View Full Version : The breeding cycle of the Classic Automag.

02-10-2014, 08:06 AM
Tell me if any of this rings true.

Player starts with bog standard Automag. CF frame and PF body.
Pretty rail is purchased and installed.
Grip frame is upgraded to Intelliframe or other 1911 gripped alloy frame.
VFG added.
E-bay ReTro valve or X-valve replaces classic valve for RT effect.
Mainbody replaced with inexpensive center feed automag threaded body.
Original parts reassembled into Classic Automag.

Process repeats.

02-10-2014, 08:16 AM

02-10-2014, 08:22 AM
Start with an automag, any automag.

play with it and now you want a 2x trigger, so you buy one.

play some more and now you want a new barrel.

so you go looking for a barrel and end up buying 5 you like.

you play some more and now want to shed some weight.

so you buy a ULE and a Xvalve.

Now you need another new barrel.

looking at this pile of parts you now realise you almost have another mag so you buy parts to make your pile into a mag.


02-10-2014, 08:32 AM
Thought of something else. You have this parts mag, and you think "if I just did this it would be a complete loaner gun". Then you have a "loaner" mag and you think "If I added this and this part, it would be sufficient for a main back up gun".

02-10-2014, 08:40 AM
Ha... im on #6 guess ill be working on a new loaner gun this summer :confused:

02-10-2014, 10:50 AM
If they weren't so damn fun and easy to build it wouldn't be so bad!

But yeah I've had one turn into 3 in a quick couple of months. It's pretty ridiculous.

...My classic could sure use a ULE body though...

02-10-2014, 11:37 AM
I have come to the conclusion that they are adult legos

02-10-2014, 03:21 PM
nope tribbles...leave em near youre wallet and they breed

02-10-2014, 03:43 PM
everyone keeps forgetting the Luke/XMT/Cougars20th effect. you might say that those people start the breeding cycle, as they make something cool and you have to have, thus you start looking at the parts you have and you go building.

02-10-2014, 05:06 PM
Does anyone remember when if it wasn't from AGD it was called a Frankin Mag? Yep ,built from parts. Now they're "custom" mags. Valve and reg having matching numbers is a big thing but I've got more aftermarket regs( ANS and Hurricane) then matching #'s. They even work! I run between 5-20 Mags at any given time and I ask my self Aren't these enough? Then buy a new part.

02-10-2014, 10:14 PM
my experience has been more like, buy a nice classic automag to try out. then, get another one because it was dirt cheap and you want to restore it to it's former glory. then, get another one because you want one with a black body this time, and a lvl 10 bolt, and a y-frame, and a brass barrel...yeah.

how long until i get a 4th automag? three 'mags in four months is ok, right? o_O

02-11-2014, 12:43 AM
LOL! This is a pretty funny thread! Maybe we will outlast the "mags suck" era!


02-11-2014, 03:20 AM
LOL! This is a pretty funny thread! Maybe we will outlast the "mags suck" era!


we did, that was back in the 90's, then the 2000's, and now in 2014, they are still kicking and no one needed to resurrect the guns.

02-12-2014, 02:59 AM
Back in the day when the classic as just a 68Automag it was more like...get a new barrel. Chop paint, get a revvy. Freeze up gun, get an expansion chamber and bottomline with matching anti-syphon tank. Do an 8 hole mod, just because.

Patron God of Pirates
02-12-2014, 10:39 AM
LOL! This is a pretty funny thread! Maybe we will outlast the "mags suck" era!


Yeah, in my recent (last 3 years) experience we are past that. I used to get funny looks and "pft" "tut" reactions when I showed up with my Mags. Now I get either "What the hell is that?" or "watch out for that guy". The later because the accurately assume that I've been playing for a good long while. After a couple of games people are always asking to shoot them.

Tom, I know it's every AOer's pipe dream, but you have got to get together with XMT (CF mainbody), Couger20th (Uni-Frame), and Collin (hAir trigger), and produce the lightest, smallest, fastest firing true semi production marker ever (mechanical or otherwise). Yes, that is slicing the pie up many ways, but you can compensate by putting the price point at 2K. We all know most expensive = best ;)

Related note; I think it's funny that over on Techpb an RT mag owns the overall live paint RoF record over full auto electro's. Anybody with a pneumag and a camera could easily take the pure mech record from the 10bps Cocker that holds it now.

02-12-2014, 11:17 AM
we did, that was back in the 90's, then the 2000's, and now in 2014, they are still kicking and no one needed to resurrect the guns.

I think a lot of it died starting around 2005 with the unlimited ROF electros. At that point, we were free to unleash RTs and X-valves for all they were worth. Then the high pressure ninja regs made it easy for more people to get the air needed, and we've had to restrain our mags ever since.

As much as we bemoan the lack of new AGD products, the lack of advertisement requires players to know something about mags and paintball before they can even find a mag. That eliminates a lot of fits and bad reviews.


On the subject of breeding cycles; I had one classic mag for about 12 years (imprisoned for about 7 years in an attic). Then I bought a relatively cheap mag/loader/bottle package around 2004 because I needed the loader and bottle to feed my new x-valve. I thought I would just pneu the extra mag, but that one has turned into a steady stream of mags and mods. I still have most of the pieces of my first classic mag in service, scattered across various builds. It's more like pollination.

02-12-2014, 12:21 PM
or in my case you start buying cheap splash parts in the early 2000's and then need markers to display it all on.

02-12-2014, 12:50 PM
LOL! This is a pretty funny thread! Maybe we will outlast the "mags suck" era!


It was always mags suck because they blend paint.

Personally I think the issue was the marker could fire way faster than any loader of the day. Now that everyone has FF loaders. If the paint isn't in the breach its the loader getting the blame.

02-12-2014, 01:06 PM
It was always mags suck because they blend paint.

Personally I think the issue was the marker could fire way faster than any loader of the day. Now that everyone has FF loaders. If the paint isn't in the breach its the loader getting the blame.

Right? There was just no AGD loader to match the marker! The Halo helped mags out a lot.

02-12-2014, 01:29 PM
Right? There was just no AGD loader to match the marker! The Halo helped mags out a lot.

So doesn't this mean that the mag was actually about 12 years ahead of the curve in firing capability.

02-12-2014, 02:15 PM
Not really. There's a video floating around of some dude hopper dumping a full auto SMG-68 68 special using a Halo. Which I absolutely intend to do when I get a FF loader. And an insanely large CO2 tank.

All semi-autos were restricted by hoppers for a very long time.

Here it is.

02-12-2014, 02:36 PM
My wife is pretty sure Automags don't breed. That they just spontaneously appear in random places around the house and stay to live.

02-12-2014, 02:43 PM
My wife is pretty sure Automags don't breed. That they just spontaneously appear in random places around the house and stay to live.

Wormholes. Pop! There comes another.

The other story to tell the wife is that it is an old marker, it just has the one new part you made for it. The part just makes it all look new. It's that good. Never mind several people can play with that marker all at once...

02-12-2014, 02:45 PM
Wormholes. Pop! There comes another.

The other story to tell the wife is that it is an old marker, it just has the one new part you made for it. The part just makes it all look new. It's that good.

Cant she does have a clue what I have. Especially since I like flashy anodizing.

Patron God of Pirates
02-12-2014, 02:47 PM
Not really. There's a video floating around of some dude hopper dumping a full auto SMG-68
Here it is.

Not to be a PITA, but that is not a full hopper, it's about 21 shots. His peek RoF was 7bps. And based on the peek to peek cycle time that is as fast as that marker can cycle:

02-12-2014, 02:48 PM
Cant she does have a clue what I have. Especially since I like flashy anodizing.

That's where the basic hobby anodizing helps. Do a few parts yourself and shuffle it all around. If you can't keep track, she can't either.

02-12-2014, 02:52 PM
To me it was, that I came back from a long break from playing and noticed all the new and pretty versions of mag's that had sprung out while I wasn't looking. Now I'm just collecting pretty much everything that strikes my fancy :D... And Luke, XMT, renie and cougar20th just keep adding all that cool new stuff. :rolleyes:

02-12-2014, 03:16 PM
Not to be a PITA, but that is not a full hopper, it's about 21 shots. His peek RoF was 7bps. And based on the peek to peek cycle time that is as fast as that marker can cycle:

You beat me to it. But you got a lot more technical. I used one of them old guns. No way. No how that they even came close to a mag. What your ears are forgetting to factor in to the sound of it. Is the clank forward and clank back of the blowback design. Basically every shot sounds like 2. And good lord did them things kick. Also. No one local needed any kind of agetated hopper around here till 95 when the main local players all bought mags and cockers. Then and only then did any of us buy agitators or shreaders. Using an agitator. And then later a revolution on my rt best I could do was 4 round d bursts without risks of the marker becoming a blender. My mag back in 05-06 was a double edged sword. One of the fastest guns on the field next to the couple upgraded cockers. BUT shoot to many fast strings of shots it would start freezing up due to co2. Once com pair became mainstream I got a scuba tank and nitroduck minireg. No more issues at all.

02-12-2014, 06:23 PM
Not to be a PITA, but that is not a full hopper, it's about 21 shots. His peek RoF was 7bps. And based on the peek to peek cycle time that is as fast as that marker can cycle:

Science! (thanks!)

02-17-2014, 01:36 PM
That is exactly what happened to my first mag, a bone stock new Minimag. Eventually all of the stock parts except for the body were replaced and it became a totally different gun. I ended up selling it all to fund my classic RT obsession, but I still wish I had just kept that Minimag stock and kept it. Live and learn:argh:

02-17-2014, 07:16 PM
You can't kill an 68 Automag. My original gun still works very well. Still has the original non-removable sear, and bolt with a foamie that was made and glued on by my teammate that worked at Fermi lab. Some kind of nuclear material and glue.... Still has the c-clip powertube.
I still have over 200 Automag field rentals, many have been on the field since 1991. That's 7 years before Tippmann came out with The model 98, and they claim that's the worlds best field rental....I don't think so...

How can any gun ever even compare?


02-17-2014, 07:32 PM
You can't kill a 68 Automag.

Yes you can. become a machinist and sneeze... no more automag

02-17-2014, 07:38 PM
I've done that.....:cry:

02-17-2014, 08:30 PM
I was always a cocker guy in the mid/late 90 early 200s. I was young, loved to tinker, and being the go to guy people would line up every week after they messed up their timing etc.. It felt great that people would seek you out if you were even descent at working on them.

We (my teams) didn't use Mags because 1. They chopped paint 2. They chopped paint 3. They chopped paint.

You could be at tournys and see guys leaving if they forgot their squeegees' because it was then game over. You automatically knew they weren't playing with a cocker or an angel.

However, today, years later after being out of the loop and now seeing the improvement in AGD bolts the story has changed in my mind.

Though I love the sound of a cocker, I don't want to even touch one. My days of obsesive tinkering are over. I do not want to mess with timing, barbs, hoses, rams, auctuator rods etc. I want a solid gun that doesn't run on batteries and can give me great perfomance.

My choice now is a mag and a level 10 bolt. Done!

Yes, unfortunetly we all like candy and that drives the changes, but a mag package consisting of vert feed body, retro or X valve , good grip, and hpa is simple and worth it over all other options.