View Full Version : Is this possible?

02-22-2002, 01:18 PM
I was wondering if it was possible to have dual input's for the internals for a mag.

What I'm talking about is making the gun more universal. Bear with me as I try to explain my idea.

Currently, the retro valve has only one input on the right side of the gun. This means that the hose from the HP tank(Connected as a bottomline) has to go up the right side of the gun. I'm right handed so that in order for the hose not to be in the way of my grip or the trigger, I have to either use an extremely long hose or run it up the left side then over the top to connect it. This dosent do much for the cosmetics of the mag.

An example for illistration's sake, RT's had 6 inputs, 3 on the right and 3 on the left (Of course RT's inputs were in the rail, not the internals). This will allow a right handed player to run the hose up the left side of the gun and keep it out of the way of the grip.

Since I don't have a lot of knowledge of the internal layout of the assembly, is it possible to have a second input hole on the left side of the internals directly opposite of the hole on the right side?

You could use plugs like those available on the RT to plug the hole that you are not using or even a guage is your heart so desires. This just seems to make more sense to me as the majority of paintball players are right handed.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks guys.

02-22-2002, 01:26 PM
This is possible I would assume, especially because AGD produces valves with inlets on either side, the left inlet just happens to be in much fewer quantity. I personally think that having a hose go straight up from bottomline/cradle to valve would look a bit silly, yes i use an 11ish inch SS hose and bend it forward on the right side.

02-22-2002, 01:26 PM
Yeah there is nothing wrong with that idea. I actually included it in my Dream E-Mag desing. Also, the ReTro is avalible with the hold on the left side (but as far as I know, not on both).

I would love a dual taped design, you could put a micro gauge on there and keep an eye on your output pressure there.

02-22-2002, 01:50 PM
Wouldn't that be the input pressure. Oh, you meant the tank output. I would be fun to have a guage there.

02-22-2002, 01:55 PM
Yeah, tank output. Though a gauge on the powerchamber would rule as well. That would be a lot more involved.

I just got a couple DYE micro gauges and and those suckers are tiny.