02:53 PM
Have you flown since the Sept 11 happenings? Hell, I had to have them FedEx my swiss army knife back to my hosue after they found it in my check in baggage. Now that the Federal Gov. is taking over airport security in the US, it's going to get worse I think. The one thing I noticed when I few over to Europe at the beginning of the month is how much more laid back security is over there when flying between EU counties. You fly back to the states and you get treated like a criminal.

02-22-2002, 05:07 PM
Yes I came over for the World Cup in October right after it happened. You know what I even accidently had a penknife in my hand luggage also! (but that's a different story)

As long as you inform them about what it is and make sure it is packed safely in the hold it's not been that big a problem. I do reccomend turning up very early at the airport and if possible talking to them before. I took my gun to pieces and took the valve off my tank. I fly a lot with my stuff with very few problems. I once got put through the ringer but as I was early to the airport it wasn't a problem. It does mean I tend to get searched a lot but no worries yet.

Lots of people who went to the World Cup flew with their kit and most had no problems.

I heard of some that did but that was because one idiot wanted to take it into hand luggage and another joked about it in security and so they stopped him and his team :rolleyes:


Load SM5
02-22-2002, 05:56 PM
Well, however I'm getting there...I'm going. I've joined Spplat and registered for the game, so I guess I'm stuck in it now. Can't wait to see the screaming lot of you there.

02-22-2002, 09:13 PM
isn't that in august. i might be able to go by that time if you have to sign up this early. someone fill me in.

Load SM5
02-22-2002, 09:17 PM

02-22-2002, 09:20 PM
I would love to go, but airfare is a little to much, if some one is driving from the treistate area I would be more then happy to split the cost.

02-23-2002, 12:44 AM
isn't it a little early to be signing up for this thing? that's like 6 months away?

02-23-2002, 05:59 AM
I'd sign up already, it's well on it's way to being full!

Just think of all the trekkies who want to get near Shatner... they are signing up as quick as they can... and should be great cannon fodder. All of them guys dressed in red shirts... they should know they have no hope as soon as Shatner sends them on their first mission! hehehe

If only Seven of Nine was going to be there...


Load SM5
02-23-2002, 08:45 AM
Maybe we get extra points if we shoot off rubber vulcan ears.

Ditto on the Jeri Ryan.

02-23-2002, 09:14 AM
Gonna do my best to make it - does anyone know how the teams will be chosen? I sure want to play under Tom....

Load SM5
02-23-2002, 09:18 AM
When you sign up for the game you can request a team. If you sign up early you'll hopefully get it. I made a side note about being an AO member. Hopefully, that will help get me on the right team.

02-26-2002, 05:45 PM
I am signing up VERY soon, and so far I am driving from New Jersey with Spacemanspiff and all of our gear. Anyone know of any good hotels close by??? I plan to stay for at least 3 days or so. First day travel, second day play, third day AGD factory tour maybe?!?!?! tee hee!! I gotta ask tom. :) Might stay longer, maybe some local AOers can take us on a tour of Chicago. I will see what spacemanspiff wants to do.

02-26-2002, 06:24 PM
Hey you want to give me a ride, we can use my conversion van or my rv.

02-26-2002, 09:04 PM
Yeesh, do they include a case of paint with it???

I was seriously thinking about driving down there for that, even possibly fielding a tank, but I could play a lot of rec ball and local scenarios with that much money... ;)

02-26-2002, 10:42 PM
No paint is not included. Guys that 150 dollars goes mostly to charity. It's a great cause and I'm sure you'll have a great time. I havn't really thought twice about the price...

02-27-2002, 04:10 AM
It's not 150$ if you join Spplat. If you join Spplat for 35$ then it's 100$ for the entry, You do the maths :)

Then you also get a huge number of discounts and advantages from being a Spplat member and are also helping to get Paintball recognised in the eyes of non paintball related sponsors. That is worth the $35 in my opinion.


02-27-2002, 08:24 AM
dont forget the shatner jersey made by "a reputable jersey manufacturer" that you get :) only place anyone will be able to get them is at this event!

will this be anyone else's first scenario/big game? i guess there will be tanks, grenades, landmines, and full auto guns. (glad i signed up for tom k's team, i fear the emag on full auto). Should be fun!

02-27-2002, 01:31 PM
JUST SIGNED UP!!! WOOT!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!! :) :) See you all there. Oh, does anyone know how all of us are going to find eachother?? Maybe we should all pic a central meeting place or something, get name tags and put our screen names on them or something???

02-27-2002, 01:34 PM
i'll be wearing my AO lanyard, i think the idea of meeting at a landmark is a good idea. i'm sure AGD will have a booth at the thing, considering they're the closest gun manufacturer to the event, maybe at their booth?

02-27-2002, 02:13 PM
just signed up. i can't believe wiliam shattner is commanding a team, but still, i didn't hesitate to choose tom's team as my first choice. we're going to whoop jimmy kirk's ***! see you all there!

02-27-2002, 02:17 PM
Hey tom you going to be flashing our emag boards for full auto come game time ? :) hehe

Load SM5
02-27-2002, 02:29 PM
Yea, if I'm going to drive 10 hours, one way, for this I better meet some of you guys, and, of course, have doughnuts. Angel Heaven did'nt have doughnuts. I'll see about some AO nametags.

Hello, may name is
Load SM5

It would be pretty cool if we could flash all of the e-mags for full auto. I'd love to see my SFL with an ACE shooting 16 bps F/A. Makes me tingle just a bit at the thought.

02-27-2002, 02:30 PM
once again, i'm soooo glad i'm going to be on you guys' side. ;)

02-27-2002, 04:25 PM
At this time this is the schedule relating to the Shatner Big Scenario Game:

You may pick up your jersey and official credentials as early as Wednesday the 28th...Beat the rush!

Wed, Thur & Friday - FREE entry for "walk-on Play" for anyone registered for the Shatner Game (field paint only)

Friday evening: Concert in the Xtreme arena (not sure who or cost of admission as of yet)

Saturday: Registration begins at 6:00AM (hopefully most of you did this Wed-Fri)

Everyone to assemble in front of stage at 8:00AM

Captains/Celebs will "speak to the masses) until 8:30AM

8:30 AM everyone moves to their respective entry points

9:00 AM Game begins everyone enters field of play!

6:00 PM Game ends

6:30 PM Awards ceremony

7:00 PM selected individuals (ie MVPs from each team, Best Tank Crews, Costume Contest winner, etc...) depart for dinner with Captains/Celebs

Sunday: "Tanks A-Lot" Tank Battle and Mountain Bike & Shoot contest and BMX and Skateboard competitions/demos

More of the same on Monday!

Hope to see everyone there. I'm sure I can coordinate with Tom to create a rally point for AOers starting on Wednesday.

02-27-2002, 04:59 PM
I'm signing up tonight, I can't wait. Hey can we have a huge AO party if ........I mean when Tom takes it all:) This is going to be so kewl.

02-27-2002, 08:01 PM
It appears that the Borgs (Tom's team) is growing. Black Cat has just agreed to assist Mancow. This means Tom with assistance from Wayne Dollack and crew will face Mancow with Dewayne Convirs (D-Day) as XO and Dave Massey (MI Monster Game), Psycho Mom and Spiros (Black Cat) as field commanders. Shatner will have Pacman as XO with Blue, Viper and Joe Stayback as field commanders. Looks like it's coming together to be the largest gathering of scenario minds ever!

02-28-2002, 07:01 AM
woohoo! keep the updates coming, thanks for keeping us posted! :)

02-28-2002, 07:17 AM

I sent an email to you guys cause I put the wrong team name. I obviously signed on to be on Toms team, but I put "Team Automags.org" instead of "Team Blackcell" in the team name field. Also, do we all know for sure if we got on Toms Team???

Load SM5
02-28-2002, 07:37 AM
Well, It gave you the option of choosing who's team you wanted to be one by putting them in order 1,2,3. did you put Tom Kaye as number 1?

I did'nt know we got to be the borg. Maybe I'll dress up for it. Have 4 feet of warp hose running from my gun to my butt....maybe not. Does kind of make you wonder what the jersey's will look like. Shatner's team gets all red starfleet uniform tops (they are all going to die, so it's appropriate) We get weird cicuit board looking jersys, and Mancow get's some spiky looking Klingon things.

02-28-2002, 08:23 AM
Anyone who has chosen Tom's team will get it. So far Tom's team (the Borgs) is lagging slightly behind the others. We are still probably a month from filling to the point of having to give people other than their first choice for teams. Jerseys color schemes will probably look like this:

Antique gold & blackfor Federation
Antique copper & black for Klingons
Pewter & black for Borgs

02-28-2002, 08:59 AM
Sweet! "resistance is futile, Shatner will be assilmilated"

OOhhhhhh!!!! Could the borg team assilmilate other players? We need 7 of 9 :D

Just curious, has paramount signed off on this, or are we fudging on the team names/colors?

What general scenario rules are we playing under? MSX/Viper or something else?

02-28-2002, 09:27 AM
Paramount has indicated that we can use the name but is still deciding about the logos.

As for the rules, they will be a mixture with an emphasis on fun for the newer player. We will not issue "personalities" or have spies/turncoats. We will give missions to the commanders of each force which they will then deligate to the appropriate group. The game will involve flag captures (as in Big Games) and missions (as in Scenarios). The missions will be such as to encourage movement by all sides. We do not want to end up with a static "trench warfare" game of volley after volley. There will be objects found on the field that must be taken to certain locations for bonus points and elimination of commanders will be worth bonus points as well. There will be a large scoreboard that will be updated throughout the day. Members of the winning team will receive a small token commemorating their victory.

03-05-2002, 10:44 AM

Just got my SPPLAT membership stuff in the mail-- very cool all the discounts you guys set up. That red roof inn discount card is pretty cool, I feel like a VIP now :)

Anyway I was just wondering if you had any news or updates for us since your last post. It's great to be able to hear exciting news from the source and circumvent rumors/hype.

Load SM5
03-05-2002, 12:09 PM
I'm a little curious what kind of paint is going to be used.

03-05-2002, 10:41 PM
hmm...Moutain Bike and Concert...This sounds like a kick butt week.

Give more info on the Mountain Bike stuff...That's another one of my past times...

03-05-2002, 11:43 PM
There will be multiple brands of paint available. At this time we can confirm that there will be RP and Brass Eagle available. We are negotiating with others in an attempt to have as many available as possible. We want this to be as much of a "neutral" event as possible.

03-05-2002, 11:45 PM
I don't have most of the info on the Mountain Bike portion but do know that there is a great Mountain Bike track that circles the perimeter of the Challenge Park Xtreme property and one of the events will involve mountain biking and shooting targets with a paintball marker in a biathalon like manner.

03-06-2002, 09:55 AM
How much fun would it be to Tag captain Kirk!!!

03-06-2002, 03:01 PM
I just can't wait to meet the man himself, Tom Kaye. It is going to be so kewl to get to see all the other SFL owners out there:D We should get a pic of them all together.

03-06-2002, 03:03 PM
I want to come someone give me a ride, I will pay you.

03-06-2002, 03:33 PM
Bond - our whole team is going, we might have room.

03-06-2002, 03:40 PM
If you give me a ride we can take our rv or our conversion van, lmk.

03-06-2002, 03:42 PM
i live an hour from where the event's taking place, but can i fly down to nj and ride with you guys? ;) been forever since i've road tripped. and conversion vans are schweet!

hope you guys can all make it!

03-06-2002, 08:45 PM
I will be there and in my normal childish manner I will be on channel 6 code 9. :)

Dude I am so psyked I am signing up tomorrow. I will be there a week in advance and maybe will play everyday until the big game. I am vibrating in excitement :D

03-07-2002, 12:08 AM
well i jsut saw JJ's posting on the team color/assignment......

all i can say is.... WOOHOO...
and yes shatner and his wiping boy wannabemancow will be assilmilated >;)

hmm... maybe i will take a couple of extra days off from work and show up early and stay a day after... i was plannin on just going to the game.... but i think that is gonna change now

03-07-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by 845
I will be there and in my normal childish manner I will be on channel 6 code 9. :)

Are folks gonna have walkies there? Might be time for me to pick up a couple. What brand do you guys use? And, if possible, what model number?

First person to tag mancow wins 100 paintballs from me :)

Load SM5
03-07-2002, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by virus

hmm... maybe i will take a couple of extra days off from work and show up early and stay a day after... i was plannin on just going to the game.... but i think that is gonna change now

That was my plan. I've never been to Chicago.

03-08-2002, 07:06 PM
Just signed myself and my son up. A couple of more Mags to add to TK's team. I think Tom should have a little get together at AGD with all of the AO members who will be in attendance and fighting for the great AGD name. What do you say Tom? Looking forward to putting some faces to all the great AO members who will be there.

03-08-2002, 08:01 PM
Yeah Tom we could have a tour of AGD for all the AOers who are going. I'll bring a case or 2 of diet coke for you :p if it helps any.

03-08-2002, 09:05 PM
yeah my team and I are doing the same, and it would be really cool if Tom could have a big organized tour or get together at the factory!!!! That would totally rock! :) :)

03-08-2002, 09:57 PM
Ya I am going with black cell.

Load SM5
03-08-2002, 11:28 PM
I plan on going up early and staying late just to tour Chicago and hopefully poke my nose in Airgun and kick Jon around. This sounds like a big ol' AO excuse to get together for something outside of the game.

03-11-2002, 06:21 AM
heh. cow's now saying that he was able to get shatner to play for free.

It's so nice to know he's looking out for the little guy, right?

03-15-2002, 08:28 AM
J.J, any new developments on this?

03-15-2002, 09:21 AM
Virus, if you interested magmonkey and i will be heading out to chicago too. We could all split a rental car or somthing. Cheaper the better

03-15-2002, 09:47 AM
Bill was on Conan last night (3-14-02) and they talked for a bit about the event. Thats hella good advertising. He stated he was talking to other celebs about coming to the game.

Could be fun to see some other celebs in the mix. Names that were mentioned..

Jon Tesh (easy target)
Charlton Heston (dam dirty apes)
Conan (hard to find a mas for a head that big)

If Shatner is on any talk shows, I imagine he will be talking about it, he mentioned they hoped for 4000 people. I want to know where CPX will put that many. It looked full with 500 or 600 openeing weekend.

03-15-2002, 10:23 AM
Whoo hoo, finally got my bounus check and signed up for shatnerball!!

Now all I need to do is find a ride from Milwaukee. Any takers?

Kaiser Bob
03-16-2002, 01:53 PM
I shall be going with Black Cell also.

03-16-2002, 05:07 PM
I got this feeling baout Shatner playing paintball. Somethings gonna go wrong. He is gonna be hte MOST targeted person out there.. and he has never played before. He is gonna get shot up SO bad when people even see himn for a second. Might scare him off or give him a heart attack.

03-17-2002, 08:31 AM
I want everyone to know that I've been away for a while and have not "just ignored" your posts. I drove to the LA Open and then drove back with a stopover at the Grand Canyon (family time) and am now in the middle of a 5 day Army Reserve assignment. I'll post some updates later in the week.

03-17-2002, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Vegeta
I got this feeling baout Shatner playing paintball. Somethings gonna go wrong. He is gonna be hte MOST targeted person out there.. and he has never played before. He is gonna get shot up SO bad when people even see himn for a second. Might scare him off or give him a heart attack.

Yes, that's why the celebs get not only an experienced XO, but three "field commanders" who know how scenario games work and how to protect the general.

In addition, those "assistants" are generally members of teams or other organizations that they will be able to call on for help if needed.

At one point, Pacman (of MXS Scenarios, who will be Shatner's XO) posted on his message board that he was looking for people to join up and help out. He mentioned that the organizers were trying to "seed" the teams with experienced scenario players so that the game does not degenerate into a gigantic "Shoot the Cap'n"-fest.

Which, I think, is a good thing. No two ways about it, this will be a high-profile game, and I'm sure Spplat doesn't want it to be the last. But what do you think their chances will be of ever getting any more celebrity generals, if their first one (Shatner) is shot to a bloody pulp in the first hour?

Oh, by the way, I have an idea for the concert... How about getting a rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "Mr. Tambourine Man" from Shatner? :D

03-17-2002, 10:10 AM
Kemikos is right on target. The plan all along has been to create a vanguard of experienced players to serve as staff and "Palace Guards" for the Celebs. I expect to have an equal number of experienced players on each team and an equal number of highly inexperience players as well. The vanguard troops will serve as advisors for the Celebs as well as protection when needed (from opposing forces or overly excited fans). There will also be groups of "shock troops" that will be used by the commanders to spearhead missions and to lead pushes and counter pushes as needed. It is SPPLAT's (aka my) intention to make this one of the best and the most memorable game in a long time. I do hope it is a prototype for an annual event that brings thousands of players together while gaining positive exposure for Paintball.

Load SM5
03-17-2002, 04:47 PM
I just got the latest Maxim in and there's a short interview with William Shatner in it and he mentions the game but no real specifics.

03-20-2002, 09:30 AM
quick question
is team blackcell the AO contingent?

03-20-2002, 10:01 AM
LOL were an AO contingent?? no no bond and kaiser are just two buddies of ours that live in NJ and will driving out with us. thats all.

03-20-2002, 10:13 AM
well I signed up for team blackcell anyway, sorry. I got my buddy Fred to sign up for it as well.