View Full Version : New RT Micromag owner - Question about lvl 10 bolt wear?

02-04-2014, 06:10 PM
Hello, I recently picked up a Micro R/T with a lvl 10 bolt in it. The bolt looks to have alot of wear on it's face, is this normal? The marker was re-anno'd and I was thinking this could be caused by the opening up of the tolerances? Also the marker did not come with the tuning parts for the lvl 10 and is not currently working. Is Tunamart still around and active? I saw the link but just checking before placing an order. Thanks all -

02-04-2014, 07:51 PM
What do you mean "not working" there isn't much and always feels good to fix it yourself. Congrats on the new mag

02-04-2014, 09:03 PM
do you have pics of tha wear on the bolt that your asking about? what did the sear look like? any pics of that as well?

yeah man, both Tunamart and AGD are still selling parts kits.

is the lvl 10 leaking, chopping?? wat is not working?

02-04-2014, 10:21 PM
Sorry I guess I was a little vague. Here is the bolt wear -


OK, so as for not working, I used to play with only Automags about 15 years ago (wow...I'm old)...but I haven't touched one since and am just getting back into the swing of things. I have watched the lvl 10 videos that I was able to find on you tube but haven't seen this problem before. Mostly I think it is bolt stick, the marker does not fire or do anything when aired up. I pull the trigger and nothing, although I can feel a push back on it. This is the weirder part that has me worried, when I take the valve/power tube assembly out the bolt sometimes sticks in the body with the spring until I give it a little bit of a hit with a strait shot. Is that normal? Thoughts?

Thanks again and here is a pic of the new toy, since she is a beaut! -

02-05-2014, 04:14 PM
Lets try this again, for some reason my post did not work when I tried to respond. ANYway, thanks for the quick responses guys and sorry for being vague. Here is a picture of the bolt damage -
http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af189/Battyman514/Paintball/photo2_zps4316e8bf.jpg (http://s1006.photobucket.com/user/Battyman514/media/Paintball/photo2_zps4316e8bf.jpg.html)

I am just trying to figure out if that much wear on the bolt face is common for lvl 10? I am going to be ordering the rest of the parts tonight for tuning the level ten and wanted to make sure I didn't need to just buy a whole new kit. Also, here is the weird issue that I am having. I can gas the marker up and have no leaks but then nothing happens when I pull the trigger. I can feel resistance but no bang. The marker has fired before so I know the trigger works. Then when I de-gas it the bolt was stuck inside the body with the spring and took a light tap with a strait shot to come free. Any ideas on this? I am worried that the anno process may have opened up tolerances some and that maybe that could be causing an issue. The previous owner said that neither him nor the owner who had it anno'd got it to actually run without bolt stick.

She is a beauty and would love to have this thing going. Here is a little pic of the sexiness -
http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af189/Battyman514/Paintball/b1f641d6-c3c0-4d3d-8bf0-97f60279b1c0_zps3263aa11.jpg (http://s1006.photobucket.com/user/Battyman514/media/Paintball/b1f641d6-c3c0-4d3d-8bf0-97f60279b1c0_zps3263aa11.jpg.html)

02-06-2014, 07:10 AM
What do you mean by wear on the face of the bolt?

Micro mag bodies had smaller breaches than standard mags. The level 10 bolts were often too tight to work properly. You had to either sand down the front lip of the bolt or hone out the breach area of the micro body for the level 10 bolt to work.

02-06-2014, 08:14 AM
That bolt looks fine as long as it fits easily in the body. Contact me here if you need parts or at [email protected] Thanks

02-06-2014, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the replys guys, any idea why I can't see my post? I tried to post pictures twice now but can not see posts listed here. Tunaman sounds like you were able to see it though? I will gather a list up and send it to you for order in just a bit. Thanks!

03-03-2014, 09:59 PM
I see the pics in the post now. Drop the bolt into the body from the back and see how it fits. Does it slide in and out easily or does it stick in the breach?

03-04-2014, 02:16 AM
lol wow, i'm glad i read this. i tried sliding my lvl 10 bolt into my new barrel (.685) just for kicks and it didn't fit! the lvl 10's nose is slightly larger in diameter than the rest of the bolt body (nose ~.687; body .681). some light sanding or polishing should take care of that i think. my lvl 7 fit just fine (.681 OD).

@battyman i'm guessing someone sanded down your lvl 10's nose to fit. makes sense, as the lines are perpendicular to the bolt's direction of travel. if it was bolt wear, the lines would be parallel.

03-04-2014, 09:24 AM
I believe that Maggot here and on MCB was the previous owner on that marker. Regardless, I thought it was only the early Gen 1-3 that had issues with the L10 bolts? I thought this issue had been worked out by the MM2k version?