View Full Version : Who has been ripped before?

02-22-2002, 03:17 PM
who heres been ripped before?

02-22-2002, 03:26 PM
I got ripped on the first gun i bought online. It didnt come with the stock reg, so i had no stars or any thing. He never answered me when i told him that i wanted it back. I havent done much about it, cuz i didnt know it was a serious issue at the time and i now have forgotten his contact numbers.

02-22-2002, 03:35 PM
wow, I'm suprised you till do deals online since your 1st deal was a rip. When I got ripped 1t it was my 3rd deal and thank god t was ony on a little trading card.

02-22-2002, 04:17 PM
this would be an offtopic subject please

02-22-2002, 06:06 PM
heh I'm jsut curious

Rock Star
02-22-2002, 06:32 PM
i got ripped off when someone sold me a shocker. it came with a snapped in half piston housing and HORRIBLE wiring. since then i have fixed everything.

DC Nelson
02-22-2002, 08:13 PM
Get this one...
I know someone who got an angel on ebay. Got it for 1500$ (had a bunch of extra junk on it).
After paying the money, he ended up getting a box full of rocks from ups.
Yup, he had a 1500$ box of rocks!

He got the money back, but it took 3 months.

Now THAT sucks!.

02-22-2002, 09:21 PM
i was nearly ripped off once. i found this guy who was looking for a stock body rail, he said he'd give me his brand new chrome benchmark body rail. so im thinkin "wow, this is a heck of a deal!" so i do the trade with him and send out my body rail. a couple weeks go by and he says its in the mail, but forgot to tell me he was in the navy and was over seas somewhere so it would take quite a while to get to my house. 2 months go by and he stops responding to my emails, keeps saying he got my body rail and sent his too me. 3 months go by and im emailing him every day complaining. So finally i relize im screwed and just buy another stock body rail. about 3 weeks after that, guess what? it shows at my house! never heard from the guy again though. This just shows, if you think you're screwed, just keep pounding the guy and never give up hope.

02-23-2002, 12:17 AM
The guy who sold me my LED still hasn't sent the charger, but I haven't given up yet, hes just kind of a flake.

The guy that sold me my first mag didn't send me my stock valve assembly either. So I made him buy me another one because he said the original was lost in the mail.

Also, the cocker I bought had a stripped body, but the guy I bought it from paid for a good amount of a new body, so it all worked out. Paintball people are generally good people, its just bad when the deal sounds too good, and its not. :(

02-23-2002, 05:11 PM
WOW WHO WOULD DARE SEND A BOX OF ROCKS? Also deded ur lucky you never got ripped.......yet

DC Nelson
02-23-2002, 05:36 PM
A californian... hehe

It was some kid in san fran or the general area. I guess he had been doing the same thing to several people.

They got mad enough at him to threaten legal action, and he finally gave the money back.

I agree that in general, most paintball players are very honest people.
Its sad that theres those few pricks out there that have the potential to ruin everything...


02-23-2002, 06:38 PM
irbodden was just ripped really bad... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26765

02-23-2002, 08:16 PM
Splat Attack...

I sent 'em twenty dollars for a vert. adapter(for my mag). Never got it. Called them up, and they said they never got my money order and don't know who I am. So I went to the post office and got the money order traced. A couple of days later I got a scanned-photograph from the post-office showing my money order with a big stamp on it. They cashed my money order.
I guess I can use legal action, but its only twenty dollars...


02-23-2002, 08:27 PM
heh, yea those few bad apples ruin it for th rest of us.

02-24-2002, 10:55 AM
I got ripped off when I sent my emag back to the shop that I bought it from for service (it came to me with a loose ground but I didn't know enough about the gun at the time to even look for the problem) they had it for two weeks and when I went to pick it up the first thing I noticed was that they lost my box and charger .... they said it was at there other store and they would mail it to me then they gave me the gun still not working right and coverd in several colors of paint and to top it off sombody dropped it so it had a dented rail and three large scuffs in the anno .... when I asked what happened to my gun they said they didn't know but they would give me the grip frame and batt cover off of the other emag they had on the wall
... ok so I travel 50 miles back home and clean the gun to find out that it didn't work so I found out what was wrong and fixed it myself
ok so a month goes by and no box and no charger
I need the gun for a tourney so I called the shop and they said it is still at the other shop just under 100 miles from my house ... but i needed it so I go after it and they offerend me a free pass to there field for my trouble ( a $10 pass)
100 miles to buy the gun
100 miles to drop it off
100 miles to pick it up
200 miles to get the stuff they should have mailed
the agrivation of fixing it myself
and a dented rail
all because I wanted to give my money to a local shop
and when I finaly went to use my pass a couple players at the field came up and said " I remember that gun"
and "I've shot that gun before "
the shop apperently rented it out to several players while it was there to be fixxed and that is why it was covered in paint

02-25-2002, 08:04 PM
need on more opition in the poll:
Yes, tryed to get the mofo but he was too smart and got away

02-26-2002, 12:56 PM
Doc Nickel ripped me off.

02-26-2002, 03:52 PM
magmonkey: that must suck! That's almost worst then a rip! OMG and ppl feel safe when they deal with stores or large organizatons, but I guess ppl can be real jerks sometimes.

GalligerAtWar: heh yea I guess but the rpper would hafta be very smart to get awy if you get some people on it(but it'd cost you some) I'm currently taking a course on crime busting and you'd be suprised how some "smart" rippers really can leave a large trail of evidence.

Panzerr: well I'm not trying to defend a ripper but sometimes the PO can screw up or somthing and that doesn't help. But befroe ayone should call someone a ripper in public forums yu sould check to make sure, you miht just ruin someones reputation evenif it wsn't anyons fault.

02-26-2002, 04:01 PM
He ripped me off. I know of a few other outstanding bills he has too, but I won't mention them. He claims he sent stuff to me, but I never got anything, so I asked for tracking numbers, but he magically didn't have them. I figure if he where innocent, he would have tried to make it right. Instead he has been ignoring me for the past two plus years.

02-26-2002, 04:11 PM
o ok, in that case try to find out his new names and cal for ripper!

02-26-2002, 05:38 PM
i bought a computer on ebay.com and got ripped

it was $450 and they never sent it to me so we called them up their phone was disconnected. when cheaked ebay they said it was out of their hands. we called up the u.s. fraud something or other and we never heard back from them
450 down the drain

next my bother got a gun off ebay and his tank (nitro) was ****-ed up so he got a new reg and that cost $75 and we called that guy and we havent heard back from them

ebay sucks


02-26-2002, 06:52 PM
As a rule I never spend over $20 on E-bay.

02-26-2002, 07:23 PM
Qwll, actually I think forums and ebay are equal because atleast you get something if your ripped but if you get ripped on forums you getnothingat all.

02-26-2002, 10:05 PM
Well I got screwed over big time. I bought an eclipse angel from a guy on pbc. i traded a kapp cocker and $250 for the angel. after working out all the details on the trade the guy i was trading with told me that the gun had a minor leak that was being fixed and that he would ship the gun within a few days. of course i had already sent my cocker and money to him. he gets my stuff and still hasnt sent the angel. he keeps telling me that his shop is working on it. i ask him what was wrong with it and he tells me that the 14 way needs a new o ring. knowing that i had a local shop perfectly capable of fixing this i told him to send it and i would have it fixed as long as he paid for the repair. i also told him that if it wasnt fixable that i would send it back and expect my gun and money back. he agreed. so i finally get the angel a long time after i sent my stuff. i give it to my local shop and they go through it and find out that it is totally screwed up inside. everything from wiring and electronics to the hammer is screwed up. it is basically unfixable because the body is stripped where a piece must screw in. this causes major leaking and isnt fixable. so i talk to the guy i traded with and told him that i wanted to trade back and how the gun wasnt fixable. he went through all kinds of excuses about why he couldnt do this. i kept pestering him on aim and by email to trade back. one night he basically tells me that since i keep pestering him about this he is gonna commit suicide. he couldnt take the pressure or something which was total bull. he was trying to stop me from trying to get my property back. i finally went to my lawyer and we are in the process of trying to settle with him and if that doesnt work we will try to sue him. sorry to take up so much space but i needed to vent.

02-27-2002, 12:38 AM
i got ripped off but it worked for the better in the end.
ok this is what happened i got a autococker off ebay i payed 280 for it and it was supose to have everything aftermarket i thought i was getting a hell of deal then when i got it it was a piece of crap 96 cocker that didnt even work. i fixed it myself, taught myself how a cocker works. then i played a tourament with the cocker and the air supply got cut off in the middle of a game. i said f*ck it i thrw it on the ground never used the gun again the night i got back from my tournament i put an add on warpig explained what was wrong with the gun and how the person could fix it and some idiot traded me a mini mag for my broken cocker :D so i got a mini mag with 3 barrels, nitro, double trigger frame, drop forward, no grips tho :mad: but i think i got the upper part of the deal and im glad i got ripped off because i wouldnt of been able to fall in love with automags :D :D !!!!

02-27-2002, 10:19 AM
i got ripped i bought a gun from 32 degrees. then not learning from my mistake i bought a tank. i have however learnt my lesson. NPS will not see another penny from me.

02-27-2002, 11:18 AM
If you have sent money or items through the mail, contact the postal inspector at your local post office. It may fall under mail fraud. If they think it is, they investigate for free (anywhere in the USA). If you get ripped on eBay, there is $200 insurance they carry ($25 deductable) (been there, done that) and if you pay by paypal, they cover an additional $200 over eBays limit ($400 total). Small claims court does work but be prepared for a loooong wait and a it's a real learning process. For you young guys that got ripped, welcome to the real world. I guarantee this won't be the last time. Bad deals come in markers, cars, houses and just about everything else. Remember the old saying, "If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is."

02-27-2002, 02:31 PM
DTM: thx for the education it seems you're experienced in beening ripped. Thx for all the tips. I more ppl post tips ppl could learn a lot and maybe put an end to ripping.

Drizit: Well yea that sux

giblet: WHOA you decided to rip an innocent mag user cause some fool ripped you? WOW RIPPERS GOTTA STOP THERE DISHONORABE FOOLISHNESS, LOOK THEY LIKE MULTIPLY AS THEY RIP.

Curly: No problem vent all you want, but the fool your talking about seems like a 12 year old if he can't handle stress from sending back your possesions.

02-27-2002, 04:54 PM
B.C. it wasnt that he couldnt handle the stress it was that he was trying to scare me away from taking any legal action. the only thing was i kept records of all emails and all AIM conversations and i passed all those along to my lawyer. hopefully i can get him for fraud and possibly extortion on the suicide thing.

02-27-2002, 05:02 PM
good luck man I hope you get him

02-27-2002, 05:44 PM
B.C. - Yes, unfortunately I have more experience than I could ever want. I doubt we will ever put an end to ripping (too many cheap, dirty, lying, lazy SOB's around) but the more you know how to handle it, the better off you'll be.

Curly - Good luck on your problem but a word of advice (I guess I'm just full of advice today lol) watch out that you don't get RIPPED BY YOUR LAWYER (I don't even want to get into that story!!!)

02-27-2002, 05:53 PM
yeah i dont have to worry about the lawyer. he is very good and also a family friend. thanks for the concern.

02-27-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by ß.C.
giblet: WHOA you decided to rip an innocent mag user cause some fool ripped you? WOW RIPPERS GOTTA STOP THERE DISHONORABE FOOLISHNESS, LOOK THEY LIKE MULTIPLY AS THEY RIP.

no i didnt rip him off i told him it wasnt broken and what was wrong with i and how he could fix it and the person still wanted it so i traded him... so how didi rip this person off. i did the responsible and told the person it was broken

02-27-2002, 07:18 PM
O, ok u kinda made it seem like u ripped him though

02-27-2002, 10:33 PM
i got quazi ripped on ebay just cause i got a 98 sto off ebay and the guy said it was perfect condition never been used (for four years? yeah right). anyway it can scratched up with paint inside and missing an inline reg. not to bad easy fix and everything (got a angel lcd reg for $30) but not what i wanted. oh well guess thats what you get from ebay.

02-28-2002, 02:37 PM
heh seems liek ppl prefer forums over ebay and not jsut cuz of the price!